Download physxcudart_20.dll


download physxcudart 20 dll

Modern computer games, especially Triple-A projects, are able to transmit all the physical aspects of the real world in a rather realistic form. But for this you need to have appropriate equipment and sufficient software support. More for physics in games, the PHYSX package is responsible. But when starting the application, the user can observe an error in which the physxcudart_20.dll library is mentioned. The article will be told how to fix it and what it relates to PhysX.

Method 1: loading physxcudart_20.dll

A good option to eliminate the problem will be an independent installation in the file of the PhysXCudart_20.dll library file. Place it is necessary in the system folder. Unfortunately, in each version of Windows, it has a different location and name, but in this article you can familiarize yourself with all the nuances. In the example, the installation of the DLL in Windows 7 will be demonstrated.

  1. Load the library and open the directory with this file.
  2. Press PCM on it and select "Copy".
  3. Copying PhysXCudart_20.dll DLL file

  4. Go to the system folder.
  5. Press PCM and select "Paste".
  6. Inserting DLL file physxcudart_20.dll in the system directory

After executing the actions described above, the error can still not go anywhere. Most likely, Windows simply did not register the file. But you can make it yourself, guided by the instructions in the relevant article on our website.

Method 2: Installing PhysX

DLL physxcudart_20.dll is part of the PHYSX software package, which can be judged by the name of the library. From this we can conclude that the PHYSXCUDART_20.DLL file will be installed during the package installation. Below will be described in detail how to download and install PHYSX on your computer.

To download the package:

  1. Go to the official product site.
  2. Click the "Download Now" button.
  3. Button on the official PHYSX website to load the package

  4. Click "Accept and Download" to start downloading.
  5. Button to start loading PhysX on the official website

After completing all actions, the PHYSX installer will be loaded onto a PC. Go to the folder with it and run the file, after which:

  1. Take the agreement by clicking on the corresponding button.
  2. Adoption of a license agreement when installing the PHYSX package

  3. Wait until the installer prepares everything you need to start installation.
  4. The process of preparing all components of the PHYSX package for further installation

  5. Wait for the installation of all PHYSX components and click "Close".
  6. The last stage of installing PHYSX package

Now the physxcudart_20.dll library is in the system, and all games requiring it will be launched without problems.

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