How to determine the date of registration in classmates


How to determine the date of registration in classmates

Often users drive interest, so they wish to find out the date of creating a personal page in the social network classmates. Unfortunately, this information is not displayed on the profile page or in the settings, so you have to make several cunning actions to determine it. You can do this both through the full version of the site and in a mobile application.

All those wishing to determine the date of registration of another user, the following instructions will not fit. In the functionality of classmates there is no such option that would allow to do this, so the instruction applies only to a personal profile for which authorization data is known.

Option 1: Full version of the site

This method refers to those who use a computer or laptop to spend time in the social network under consideration. It is only required to open your page through any convenient browser and perform the following steps:

  1. Most likely, authorization in the profile has already been completed, so you will first have to get out of it. To do this, expand the menu located on the right side of the top panel.
  2. Opening the profile management menu in the full version of classmates to exit

  3. Click on the "Exit" inscription.
  4. Button to exit classmates in the full version of the site

  5. Confirm the output by selecting the appropriate option when notifications appear.
  6. Confirmation of the exit from the profile of classmates in the full version of the site

  7. Now on the Authorization page, move to the "Login" tab.
  8. Transition to the input form in the full version of the site classmates

  9. Here, instead of entering data for login, click on a clickable inscription "Does not fit?
  10. Transition to restoring access to classmates to determine the date of registration in the full version of the site.

  11. Now an attempt to restore access to the profile will be made, but it is not necessary to scare, the password will not be reset and the whole process will not affect the page itself. You just need to choose a phone number or email address so that the code for recovery is sent there.
  12. Choosing a recovery tool in the full version of the site classmates to determine the date of registration

  13. Enter the phone or email to which the page has been registered, and then click on the "Get Code" button.
  14. Email entry to restore access for classmates in the full version of the site

  15. In the appropriate field, specify the received code and click "Confirm".
  16. Entering code to restore access in the full version of the site classmates to determine the registration date

  17. Due to "Is this your profile?" You will see the date of its creation. This set task can be considered successfully solved.
  18. Determining the registration date in the full version of the site classmates when accessing access

  19. Now you can click on the inscription "Odnoklassniki" to go to the main page.
  20. Transition to conventional authorization after determining the date of registration in the full version of the site classmates

  21. Here, follow the standard entrance to the profile and go to the usual interaction with it.
  22. Ordinary authorization after determining the registration date in the full version of the site classmates

This method will work for any page in classmates, and the main condition is to know the phone number or email, which are tied to the account to get the recovery code and determine the creation date.

Option 2: Mobile application

With a mobile application, things are in the same way, and all the differences are observed only in a special implementation of the interface. If you have familiarized yourself with the previous option, I certainly understood exactly how to solve the task of determining the date.

  1. Open classmates on your phone or tablet, where to expand the global menu, taping along the corresponding button on the left at the top.
  2. Opening a menu to exit a mobile application classmates

  3. Run down the list and select "Exit."
  4. Exit from mobile application Odnoklassniki to determine registration dates

  5. Confirm the output. If necessary, save the password to automatically enter the next authorization.
  6. Confirmation of exit from mobile application Odnoklassniki to determine the date of registration

  7. If any profiles have already been tied to the application, after successful exit, you will have to click on the inscription "Log in to another profile".
  8. Transition to the login form in a mobile application classmates to determine the date of registration

  9. Under the fields for filling out the data, find the inscription "WHY DO NOT WORK?".
  10. Transition to page recovery via mobile application classmates

  11. Select Access Recovery Tool.
  12. Choosing a means to restore a page through a mobile application classmates

  13. Enter mail or phone number, and then tap "Next".
  14. Email mail to restore the page in mobile application Odnoklassniki to determine the registration date

  15. Specify the received code in a specially designated field and confirm the action.
  16. Entering code for recovery page in mobile application Odnoklassniki

  17. You will see the inscription "Profile with Mail / Phone Number Created XX.XX.20XX". This is the information you are interested in today.
  18. Determination of the date of registration of the page through the mobile application classmates

    Now you can close the recovery form and execute the standard input to the profile using all the same authorization data.

You just got acquainted with the only method of determining the date of registration in classmates through the full version of the site and the mobile application. If in the future the developers will return the second way to view this information, we promptly update the contents of this material by adding it.

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