How to Disable Comments in Facebook to Publications


How to Disable Comments in Facebook to Publication

On the official website and in the mobile application of the social network Facebook there are a lot of ways to interact with other users, including the ability to leave comments under various publications. In this case, this function by default can be disabled only in certain areas of the resource or by following certain conditions. As part of the following instructions, we will tell you how to do it on different pages in several versions of the site.

Method 1: Publications in the group

The only place in the social network Facebook, allowing to fully limit the possibility of commenting certain publications from the tape, are groups. And maybe it is only in cases where you take one of the leadership positions, and not just enter the list of "participants".

Please note that the inclusion or shutdown is full activity, and, consequently, when sorting on "new actions", the recording will be moved above the other publications.

Option 2: Mobile application

The process of disconnecting comments using the Facebook application is not very different from the site. This action is available only in the official client for the phone, while the usual mobile version provides only a limited number of functions without the necessary tools.

  1. First you need to go to the group under your control. To do this, expand the main menu using the navigation panel, and go to the "Group" section.

    Go to the group section in Facebook application

    In the header of the page, tap the "Your groups" button to display the appropriate list. After that, it remains only to choose the desired option from the "group that you manage" block.

  2. Go to the Main Page of the group in the Facebook application

  3. Once upon a result, on the main page of the community, scroll through the list of publications and find the post where you want to disable comments. Do not forget about the labels and search capabilities.
  4. Search for entries on the wall of the group in the Facebook application

  5. Touch the icon with three horizontal points in the upper right corner of the desired entry and through the menu that appears at the bottom select "Turn off comments". This action does not require confirmation.

    Disable comments under the recording in the group in the Facebook application

    If everything was done correctly, the ability to add new messages under publication will be limited even for group administrators. At the same time, old records will remain intact and if necessary, they will have to be cleaned manually.

  6. Successful Disabling Comments By Recording in the Facebook Application

By analogy with the FB website, you can change the settings through the same menu at any time to unlock comments. In general, the task is performed quite easily in both cases and should not cause questions.

Method 2: Personal Publications

Unlike many other social networks like VK, where comments on the personal page can be turned off both for individual records and immediately for everyone, there is nothing like that on Facebook. At the same time, the possibility of commenting is implemented only for publicly available publications, which, in turn, allows you to make at least some restrictions.

Option 1: Website

When using Facebook Website, disable comments under the publications on the personal page by confidentiality. However, let us not get rid of this opportunity to completely get rid of this opportunity.

  1. Open the main menu of the site by clicking on the arrow icon in the upper right corner of the window, and select "Settings and Privacy".

    Opening the main menu on Facebook

    Through the Additional List in the same block, go to the "Settings" section.

  2. Go to Settings section on Facebook

  3. Using a list of subsections on the left side of the browser window, open the "Shared Publications" tab.
  4. Go to the settings of publicly available publications on Facebook

  5. Scroll to the "Comments to Publications" block to the "Comments to Public Comments" block and right-click on the right link "Edit".
  6. Go to Comments Settings on Facebook

  7. Here, deploy the drop-down list and select the option that you seem most convenient. The greatest secret guarantees the value "Friends".

    Partial Disable Comment on Facebook

    After these actions, new settings will be applied automatically and comments previously accessible to all users under the entries that were not hidden by privacy parameters will disappear. However, for friends everything will remain the same as it was.

  8. At the end, you can visit another section "Privacy" in "Settings" and in the line "Who can see your future publications" establish "Friends" or "Only I". This will allow you to restrict access to records and comments, respectively.
  9. Changing privacy settings on Facebook

  10. If necessary, you can change the appearance of the recording from your chronicle by clicking on the "..." icon in the corner of the desired publication and selecting "Edit Audience".
  11. Transition to configuration privacy settings on Facebook

  12. Specify the "only me" option, and as a result, the opportunity under consideration will be limited. Unfortunately, this also applies to the visibility of the very post.
  13. Changing the privacy settings on Facebook

As we said, recommendations allow you to hide comments only when complying with some conventions. In all other cases, something will not work.

Option 2: Mobile application

The official mobile client Facebook does not differ from the PC version in terms of the features of hiding comments, but requires some other actions due to differences in the interface. In this case, the instructions will be relevant not only for the application, but also for the lightweight version of the site.

  1. Go to Facebook and Expand the Main menu. This list must be browsed to the Niza itself.

    Go to Main Menu in Mobile Application Facebook

    Touch the "Settings and Privacy" item and go to the "Settings" section through the drop-down menu.

  2. Opening the Settings section in Facebook Application

  3. On the page submitted, find the "Privacy" block and tap on the "Public Publications" row.
  4. Go to the settings of publicly accessible publications in the Facebook application

  5. Here it is necessary to change the value in the "Comments to publicly available publications" subsection for "Friends". You can choose another option at your discretion.
  6. Partial disconnection of comments in Facebook application

  7. After saving new parameters for shutdown, it will be enough to hide publications from a particular audience. To do this, open the chronicle of your page, select the record, touching the dots in the upper right corner, and use the option "Edit Privacy Settings" option.
  8. Transition to Publication Parameters in Facebook

  9. Select any suitable value, be sure to consider the previously displayed parameters for comments. For greater efficiency, you can use the option "Only I" from the list "More".
  10. Changing the confidential confidential parameters in the Facebook application

  11. When creating new publications, you can also restrict access to recording and discussions. To do this, click the button under the name of the page when creating a post and select the appropriate option.
  12. Privacy Settings when creating an entry in the Facebook application

The actions of the actions will be quite enough to disable comments as much as possible on Facebook.

Method 3: User Restriction

If you do not want to set global restrictions on the visibility of publications from the chronicle, but the comments disable still required, you can do otherwise by performing a blocking of one or more users from the list of friends. Fortunately, on Facebook there is not only a complete access limit, but also partial lock. More details can find out in our separate instruction.

Read more: How to block a user on Facebook

Ability to block the user in the Facebook application

Method 4: Removing comments

The last method, allowing to hide rather than completely disable comment, is to remove the corresponding messages. It is available in any version of the site, but only if you are the author of the publication.

Option 1: Website

  1. On the FB website, find the right comment under publication and click on the next button with three dots.
  2. Publication and comment search process on Facebook

  3. Through this menu, select "Delete" and confirm through the pop-up window.

    Comments Removal Process on Facebook

    If everything is done correctly, the comment will immediately disappear from under publication.

  4. Successful Removal of Comments Under Publication on Facebook

Option 2: Mobile application

  1. Open the chronicle on your page, find the desired entry and tap the "Comments" link above the "Like" button. After that, you will also need to find a remote message.
  2. Publication and comment search process in Facebook Application

  3. Press and hold a block with a selected recording for a few seconds until the control menu appears at the bottom of the screen. Through this list, perform "Delete".
  4. The comment removal process under publication in the Facebook application

  5. Confirm this action to complete, after which the message should disappear.
  6. Successful Removal of Comments Under Publishing in Facebook

On Facebook there are many ways to hide comments, each of which allows us to succeed if you take into account all the features of the social network. And even if something does not work, you can always resort to deleting individual messages.

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