Download 3dmgame.dll file


Download 3dmgame.dll file

3dmgame.dll is a dynamic library that is an integral part of Microsoft Visual C ++. It is used by many modern games and programs: PES 2016, GTA 5, Far Cry 4, Sims 4, Arma 3, Battlefield 4, Watch Dogs, Dragon Age: Inquisition and others. All these applications will not be able to start and the system will give an error if there is no 3dmgame.dll on the computer. Such a situation may be formed because of the failure in the OS or actions of antivirus software.

Method 1: Loading 3DMGame.dll

Faster to solve the problem that has arisen when you start any game - download the file itself that requires Windows and add it to the system.

As a rule, the downloaded library must be moved to the root folder with the game, that is, where its EXE-file is located, designed to start. Less frequently, DLL is added to one of the internal folders of the "bin" type - it all depends on the application itself.

Method 2: Installing Microsoft Visual C ++

Microsoft Visual C ++ is a popular Windows development environment. It depends on the performance of many Windows applications, and therefore it may require its installation to restore the performance of the program.

  1. Download Microsoft Visual C ++
  2. In the window that opens, put a tick in "I accept the license terms" and click on "install".
  3. Home Installation Microsoft Visual C ++

  4. The installation process is underway.
  5. MICROSOFT VISUAL C ++ installation process

  6. Next, click on the "Restart" or "Close" button to restart the PC immediately or later, respectively.
  7. Completing the installation of Microsoft Visual C ++

    All is ready.

Method 3: Adding 3DMGame.dll to exclude antivirus

Earlier it was said that the file could be removed or placed in quarantine antivirus software. Therefore, you can add 3DMGame.dll in its exception, but only in case of confidence that the file does not represent danger to the computer. Please note that this is not uncommon, and even in the absence of an antivirus installed on your own, transfer the file to quarantine and the defender built into Windows.

Read more: How to add an antivirus program

Method 4: Checking the integrity of the game files

Some gaming clients through which certain games were purchased, provide the ability to check the integrity of the files of the already installed copies. Thanks to such a function, all damaged or missing components can be carried out, thereby returning the game without the need to reinstall it. For example, it can be done in Origin or Steam, and then on their examples we will show how it can be done.


  1. Open the client and go to the "Library" section. From the list of acquired games, find out the one that does not start. By pressing the right mouse button, go to "Properties".
  2. Go to Skyrim properties in Windows 10 to check the integrity of the files

  3. In the window that opens, switch to the Local Files tab.
  4. Transition to Skyrim file management in Windows 10 to test integrity

  5. Click the "Check the integrity of the game file integrity" and wait for the operation. It will take up to a pair of minutes, and at the end displays the result of the check performed.
  6. Checking the integrity of the Skyrim game files in Windows 10 through the shopping area


  1. Expand the client and in the Library, find a problem game. Click on it right-click and select Restore.
  2. Go to the library of your games in Origin and restoring a problem game

  3. You need to wait a bit until all the files are checked and are proof if necessary.
  4. The process of restoring the integrity of the game files in Origin

  5. Upon completion, a notification is displayed that the game is ready for launch.
  6. Successful restoration of the integrity of the game files in Origin

Method 5: Reinstalling the game with disabled antivirus

Sometimes the file turns out to be blocked by antivirus yet at the installation stage of the game, because of which it will be simply absent in the system until the user execute reinstalling the entire application. However, before this, it is necessary to disable antivirus software for a while, and then after installing the game, it is desirable to add a folder with a 3DMGame.dll file to exceptions (see Method 2).

Temporary disabling Antivirus Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Read more: How to turn off the operation of the antivirus

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the assembly of the game is sometimes guilty. Since such problems most often go to the leg with pirate copies damaged from hacking or other modifications, it will be logical to search another installer or acquire its licensed version.

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