How to make Yandex search english by default


How to make Yandex search engine by default in the browser

Google Chrome.

  1. Call the Google Chrome web browser menu and open it "Settings".
  2. Go to Google Chrome browser settings

  3. On the sidebar, go to the "Search Engine" tab.
  4. Go to changing the search engine in Google Chrome browser

  5. Expand the drop-down list opposite the Search Engine item used in the address bar and select Yandex.
  6. Choice of Yandex Search by default in Google Chrome browser

The program also has the ability to fine-configure the search tool. For this:

  • Select the section "Managing Search Engines".
  • Transition to search engine management in Google Chrome browser

  • Call the menu opposite the name of the search engine, which will be used by default, and select Edit.
  • Advanced search engine settings in Google Chrome browser

  • Set the desired settings and click on the Save button.
  • Management of search engines in Google Chrome browser

    Mozilla Firefox.

  1. Open the web browser menu and go to "Settings".
  2. Transition to Mozilla Firefox browser settings

  3. On the left pane, click on the Search tab.
  4. Go to the search settings in the browser Mozilla Firefox

  5. In the Default Search Engine, deploy the drop-down list and select Yandex.
  6. Select Yandex as a default search in Mozilla Firefox browser


    1. Click on the button with the image of the gear on the sidebar of the browser or call it the menu (Opera logo) and go to "Settings". Instead, you can use the "Alt + P" keys.
    2. Calling a menu to go to the Opera browser settings

    3. Scroll through the open page down, right up to the "Search service" block.
    4. Slicle Opera browser settings list

    5. Using the drop-down list, located opposite the "Set the search engine to search from the combined address string", select Yandex.
    6. Choosing a default Yandex search in Opera browser

      Internet Explorer.

      1. Click on the gearbox made in the bottom of the gear, located in the upper left corner, and select "Configure Add-in".
      2. Configure add-ons in Internet Explorer browser

      3. In the window that opens, click on the "Search service" in the "Types" block.
      4. Go to the search service section in Internet Explorer browser

      5. In the list of available services, select Yandex and click on the "Default" button.
      6. Select the default Yandex search system in Internet Explorer browser

        Microsoft Edge.

        In Microsoft EJ as a search engine by default, only the web resource that has previously visited through the browser can be installed. Therefore, first go to the link below, and then proceed to the execution of the instruction.

        Yandex Homepage

        1. Being at the above address, call the web browser menu and open it "Parameters".
        2. Go to Microsoft Edge browser parameters

        3. On the sidebar, go to the "Advanced" tab.
        4. Open Advanced Microsoft Edge Browser Settings

        5. Scroll through the page a bit down and click "Change Search Service".
        6. Change the search service in the Microsoft Edge browser settings

        7. In the list of available services, select Yandex and click on the "Use By Default" button.
        8. Use the default Yandex search in Microsoft Edge browser

        9. As a result, the search engine will be changed.
        10. Yandex is installed as a default search in Microsoft Edge

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