How to change the link to the profile in classmates


How to change the link to the profile in classmates

When creating a personal page on a social network, classmates each user is assigned a random unique identifier, which is referenced by the profile. If you wish, you can change it once by using the corresponding menu in the settings. Today we suggest to figure out how to make the most simple as possible and quickly.

Once again, you can specify your own link only once, so you will take this setting seriously. If you wish to do this next time you will need to make a letter to the support service, explaining why such a need arose. There is a chance that the administration will not at all consider this question or decide it is not in your favor.

For more information, I would like to provide both the owners of phones and tablets who want to ask a link to the profile through the application or the mobile version of the site. In these cases, you will not be able to change the setting, since it is now available only in the full version of the site. If you do not have access to a computer, open the site through the browser, go down the ribbon, where you find the "Full Site Version" button and click on it.

Transition to the full version of the site classmates for further change links to the profile

Now, when we sorted out with all the nuances and everyone opened the full version of the site, you can move to the direct solution of the task. This is as follows:

  1. Run down the ribbon, where in the second block, click on the "My Settings" string.
  2. Go to the settings to change the link to the profile in the social network classmates

  3. In the "Basic" section, click on the "Link to Profile" field.
  4. Button to change the link to the profile in the full version of the site classmates

  5. Navigate to familiarize with the rules of its creation, so that in the future your account is not blocked for violations just these conditions.
  6. Transition to familiarization with the rules of drawing up a link to the profile in classmates

  7. Explore all the information provided, and then click on the "Create" button.
  8. Familiarization with the rules of drawing up a link to the profile in classmates

  9. In the appropriate field, enter a new link or leave the proposed automatically option, and then confirm the creation.
  10. Changing the link to the profile in the full version of the site classmates

  11. You will be notified that the profile reference has been successfully created.
  12. Successful change of reference to the profile in the social network classmates

  13. It will be automatically updated and now when you open the page by you or any other user, a new address will be displayed in the address bar.
  14. Acquaintance with a new link to the profile in the social network classmates

Such a simple way, any user can change the link to his profile once once, making it a short, memorable or unusual. The above instruction will make it possible to understand this issue, and will also reveal all the existing nuances.

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