Archlinux graphic installer


Archlinux graphic installer

Method 1: Zen Installer

There are various graphic installers for Archlinux, which can be told under the same article, however, we decided to stay on the three most popular options. I would like to start with Zen Installer, since this is the most flexible installer, which allows you to implement all the actions that are manufactured in the console with the usual installation of this distribution.

Step 1: Loading the image

All today's material will be divided into steps so that novice users are not confused in the sequence of actions and could focus on specific tasks. Of course, for a start, you will have to load the installation itself for installation, which is carried out like this:

Go to the official website of Zen Installer

  1. Go to the link below. Here, go down a bit down the page and find the current versions of the installer. Select the required and click on the link.
  2. Selection of Zen Installer version to download disk image

  3. Expect to start downloading. It will start five seconds after opening the page.
  4. Waiting for the start of downloading a disk image Zen Installer

  5. It remains only to wait for the download, after which you can immediately move to the next step.
  6. Transition to Zen Installer disk image recording on a USB flash drive before installing

Step 2: Record an image on a flash drive

Now the installation of operating systems is most often produced using the loading flash drives, which the obtained ISO image is written in advance. With Zen Installer the situation is the same. Use the link below if you work with Windows and want to record the disk through this OS.

Read more: Instructions for creating a boot flash drive

Additionally, we note that sometimes Archlinux is installed next to another distribution. In this case, the instructions are not approached above, because in Linux, the record manifested through other programs. On our site there are separate instructions, where it is described about such solutions. You can familiarize yourself with them by clicking on the following header.

Read more: Recording ISO images on a flash drive in Linux

Step 3: Start Zen Installer

Now that all preparatory work is performed, you can safely begin to install. Start it stands with the download of Zen Installer download, because here also has its own features that cause questions from novice users.

  1. After inserting the boot flash drive, start the computer. After a few seconds, the installer window will appear. Here, with the help of the arrows, select "Boot Zen Installer" and click on ENTER.
  2. Running the Zen Installer graphics installer after loading

  3. The operation of loading modules and kernel will begin. Expect her end.
  4. Waiting for the Zen Installer Graphic Installer

  5. Check out the welcoming window, read the basic installation rules presented here, and then click on "Yes".
  6. Confirmation of the start of installing the operating system through Zen Installer

  7. For the correct installation, you do not need to use VPN, but if you want to connect to the server, click on "YES".
  8. Creating a Virtual Private Network for Further Installation Zen Installer

Step 4: Disc Markup

Today, we will not dwell on the hand-drawing of the hard disk to the storage sections and under the loader, since the graphic installers are interested in novice users, and experienced already know how this task is made. Therefore, let's choose automatic marking and set the general rules.

  1. When an appropriate query appears, check the Automatic Partitioning item and click on the "OK" button.
  2. Select the optimal option to create sections when installing Zen Installer

  3. Confirm the selected drive.
  4. Switch to the selection of the section to place the ZEN Installer files

  5. If several physical drives are installed in the system, you will have to determine which OS should be installed on. After selecting, proceed to the following action.
  6. Selecting a section for placing the ZEN Installer file files

  7. When a warning about erasing all data is manifested, select "YES" to go further.
  8. Confirmation of the formatting of the drive before installing Zen Installer

  9. Expect the end of creating new sections.
  10. Waiting for the completion of the creation of sections for the installation of Zen Installer

On this actions with partitions of hard drives are completed. The manipulations performed in all the following windows will be responsible for setting up the general parameters of the operating system before installation.

Step 5: OS Setup and Installation

The following selection options will be focused on the user settings of the system parameters before installation. Here, each user must determine which items should be noted that after completing the installation, get a correctly working distribution.

  1. Developers propose to specify the code of their country so that the optimal mirror is selected for downloading key files.
  2. Country Code Selection for Zen Installer Graphic Installer Localization

  3. After that, location and language is selected. Source down the list to find the Russian language and the corresponding encoding of characters.
  4. Character encoding selection Before installing Zen Installer

  5. By default, the standard keyboard model is selected with the usual location of the keys, so it does not make sense to change these settings.
  6. Changing the location of the keys on the keyboard when installing ZEN Installer

  7. The next window selects the second keyboard layout on the country code.
  8. Select the keyboard layout before installing Zen Installer

  9. When notified "Would You Like to Change Your Keyboard Variant" appears, click on "NO" if you do not want to change the location of the keys.
  10. Question about changing the standard layout before installation Zen Installer

  11. If you need to choose an alternative layout, you will have to mark the appropriate option in a separate list.
  12. Choosing an alternative keyboard layout before Zen Installer installation

  13. After that, specify your watch zone. In the future, it will be used to synchronize time.
  14. Choosing the current region to set the time during Zen Installer installation

  15. Next, mark the appropriate city for subzones.
  16. Select Subzones to synchronize time when installing Zen Installer

  17. It is not necessary to change the time format, but it is only done by personal user preferences.
  18. Select the optimal time accounting server before installing Zen Installer

  19. Now the computer and user starts. First of all, the host name is entered. It is it that will be using when connected to another PC on a local or global network.
  20. Setting the host name before installing the operating system through Zen Installer

  21. The first user will be created to belong to root rights. Here enter the appropriate name and go further.
  22. Installing the username before installation Zen Installer

  23. Set Root Access Password.
  24. Installing a password for the user before installing Zen Installer

  25. Repeat it input.
  26. User password confirmation Before installing Zen Installer

  27. Next request, select the marker suitable for you the shell. If you are a novice user, the optimal choice will be "bash".
  28. Selection of the Terminal Shell Before Installation of the Zen Installer System

  29. The same rule applies to the kernel. Newbies should choose "Linux", after which you can move to the next step.
  30. Select the optimal version of the kernel before installing the ZEN Installer system

  31. Subsequent questions will be related to user repositories responsible for downloading certain programs through the "Terminal". If you do not know what we are talking about, simply respond to "NO".
  32. Downloading additional repositories before installing Zen Installer

  33. However, before answering, you must read the contents of the question. For example, in the screenshot below, it can be seen that its essence is to add repositories responsible for the performance of Steam, Wine, and other similar programs. If you are going to use them, answer such questions positively.
  34. The second message about downloading additional repository before the installation of Zen Installer

  35. A hint appears, the contents of which indicates the need to select a file manager and environment. Here just click on "OK".
  36. Hint of the selection of graphic environment before installing Zen Installer

  37. As a batch manager, it is better to specify "Pamac-Aur", but this is also a subjective choice. Before his work, we advise you to explore the official documentation of both managers in order to understand what exactly is suitable.
  38. Choosing a standard batch manager before installing Zen Installer

  39. The selection of the display manager also depends solely on personal preferences.
  40. Select a standard file manager before installing Zen Installer

  41. The same applies to the graphic shell. As you can see, Zen Installer has a huge amount of ways available, so we set this installer to the first place of our today's material.
  42. Choosing a standard graphic environment before installing Zen Installer

  43. By default, the standard browser will not be installed, so when an appropriate question appears to answer positively to add it to the distribution.
  44. Information about installing an additional browser in Zen Installer

  45. You can go into separate categories to install additional software at this stage. We choose the option "finished" to end this operation.
  46. Selection of additional components Before starting Zen Installer Installation

  47. The penultimate step before installing the installation will be adding a bootloader.
  48. Creating a bootloader before installing the Zen Installer operating system

  49. Specify the place to store it. We did not create markup on our own, so tick the main logical volume.
  50. Selecting a place to create a downloader before installing the ZEN Installer system

  51. Following the question of the presence of other OS on the computer. If they are missing, click on "NO".
  52. The question of the presence of additional operating systems before installing Zen Installer

  53. Installation will begin immediately after clicking on "YES" in the window that appears.
  54. Confirmation of the start of installation of the ZEN Installer system

  55. It remains only to wait for the unpacking of all files.
  56. Zen Installer operating system installation process

  57. You will be notified of the successful completion of the installation. Here click on "OK".
  58. Successful completion of the installation of the graphic system ZEN Installer

  59. Select "Restart" to restart the system and start using Archlinux with a graphic shell.
  60. Restarting a computer after a successful installation of Zen Installer

  61. When the GRUB bootloader appears, start the standard launch.
  62. Selecting a system for download after successful installation Zen Installer

  63. As you can see, a form for authorization appeared, which means that all actions have been completed correctly.
  64. Successful graphic shell load after installation of the ZEN Installer system

On this, all actions with Zen Installer are completed. You can safely start using ARCHLINUX with installed desktop environment. We will talk about further configuration and installation of additional programs a little later, and now let's pay attention to alternative methods.

Method 2: ANTERGOS

ANTERGOS - a full-fledged distribution based on Archlinux, but not having any differences from the original In addition to the presence of a graphical installer with the ability to select the optimal environment for the desktop. Therefore, Antergos and got into our today's material.

Step 1: Download ISO-Image

The support of ANTergos developers was discontinued, so the download of the distribution is possible only from third-party sites, the links to which we do not distribute. This will not affect the installer's performance, however, it should be borne in mind that in the future antergos repository will be closed, and updates for installed programs will start loaded through the standard AUR.

Step 2: Record an image on a flash drive

This stage is completely identical to the one we talked about when considering the previous method, so we offer to move to it and use instructions for successfully launching an image on a flash drive.

Step 3: Distribution Setup and Installation

After successfully recording the disk image to the removable drive, you can safely switch to its download. As you already guessed, all further action will occur through the GUI, and the preparation for the distribution configuration selection is carried out like this:

  1. When starting, the black screen with the progress of downloading files will appear. Do not press any keys, and simply wait for the appearance of the following windows.
  2. Waiting for an ANTERGOS operating system download for installation

  3. In the new selection menu you are interested in the first item. Press Enter to go to the graphics installer.
  4. Transition to Antergos Distribution Graphics

  5. In the first window the country is selected. From this will depend on the installation language in the future.
  6. Language selection for further installation of the ANTERGOS distribution

  7. You will see information about the computer characteristics of the computer.
  8. Compatibility Notification Before Installing Antergos Distribution

  9. Decide with the system language.
  10. Selecting the system language before installing antergos distribution

  11. Next, specify the time zone and the region to establish time synchronization.
  12. Selecting the clock zone for time synchronization before installing ANTERGOS

  13. Determine the keyboard layout. Now it is better to choose English, because the switching during the installation will not be available, respectively, to set the username or password of Cyrillic access will not work.
  14. Selection of keyboard layout Before installing ANTERGOS Distribution

  15. Now the installer proposes to decide on the shell. Review screenshots and descriptions to make the optimal choice.
  16. Selection of graphic shell before installing antergos distribution

  17. Set additional settings and extended components. We will not stop at each of them, since this is a subjective step. We only clarify that the activation or deactivation of items is carried out by moving the corresponding sliders.
  18. Selection of additional parameters Before installing ANTERGOS

  19. After that, the developers advise responsibly approach the creation of a section for storing cache files. Follow the instructions on the screen to cope with the task or immediately go further if you do not want to create such a logical volume.
  20. Creating a section for storing cache before installing ANTERGOS

  21. The following window is displayed in which the mirror selection is selected for downloading the necessary files. It is better to leave the default parameters if you do not own the appropriate information about the selection of individual storage.
  22. Select mirrors to download files before installing ANTERGOS

  23. With the markup of the hard disk, they will also do simply - set the standard formatting without changing the parameters, and then go further. Experienced users will independently be able to create the required logical volumes. This is without problems, and upon completion of the installation of the OS.
  24. Creating partitions to install ANTERGOS operating system

  25. Next, the disk itself is specified to which all files will be stored. We suggest it to choose as a bootloader storage.
  26. Selecting a disk for storing a ANTERGOS distribution file before installation

  27. Create a first account with root rights by filling out the appropriate form in the installation menu, and then go to the next step.
  28. Creating a new user before installing ANTERGOS

  29. Make sure everything was set correctly, having studied the report that appeared, and only then start the installation.
  30. Check parameters Before installing ANTERGOS Distribution

  31. Confirm your intention to start installing Archlinux.
  32. Confirmation of the launch of the Angos distribution unit

  33. Expect the operation to complete, and then restart the PC, previously selecting the boot flash drive.
  34. Waiting for Antergos distributional installation

Next, it remains only to run the existing distribution kit to make sure that it works. As can be seen, this graphic installer is a little easier than the previous one, and it is not inferior to him by functionality. However, there is a solution even easier. It is recommended to pay attention to beginners. Next, we suggest familiarizing yourself with it.

Method 3: Manjaro Linux

Previously, Archlinux was considered one of the most complex distributions, since all installation processes should occur manually by entering commands in the console. However, the graphic version called Manjaro Linux was created enthusiasts. It is this assembly that is positioned as ideal for beginners who do not want to face various installation difficulties. You already have a separate instructions for installing this version of the operating system through the graphic menu. If the two previous options do not come to you for any reason, we advise you to learn MANJARO Linux.

Read more: Installation of the Distribution Manjaro Linux

Be prepared for the fact that immediately after installation have to add some more important components in the OS and make basic settings. We propose to pay attention to the following links to deal with the tasks or at least study the principle for adding software and perform the main configuration points.

See also:

Installing and Configuring a File Server in Linux

Setting up mail server in Linux

Synchronization of time in Linux

Change passwords in Linux

Restart Linux through the console

View Disk List in Linux

User change in Linux

Completion of processes in Linux

At least the presence of a GUI-shell distribution and allows you to implement a lot through programs with the GUI, however, to the "Terminal" will still have to handle. We have already written a lot of useful guidelines related to standard and frequently used commands. In such instructions, the operation algorithm of utilities and their main options are dealt.

See also:

Frequently used commands in "Terminal" Linux

LN / FIND / LS / GREP / PWD command in Linux

As part of today's article, you were familiar with three different ideas of Archlinux graphic installers. As you can see, each of them has its own characteristics and will suit users from different categories. It remains only to figure out the main differences in order to understand what option will be optimal.

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