MSVCR110.DLL error: how to fix


MSVCR110.DLL error How to fix

Problems with MSVCR110.dl are associated with the Visual C ++ component. It is used by programmers for its needs. An error occurs if the software does not find a DLL in the system or for some reason is not registered in the registry. But, most often, the library is absent. The cause of the malfunction can serve as an incomplete installation package downloaded from torrent tracker. "Referencers" minimize the size of the installer in the hope that the user has already installed the desired Visual C ++. Therefore, such installation packages do not always contain additional libraries that are needed to work.

Sometimes unlicensed games modify DLL, as a result of which they cease to work correctly. Before you start searching for a missing file, check the antivirus quarantine. Perhaps the library is there.

Method 1: MSVCR110.DLL loading

To solve the problem with MSVCR110.DLL without additional programs, you will need to download it and move to the C: \ Windows \ System32 folder suitable for you by the method or as shown in the image.

Copy MSVCR110.DLL file in Windows System32 folder

The DLL installation path may vary, it depends on the version of the operating system and its discharge. For example, Windows 7,64 bits will require a different way than the same OS with a bit of x86. More detailed about how and where to install DLL is written in this article. To find out how to register the file correctly, you should read another article. This operation is required in abnormal cases, it is not necessary to conduct it.

Method 2: Download Visual C ++

This package adds different DLL to the computer, including MSVCR110. It will be necessary to download it and install.

After hitting the page for download, you will need:

  1. Select the installation language as your Windows.
  2. Click on the button "Download".
  3. Visual C ++ package for Visual Studio 2012

    Next, you will need to choose the option for a specific case. There are two varieties - 32 and 64-bit. To find out the bit of your computer, open the "properties" by clicking on the "computer" with the right mouse button on the desktop. In the window that opens, you will see the necessary information.

    View basic information about your computer

  4. Select the appropriate option.
  5. Click "Next".
  6. Selection of Visual C ++ download version for Visual Studio 2012

    Next, run the installation.

  7. We agree with licensing conditions.
  8. Click "Set".

Installing Visual C ++ package for Visual Studio 2012

DLL file will enter the system and the error will eliminate.

It will be necessary to note that packages that have released after version 2015 may not make the old option. Then, using the "Control Panel", you will need to delete them and then set the 2015 set.

Removing Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable 2017

One way should help you cope with the problem of missing the MSVCR110.DLL file.

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