How to remove linux and leave windows 7


How to remove linux and leave windows 7

Step 1: Cleaning disk space

As you know, quite often, users install multiple operating systems to one computer, for example, some Linux distribution next to Windows 7. However, a desire to remove Linux appears, leaving only the second system. In this case, it is not necessary without special manipulations, because when banal formatting partitions breaks down. Start still standing with cleaning disk space, which is carried out like this:

  1. Upload Windows 7, open the Start menu and go from there to the "Control Panel".
  2. Go to Windows 7 control panel to remove Linux disk space

  3. Here, select "Administration".
  4. Transition to Windows 7 administration to remove disk space Linux

  5. In the list that appears, you are interested in "Computer Management".
  6. Running computer management tool to remove Linux disk space

  7. Take advantage of the left pane to open the category "Disks" category.
  8. Switch to Windows 7 disk management to remove Linux disk space

  9. Find logical volumes with Linux files, right-click on them and select "Delete Tom" in the context menu.
  10. Selecting the Windows 7 hard disk partition to remove the Linux disk space

  11. Confirm your intentions by selecting "Yes."
  12. Confirmation of disk space cleaning in Windows 7 to remove Linux

  13. Now it is clear that a certain amount of space has become free. In the future, it will be possible to create a separate section or expand already existing ones.
  14. Successful cleaning of disk space in Windows 7 when removing Linux

Now all Linux files have been deleted from the computer, including custom, so make sure that nothing important in the specified sections remains.

Step 2: Booter Restore

The next step is to restore the bootloader. To do this, you will have to download Windows in recovery mode. It will take for this ISO image with the operating system itself or physical disk. Auxiliary materials on this topic are looking for in articles according to the links below, and we will proceed to direct recovery.

Read more:

Create a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 7

Configure BIOS to download from a flash drive

  1. After downloading the installer, select a convenient language and go further.
  2. Running Windows 7 Installer to restore the loader when removing Linux

  3. Click the link located on the left below, called "System Restore".
  4. Go to the Windows 7 recovery section to restore the loader when removing Linux

  5. Wait for the recovery settings.
  6. Waiting for the Operating System Operating System Detection of the Loader

  7. A notification of the found system will appear. Here it will be enough to click on "Next".
  8. Go to the choice of means to restore Windows 7 when removing Linux

  9. In the media selection window that appears, find the "Command Line" option.
  10. Run a command line to restore Windows 7 bootloader when removing Linux

  11. The appropriate snap will start. Cool the bootrec.exe / fixmbr command to create a basic boot record.
  12. First command to restore Windows 7 bootloader when removing Linux

  13. After that, use the BootRec.exe / FixBoot string to create a new boot sector.
  14. Second command to restore Windows 7 bootloader when removing Linux

  15. It is these two commands that are responsible for restoring the bootloader. If they are successful, the "The Operation Completed SuccessFully" notification will be displayed in the "Command Line".
  16. Successful restoration of Windows 7 bootloader when removing Linux

  17. Close the console and in the tool selection window, click the "Restart" button.
  18. Reboot Windows 7 after the bootloader is restored when removing Linux

  19. When the "Recovery After Windows Error" mode appears, select "Normal Windows Load" and click on ENTER.
  20. Normal boot of Windows 7 after the bootloader is restored

The last screenshot clearly demonstrates that the loader was successfully restored. It remains only to save the system from unnecessary settings and set the standard startup parameters, which we will talk about in the final step of today's material.

Step 3: Cleaning the residual parameters Ubuntu

Now Windows startup parameters can be configured in such a way that when loading, the menu will still be displayed with the OS selection. Sometimes it interferes, so you should turn off this setting and other unnecessary parameters that could remain from the second operating system.

  1. After launching Windows 7, expand the "Start", enter there with msconfig and open the program displayed in the results.
  2. Go to Windows 7 startup settings after the bootloader is restored.

  3. In the "Load" section, make sure that there is one OS, and install Windows 7 as default, if it does not automatically happen.
  4. Setting up Windows 7 startup after removing Linux

  5. Now go to the control panel.
  6. Go to the control panel to configure Windows 7 Download Screen

  7. Open the "System" section in it.
  8. Go to section System to configure Windows 7 Download Screen

  9. Take advantage of the left pane to go to "Advanced System Parameters".
  10. Go to Advanced System Settings for Windows 7 Setup

  11. In the "Advanced" tab, click on the "Options" button located in the "Download and Restore" block.
  12. Go to setting up Windows 7 startup settings

  13. Here you can disable the option to display the list of operating systems when downloading a computer or recovery options if required.
  14. Setting Windows 7 startup settings after removing Linux

Now you know how easy and quickly delete Linux, while saving the original state of Windows 7. All major actions are focused on restoring the standard bootloader, which happens by entering the literally two console commands.

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