How to get out of chat in classmates


How to get out of chat in classmates

All dialogues and group conversations in the social network classmates are called chats. It is there that corresponds between users. There are situations where there is no longer need to participate in any correspondence, and then it should be out of it. You can do this in both the full version of the site and in the mobile application approx.

Full version of the site

Today we will analyze the two available methods for implementing the task. The first is to exit from any dialogue or conversation, the creator of which is another person. The second also implies a complete removal of the correspondence itself with the accompanying exception of other participants. You only need to choose the appropriate option for yourself and follow the instructions to unmistakably get out of the chat.

Option 1: Exit dialogue

Exit from the dialog does not imply remove all messages without the possibility of their further recovery. Consider this before performing the operation, then not to regret the lost correspondence. If you are confident that the chat can be bolder to leave, follow these actions:

  1. Go to the personal page in Odnoklassniki and open the "Messages" section.
  2. Opening the message section in the full version of the site classmates to exit the conversation

  3. Pay attention to the left panel with all the available dialogs and shared chats. Lay there more unnecessary correspondence. If it fails to do quickly, use the search by specifying the name of the target user. Click on the required tile to open the edit chat.
  4. Choosing a dialogue to exit it in the full version of the site classmates

  5. On the right above, find the "Settings" icon and click on it with the left mouse button.
  6. Go to the settings of the dialogue to exit it in the full version of the site classmates

  7. A drop-down menu will appear, in which you should select "Delete Chat".
  8. The output button from the dialogue in the full version of the site classmates

  9. Re-click on "Delete".
  10. Confirmation of the output from the dialogue in the full version of the site classmates

  11. As you can see, now remote chat is missing in the list.
  12. Successful removal of dialogue in the full version of the site classmates

When re-creating a conversation with the same person, the dialogue with which was just deleted, the old messages will not be displayed and the current chat will be considered new.

Option 2: Removing your own group chat

When leaving your own group correspondence, some users are interested in fully closing it, eliminating other participants. If you simply delete this chat, all other participants will continue to communicate with each other, but they will not be able to invite you to a group or perform other actions to manage it.

  1. To implement this operation on the same panel in the "Messages" section, find the group chat and select it.
  2. Selecting a group chat to exit it in the full version of the site classmates

  3. Click the icon marked in the screenshot below to view the list of all participants.
  4. Transition to the list of group chat participants in the full version of the site classmates

  5. Mouse over the account and click on the cross, which will be displayed on the right to eliminate this person.
  6. Select user to exclude from group chat in the full version of the site classmates

  7. In the history of the conversation, information will be displayed that specific users have been removed.
  8. Successful exclusion of group chat participants in the full version of the site classmates

  9. After cleaning the chat from the participants, it remains only to get out of it. To do this, click the "Settings" icon.
  10. Go to the group chat settings to exit it in the full version of the site classmates

  11. In the menu that appears, click on the "Chat" row.
  12. Exit from group chat in the full version of the site classmates

  13. Confirm this action.
  14. Confirmation of the exit from group chat in the full version of the site classmates

  15. Now the conversation will not be displayed in the list of dialogs and the restore content will not work in any way.
  16. Successful way out of group chat in the full version of the site classmates

Mobile app

In the mobile application, the exit from chats and the deletion of participants occurs a little differently, but the principle remains similar, you can also note two available options. In the following instructions, these differences are visually demonstrated.

Option 1: Exit dialogue

To exit the dialogue owners of mobile devices that use classmates application, you will need to perform only a few simple actions. It looks like this:

  1. Enter the same button on the button with the envelope located on the bottom panel to go to chats.
  2. Go to the message section in the mobile application classmates

  3. Select the necessary correspondence there, click on it and hold until the individual menu appears.
  4. Choosing a dialogue to exit it in a mobile application Odnoklassniki

  5. In the list that appears, find the item "Delete Chat".
  6. Dialog Removal Button in Mobile Application Odnoklassniki

  7. Exit the conversation, re-taping "Delete".
  8. Confirmation of the removal of the dialogue in the mobile application Odnoklassniki

  9. As you can see, cleaning was successful.
  10. Successful removal of dialogue in mobile application classmates

Option 2: Removing your own group chat

In the case of a mobile application, we also want to demonstrate an example of exiting the created chat while the exception of all participants.

  1. In the same section "Messages", go to the necessary conversation. You can use the search if it is impossible to find it in the list.
  2. Selecting a group chat for removing it in a mobile application Odnoklassniki

  3. Click the Correspondence icon to open its parameters.
  4. Transition to group chat settings in mobile application Odnoklassniki

  5. Opposite the avatar of each participant displays the icon in the form of a basket. Click on it to exclude account.
  6. Exception of participants from group chat in mobile application Odnoklassniki

  7. Confirm this action, tapping "Delete".
  8. Confirmation of the removal of participants from group chat in mobile application Odnoklassniki

  9. After the conversation control menu, find the item "Exit Chat".
  10. Button output from group chat in mobile application Odnoklassniki

  11. Answer the question affirmatively to leave the conversation.
  12. Confirmation of the exit from group chat in a mobile application Odnoklassniki

  13. Now the remote chat will not be displayed in the list, and it will not be possible to restore it.
  14. Successful removal of group chat in mobile application classmates

These were all available options for exiting chat in the social network classmates. Thanks to the instructions given, you have dealt with the algorithm to fulfill all the necessary actions and learned about the nuances of this process.

See also: Creating a new chat in Odnoklassniki

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