How to get out of Facebook on the phone


How to get out of Facebook on the phone

When using the Facebook social network on the phone, it is often necessary to exit the account. This procedure, as a rule, is made without problems with standard means of the mobile version of the site and the official application or by the platform settings. Within the framework of this Instruction, we will consider the output process by all available methods.

Method 1: Exit via the interface

The easiest way to exit Facebook on the smartphone is to use the corresponding social network option, added by the developers. At the same time, we will only consider the official client, since the mobile version of the site requires completely identical actions with small differences in the interface.

None of the presented stages should cause difficulties, as the necessary elements of the interface are located in quite obvious places, and in general, a minimum of action is required. If something does not work, you can refer to the reset of the application data from the third method.

Method 2: Security Settings

In addition to the output function from the account on the device being used in the last method, Facebook also allows you to leave the account at a distance. For this, the social network provides a special section of the parameters, which preserves information about each successful authorization.

  1. In the Appendix, open the main menu, touching the right button on the top or bottom navigation panel. This page needs to scroll almost to the bottom.
  2. Go to settings and privacy in Facebook Application

  3. Touch the "Settings and Privacy" row to deploy an additional list of sections. Immediately after that you need to select "Settings".
  4. Go to the basic settings in the Facebook application

  5. On the next screen, locate the "Security" block and tap on the "Security and Login" row. Here you need to click on the link "All" in the subsection "From where you've come from."
  6. Go to the security parameters in the Facebook application

  7. From the list presented, select the session you want to complete and click on the icon with a vertical trout on the right side of the screen. Through the pop-up window, select "Exit", and on this procedure is completed.
  8. Exit from one session through the history of visits in Facebook

  9. If necessary, you can use the "Get out of all sessions" button and confirm the action on a separate page. This will lead to the output on all devices, including authorization in the browser on the same phone, but the login will be saved in the application.
  10. Exit all sessions through visits history in Facebook

The method for the most part will be relevant if you have previously visited an account from someone else's device and forgot to perform an output, or at all trying to prevent hacking.

Method 3: Deleting Cache in the browser

If you prefer to use the mobile version of the Facebook site instead of the official application, you can make the output by cleaning the data on visits in the browser. As an example, we will consider only Google Chrome on Android, since most of the known analogs have minimal differences in the interface plan and internal settings.

  1. Open a web browser that was used to visit the FB and click on the three vertical points icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Through the menu, you need to go to the "History" section.
  2. Go to the section History in the browser on the phone

  3. In the header of the next page, find and tap the "Clear History" link. Note that the usual deletion of data on visits will not be enough, since the information about authorization is not directly related to the history.
  4. Go to cleaning history in the browser on the phone

  5. Change the value in the "Time Range" line to "all the time" and notice the checkbox "Cookies and Site data" checkbox. Other options can be disabled if, for example, you want to keep the history of the browser.
  6. Selecting data to delete in the browser on the phone

  7. If necessary, you can also use the "Additional" tab to configure the deletion in more detail. To start the cleaning procedure, click "Delete Data".

    The process of cleaning data in the browser on the phone

    After confirming and waiting for the completion of the procedure, re-visit the mobile version of the Facebook site. If everything was done correctly, you will find yourself in front of the form of authorization, and not on your page.

This exit method can be used if for some reason the standard site option does not work. Unfortunately, you will not call a convenient option due to the removal of many other information from the browser.

Method 4: Clearing application data

The first universal way out of the FB on the phone is equally relevant for the mobile version of the site and the official client, is to clear the data on the operation of the application using the operating system settings. At the same time, it can be a solution to possible problems with software that makes it impossible to exit standard means.

Option 2: iOS

Unlike Android, it is possible to get rid of cache on IOS devices only by more global ways, one of which we will also be considered under this instruction. With the rest, you can familiarize yourself with yourself, paying attention to the following materials on the site.

Read more:

How to Clean Cache on the iPhone

Cleaning cache on iPad

The possibility of cleaning the cache on the iOS device

Method 5: Reinstall the application

The most global method, to use which is only as a last resort due to the material costs, is reduced to full removal and re-install of the application. At the same time, as we have already mentioned earlier, for the iPhone, this is the most relevant solution when standard exit methods from the FB do not work.

  1. Regardless of the device platform, you need to open the system settings and delete the application, be it a web browser or official mobile client. The deletion procedure was described in more detail in a separate instruction and it is unlikely to call questions.

    Read more: Deleting Applications on Android and on the iPhone

  2. Example of deleting Facebook application in the settings on the phone

  3. After that, use one of the links below to go to the application page in the playmark or App Store and use the Set button. As a result, it returns to the device, but without previously saved authorization data.

    Download Facebook from Google Play Market

    Download Facebook from App Store

  4. Facebook application re-setting example on your phone

Each method from the instruction will allow you to leave the account on the social network Facebook and, if necessary, perform authorization in another account. At the same time, do not forget that the most convenient are the standard tools that require less action and significantly saving time.

Read more