How to dial subscribers to the VKontakte group


How to dial subscribers to the VKontakte group for free

Any community on the social network VKontakte may well function and without subscribers, but only their presence is able to influence the distribution of published content. To add new users to the list of "participants", various methods are used by the owners of public. It is about the data, mostly legal ways to cheat subscribers, we will describe under today's instructions.

Rules of group promotion

Before detailing the main methods of cheating subscribers free of charge, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules for designing the group. This stage in any case should be the first, since in the community without subscribers the only indicator of reliability is the publication and frequency of the appearance of new content.

Sample basic settings in the community on VKontakte website

Basically, it will be enough to choose an avatar and, if you wish to establish the cover created personally or made to order specifically for the community. In addition, be sure to consider the name, which is subsequently not recommended, and specify the description in accordance with the direction of the public.

Example of a properly decorated community on VKontakte website

Read more: Proper registration of the VK group

We can recommend to familiarize yourself with the other instructions on our website, where each stage of the promotion, including design and recordings on the wall, was disclosed in detail. Next, we will focus on the cheating of subscribers in the already prepared community.

Read more: Proper promotion of the VK group

Method 1: Friends Invitation

The easiest way to start reset subscribers, sending invitations to users from your "Friends" list using the Standard Opportunities of the VKontakte Social Network. This will make it possible to collect some, most likely, a small number of people who will subsequently see publications in the tape and share on their own wall. You can read more details with the invitation procedure in separate instructions.

An example of sending an invitation to the community on VKontakte website

Read more:

How to talk about the VK community

Invitation to people in the group VK

Increase the efficiency of the method, you can not only send invitations using the "Tell Friends" option, but also independently making reposites in private messages or on the wall.

Example of the process of creating a repost on VKontakte website

Read more:

How to write a message VK

Mailing messages VK

How to make a repost

You should also not ignore how to cheat friends and subscribers to the page, as almost every user becomes a potential participant.

An example of the legal cheating of friends on VKontakte website

Read more: How to wind friends

Combining the specified options, but not rolling into a frank spam, you will rather close the first hundreds, and maybe thousands of subscribers. Do not forget that it is relevant only at the very beginning of development.

Method 2: Mutual Advertising

Another way to wind-focused on collecting a much larger number of subscribers is to offer mutual advertising with the same novice communities. To do this, you need to find a public with an audience that your content will be interesting, and contact the owner through the contact block or using the community messages.

Sample block Contacts in the community on VKontakte website

Unfortunately, we can not give any more specific recommendations in this matter, as publics, as well as the conditions for mutual advertising, are different. In general, for the right screw, as a result, you will need to accommodate any post of advertising from another group on your wall, and a similar procedure will be performed for your community.

Method 3: Discussions and Comments

As an additional option for the previous method, it is also worth paying attention to the VKontakte communities, which themselves allow you to perform the cheating by publishing a link somewhere in comments or discussions. If this happens with the permission of the Public Administration, no locks will follow, and you will get a chance to expand the list of participants.

Example of discussion for advertising in the community on VKontakte website

Especially this method is relevant for groups of some performers of music or artists making work to order. It is at the expense of such creative activity, large communities often make exceptions, allowing self-advertising. Unfortunately, we cannot advise some specific groups.

Method 4: third-party services

Perhaps the most faithful way of free cheating of subscribers to the community is to use third-party online services providing relevant services in exchange for certain tasks. Most often, the required actions are reduced to the mutual subscription previously mentioned or advertising on the wall of the page or group.

Example of third-party online service for cheating VKontakte's subscribers

As it is easy to guess, this method is illegal and violates the Farm of VKontakte, because of which, with frequent use, problems may arise. However, at your own risk and risk you can familiarize yourself with the best of these sites:




We draw attention to the fact that these services can be used not only for cheating, but also to earn the initial capital to subsequently buy "live" subscribers from more reliable resources or simply use advertising in VKontakte. At the same time, if you still decided to use the specified sites when you pick up the audience, be sure to clean the group from the "dogs".

Read more: How to remove "dogs" from the VK community

Considered in the course of the article Options for cheating subscribers for the most part are built at good luck, as it is very difficult to find reliable communities for mutual advertising or invite a large number of people using the "Tell Meeting" option and leaving messages in the comments. At the same time, the last method is practically deprived of these shortcomings and is recommended for use if you are not afraid of possible difficulties.

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