Download dvm.dll


Download dvm.dll

DVM.DLL Library - Component of Physical Engine Games of the Chronicles Of Riddick, Risen, Sherlock Holmes VS. Jack The Ripper and a number of less well-known products. As a rule, the error reports that the program launch is impossible, but other options are found. The problem is typical for Windows versions that support these games. There is a failure due to actions of antivirus software, interference with the system from the user or incorrect installation of the game.

Method 1: Installing the library manually

In this case, you will have to download the DVM.DLL file yourself and throw it into the system folder corresponding to your OS. Most often it is the root directory of the game (the folder in which the EXE file is to start it), less often the file must be put into one of its internal folders, usually "bin", and even less often the library needs to move to System32, located in Catalog "Windows".

Manual loading DVM.DLL in the system folder

Most likely, after this procedure, you will need to restart the computer. An error when starting should be lost, but if this does not happen, you need to register a DLL in the system.

Method 2: Antivirus Quarantine Check

Manual or built into an antivirus built into the operating system can, by error, block the addition of a file into the system, transferring it to quarantine. In such a situation, the user needs to go to this section of the protective software and check the availability of DVM.DLL there. If the file is detected, it remains to be restored and in order to prevent subsequent locks when scanning OS, add a library or the folder in which it is located in the exception list.

Add Exception in Windows 10 Defender

Read more: How to add a file to exclude antivirus

Method 3: Checking the integrity of game files

Sometimes file damage cause errors with DLL operation, and in most cases the user needs to either look for their working versions itself, or reinstall the program itself. But if it comes to gaming clients, that is, an alternative solution to the problem. It consists in scanning the game of the game for the integrity, which can be done, for example, in style or origin. Both of these clients allow you to restore the missing or damaged components that are necessary to start it by checking the entire folder.


  1. Open the game client, go to the "library", find a game there, which requires DLL, click on it PCM and select "Properties".
  2. Go to Skyrim properties in Windows 10 to check the integrity of the files

  3. Switch to the Local Files tab.
  4. Transition to Skyrim file management in Windows 10 to test integrity

  5. Click on "Check the integrity of the game files" and wait for scanning results with the results.
  6. Checking the integrity of the Skyrim game files in Windows 10 through the shopping area


  1. Through the "library", find a problem game, call the context menu, where click "Restore".
  2. Go to the library of your games in Origin and restoring a problem game

  3. Expect until the procedure is completed.
  4. The process of restoring the integrity of the game files in Origin

  5. At the end of the client will notify you that the game is ready for launch.
  6. Successful restoration of the integrity of the game files in Origin

Method 4: Reinstalling Games

It is often happening that the game files may be corrupted, for example, antivirus or installing any modification. In such a situation, remove the game, clean the registry and install it again. Follow the instructions below.

  1. Remove the game in any suitable way described in this article. If you use Steam or Origin, it will not be familiar with the following materials.

    Read more:

    Remove the game in the style

    Removing the game in Origin

  2. The next step is to clean the registry. The most simple method to make such a procedure is described in this article.

    We strongly recommend that you use only licensed versions of games to avoid this and many other problems!

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