How to download files from Yandex.Disk on the iPhone


How to download from Yandex disk on iphone

Yandex.Disk is very popular among Russian-speaking users not least due to the fact that surpasses its "imported" competitors with the volume of free space, which is provided free of charge, and lower price tag for its expansion. File download is one of the main tasks with which you have to face in the process of using this cloud storage, and today we will tell you how to solve it on the iPhone.

Method 1: Yandex.Disk

First of all, let's go on the simplest and most obvious way - downloading files to the internal repository of the Apple device directly through the Yandex cloud application. How it can be implemented depends on the type of data.

Option 1: Photo and video

Such files such as photos and videos, in Yandex.Disk are presented as a separate category. You can download them both in the standard gallery of the mobile device and in an arbitrary folder on the domestic drive. This is done as follows:

  1. Run the disk mobile client and go to its bottom panel into the "Photo" or "Albums" tab.

    Transition to tab with images in Yandex.Disk on iPhone

    In the first will be presented all images and video in the order of their conservation / creation,

    Photo Tab in Yandex.Disk on iPhone

    In the second, they are divided into groups, almost similar to those in the standard photo application.

  2. Album tab in Yandex.Disk on iPhone

  3. Touch your finger and hold it on the first graphic file you want to download,

    Selecting files for download in Yandex.Disk on iPhone

    And after the selection, tick the rest.

    Selecting multiple files for download in Yandex.Disk on iPhone

    Advice: To allocate a group of images and / or a video at once, check mark should be installed opposite the dates of their creation.

  4. Selecting a group of images in Yandex.Disk on iPhone

  5. Note the necessary items, tap the Share button located on the bottom panel and select one of two options:

    Share the dedicated images in Yandex.Disk on iPhone

    • "Save to the gallery."

      Save images to the gallery in Yandex.Disk on iPhone

      After preparation, photos and / or video will be added to the standard photo application,

      PREPARING FIDNOWS FOR download in Yandex.Disk application on iPhone

      Access to which will need to "resolve".

    • Request for access to photo in Yandex.Disk application on iPhone

    • "Save to" Files ".

      Save the image to files in Yandex.Disk on iPhone

      Allows you to download data to the IOS built-in file manager (on the iPhone) or in ICloud Drive.

      Places to save images in Yandex.Disk Application on iPhone

      Both in the first and in the second for greater amenities you can create a new folder,

      Creating a folder to save images in Yandex.Disk Application on iPhone

      For which the corresponding button is provided on the top panel.

      Creating a new folder button in Yandex.Disk on iPhone

      Confirmation of actions is carried out by TAP on the inscription "Save".

    • Confirm the save files in the Yandex.Disk application on the iPhone

  6. You can find the image and videos downloaded from Yandex. You can be in the standard photo application or "files", depending on where you saved them yourself.

    View images downloaded in Yandex.Disk on iPhone

Option 2: files of any type

If the file format you want to download on the iPhone from the Yandex cloud storage is different from what has photos and videos, the algorithm of necessary actions will be slightly different at least in the first steps.

  1. In the Yandex.Disk application, go to the "Files" tab

    Go to the Files tab in Yandex.Disk Application for iPhone

    And find the folder, the data from which you want to download to the iPhone.

  2. Selecting a folder with files to download in Yandex.Disk application for iPhone

  3. Holding your finger on the first file, highlight it, and then, if you need, check the rest by setting the check mark on the left of their names.
  4. Selecting a file for download in Yandex.Disk Application for iPhone

  5. Click on the "Share" button

    Pressing the Share button in Yandex.Disk Application for iPhone

    Select "Save to" files "in the list of available actions.

    Save to files in Yandex.Disk for iPhone

    And expect to complete their preparation.

    Preparation of files for download in Yandex.Disk application for iPhone

    Next, the file manager window will be open, in which you need to specify the folder to load the data. You can choose any convenient or create a new one, it remains to confirm only to click "Save".

  6. Folder selection for saving files in Yandex.Disk for iPhone

    The file download procedure can take some time, depends on the size, after which they can be found in the folder you selected.

Method 2: "Files" (iOS 13 and above)

The iOS 13 Apple has significantly recycled the file system by making it more open and approximate to the fact that Android users have been used to see. Now on the iPhone, you can not only work with files and folders, but also move, copy them from one locations to another, and even between different cloud storage. So, using the capabilities of the "Files" system applications, download to a mobile device as individual elements from Yandex.Disc, and entire directory will not be difficult.

  1. Run the file application, take a look at its main menu and if there is no Yandex.Diska there, add it. For this:
    • Tap the button with a treachery in a circle located in the upper right corner.
    • Adding a Yandex disk to the application files on the iPhone

    • Select "Change".
    • Add Client Yandex Disc via Menu Change to application files on iPhone

    • Move the switch opposite Yandex.Disk to the active position.
    • Activate Yandex.Disk to the application files on the iPhone

    • Tap "Ready" to confirm the changes made.
    • Confirmation of adding Yandex.Disk to the application files on the iPhone

  2. Next, go directly to the cloud storage by clicking on its name in the menu.

    Go to Yandex.Disk in the application files on the iPhone

    Find the folder you want to save on the iPhone, or open it and find the necessary files.

  3. Search for a folder on Yandex.Disk in the application files on the iPhone

  4. If there are several items to download, highlight them, first taping "choose" on the top panel and noting the necessary.

    Selecting multiple files on Yandex.Disk in the application files on the iPhone

    Next, to invite your finger on any of them and select one of the two available items in the menu that appeared - "Download" or "Copy". The first solves our current task instantly, saving the selected data to the "Download" folder.

    Load or copy files on Yandex.Disk in the application files on the iPhone

    The second allows you to specify the place (folder) for them. Using the "Files" application menu, go to the directory where data from Yandex.Disk is required,

    Selecting a folder to save data from Yandex.Disc through the application files on the iPhone

    Hold your finger on an empty area before the pop-up menu appears and select "Paste".

  5. Insert the copied data from Yandex.Disk via the application files on the iPhone

    Now it remains only to wait until the data is downloaded and individual files or a folder with them will appear on the iPhone, depending on what you have downloaded.

    The result of saving data from Yandex.Disk through the application files on the iPhone

    Note that the copying option (not loading) works on IOS versions below 13, but only with a number of restrictions - it will be available not for all files, and the menu itself, which opens access to the necessary actions, will have a different appearance similar to that In the insert window in the screenshot above.

Method 3: third-party file managers

Long before Apple provided the possibility of normal interaction with the file system in iOS 13, some developers were offered in the App Store more functionally rich analogues of the standard files "Files". As then, and now, the most successful representative of this segment is Documents from ReadDle, with which you can download files from various sites, web services and cloud warehouses, including Yandex.Disk.

Download Documents from the App Store

  1. Install the readdle file manager using the link presented above, run it and read the main features - in fact, simply scroll through the screens with the description of the functions and close the window with a suggestion of the purchase of another developer product.
  2. First Start Documents Applications on iPhone

  3. From the main window, go to the "Connections" tab,

    Go to the Connection tab in the Documents Application on the iPhone

    Scroll through the list of options available in it at the bottom and in the Add Other Connections block, select "Yandex.Disk".

  4. Connecting Yandex.Disk in the Documents Application on the iPhone

  5. Enter the login and password from your account, then tap the "Finish" button and wait for the completion of authorization.
  6. Enter login and password from Yandex.Disk in the application Documents on the iPhone

  7. By connecting the cloud storage to the file manager, go to that folder, the data from which you want to download, or to its direct location, if you want to save all the contents.

    Go to Yandex.Disk in the application Documents on the iPhone

    Touch to the tremble-dressed in the circle, call the menu and select one of the available options:

    • "Download" - immediately after you provide access to the iPhone repository, the download process will be started.
    • "Share" - allows you to "save" in "files" in the same way as it was done in previous methods.

    Actions to download files from Yandex.Disk in the application Documents on the iPhone

  8. Downloaded from the disk files or folder with them will be placed in "Downloads" or the location you specify, depending on which options you selected in the previous step.
  9. Start downloading data from Yandex.Disk in the application Documents on the iPhone

    Documents from Readdle - not the only file manager for the iPhone, although the most multifunctional one. With it, you can upload files of any type from various sites and services on the Internet, as well as exchange data between the computer and the smartphone without the need to connect via USB. To learn about some features of this application and familiarize yourself with the following articles on our website presented in the App Store alternatives.

    Method 4: without Yandex.Disk (iOS 13 and newer)

    The above options for solving our today's task, with the exception of the previous one, implied the presence of an installed Yandex.Disk application on a smartphone from Apple. However, in the current version of iOS, you can download files from the cloud storage without it - it is enough to use the standard Safari browser, which has recently got a full-fledged download manager. Thanks to this, you can save files not only from your disk on the iPhone, but also from someone else's, provided that you have discovered access by reference or you found it yourself.

    Option 1: download from your disk

    In the web version of Yandex.Disk, the separation of files by type (photo / video and all others) is not so substantial as in the mobile application, and therefore you can download them according to a general algorithm.

    Yandex.Disk entry page

    1. Go to the Safari mobile browser presented above and log in to your Yandex account, specifying a login and password from it.
    2. Entrance to your Yandex.Disk on the service site through the Safari browser on the iPhone

    3. Find the files or folder you want to download. As in the mobile application, there are separate tabs in the web version - "Files", "Photo", "Albums".

      Search folders with download files from Yandex.Disk via Safari browser on iPhone

      Hold your finger to highlight and before the appearance of the panel with accessible actions in the top area of ​​the interface. If you want to download several items at once, tap them.

    4. Selecting a file for download from Yandex.Disk via Safari browser on iPhone

    5. Tap the download button marked in the image below,

      Download button from Yandex.Disk via Safari browser on iPhone

      And confirm your intentions by selecting "Download" in a pop-up window with a question.

      Download confirmation from Yandex.Disk via Safari browser on iPhone

      Note: When downloading multiple files or folders, they will be packed in a zip archive, open which can be standard tools iOS or using third-party applications.

    6. Downloading an archive with files from Yandex.Disk via Safari browser on iPhone

      Option 2: Download by reference

      Downloading files from Yandex.Disc by reference is still easily simply than in all cases discussed above. It is enough just to open this address in Safari and execute one of the two available actions:

  • "Save on Yandex.Disk", after which they can be "open ..." in their own cloudy storage and, if such a need arises, upload to the iPhone any of the methods already known to you.
  • Saving files in your Yandex.Disk via Safari browser on iPhone

  • "Download" - Saving to the internal storage of a mobile device will be started immediately after you confirm your intentions by clicking "Download" in the pop-up window. The resulting files, as in the previous case, can be found in the "Download" folder.
  • Download file by link from someone else's Yandex.Disk via Safari browser on iPhone

Despite the seeming limitations of the iOS file system, to date, downloads any type of Yandex.Disk to iPhone and even entire folders with them can be literally in several taps on the screen, and for this it is not necessary to use third-party applications.

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