How to create a tournament table online


Create a tournament table online

Method 1: Challonge

The functionality of the challonge online service is concentrated on creating tournament tables and managing them. The advantage of this tool over others is an open registration for users with the possibility of themselves to manage the outcome of the match, confirming or refuting the result. For all those who want registered users, it opens and the ability to vote for each pair or a particular player.

Go to the challonge online service

  1. To get full access to Challonge, you will need to register or log in using the buttons located above.
  2. Go to registration in the online service Challonge to create a tournament grid

  3. Sign in with the account on the social network to speed up the process of creating a profile and automatically get login.
  4. Registration in the online service Challonge to create a tournament grid

  5. After opening the main account page, click the "Create Tournament" button.
  6. Transition to the creation of a tournament grid through the challonge online service

  7. Select yourself or another person as an organizer, set the name of the tournament, use the generated or own link to access and add the desired description by using the present text formatting.
  8. Filling out the main information about the tournament through the challonge online service

  9. Another of the features of Challonge is the ability to specify a computer game or sport. To do this, start typing the name in the appropriate field.
  10. Choosing a game for a tournament through the challonge online service

  11. Specify the appropriate proposed option or fully add the name if it is missing in the built-in list.
  12. Suggested by online challonge games for tournaments

  13. Choose one of five types of tournaments, marking the relevant item. Be sure to specify its format, because the automatic formation of groups will depend on it. If necessary, enable the match for the 3rd place.
  14. Selection of the format of the tournament through the challonge online service

    It is important to note the most important types of tournaments so that beginners do not have any questions about the choice of suitable:

  • Single Elimination (Olympic or Playoff). The player crashes from the tournament after the first defeat, does not fall into the mesh of the losers and does not have the right to restore.
  • Double ELIMINATION (Retirement Tournament System after two lesions). After the first defeat, the player enters the list of losers and plays with other losers. In some cases, the winner of this grid does not work out to win the winners for the struggle for 1, 2nd place and it is fighting only for the third.
  • Round Robin (circular system). Everyone competes with each. Winning places are determined by the number of victories, lesions and drawing points. In computer games such a system is extremely rare.
  • SWISS (Swiss system). We will not stop in detail on this system, and we will not clarify that it is used in intellectual games, that is, checkers or chess, and the organizer itself chooses the number of tours for which the winner is determined.
  • The registration of participants is configured below on the page. You can independently provide a list of players or allow them to use the registration form so that they personally involve themselves in the table. In mandatory, specify the start date of the tournament with the allotted time to confirm participation.
  • Choosing a type of registration in a tournament for participants of the challonge online service

  • In "Forecasts and Voting", activate the function of forecasts and voices for registered accounts, if necessary.
  • Enabling voting and forecasts in the online service Challonge

  • Additionally, familiarize yourself with ADVANCED OPTIONS: There are minor settings related to the appearance of the table and its generation. When readiness, it remains only to click on "Save and continue" to complete the creation of the tournament.
  • Confirmation of the creation of a tournament through the challonge online service

  • All basic information about the current tournament will be displayed on a separate panel. Here you see the number of players, format, sport or computer game, date, start time, and you can also copy the link to go.
  • View the basic information about the created tournament in the online service Challonge

  • Use the following block with tabs to switch to setting certain parameters. For example, first select "Participants".
  • Tournament Management tabs through the challonge online service

  • Add a list or each player separately by assigning email or login in the system. When adding a pack, take into account both the rules for design, and then confirm the action by clicking on the "Mass Adding".
  • Adding participants for the tournament grid in the online service Challonge

  • The list of participants was created. Until the start of the tournament, it can be edited and apply random ranking.
  • Successful Adding Participants for Challonge Online Service Tournament Mesh

  • Switch to "Grid" to view the current state of matches.
  • Switch to viewing the challonge online tournament mesh

  • All participants were distributed in pairs automatically. To whom the couple had enough, immediately switched to the second round.
  • View Challonge Online Service Tournament Mesh

  • If you need to edit the name of the rounds and change the "Best of" string to indicate how many matches you need to win for victory in a pair.
  • Editing of the rounds of the tournament grid for the online service Challonge

    The tournament will be automatically launched in the stated time immediately after the required number of participants to confirm availability. Now you can manage the account or charge it by pairs on the basis of trust. If they choose the wrong outcome of the match, or you want to give someone a technical defeat, go back to the grid and edit a couple.

    Method 2: Tournament Lab

    This online service is for those users who are uncomfortable realization in the form of registration of each user, confirmation of their participation, and do not need advanced settings table. The tournament Tournament Lab to create a little easier, because the number of operations is reduced.

    Go to the online service Tournament Lab

    1. Open the home page Tournament Lab and click on the "Create event".
    2. The transition to the establishment of the tournament in the online service Tournament Lab

    3. It is mandatory to pass the registration procedure, to keep tournaments in the profile. To do this, use the entrance via Facebook or VK.
    4. Check-in online service Tournament Lab before creating a tournament

    5. Click on "Upload logo" to select a picture symbolizing the event itself.
    6. Choosing the logo for the creation of the tournament through the online service Tournament Lab

    7. Add a name for it and, if necessary, a description which would have characterized the tournament.
    8. Filling out the basic information about the tournament in the online service Tournament Lab

    9. If you want to specify where the tournament and how much will be adding an additional section. It can store different information.
    10. Adding columns tournament through the online service Tournament Lab

    11. Give it and condition. For example, we added the "Done", denoting that the tournament is already running.
    12. Adding column values ​​for the Tournament Lab online service event

    13. The Olympic Tournament Lab is available, or a circular system of the tournament. Select one of them by clicking the left mouse button on the tile. Note the marker "Match for third place," if it should be carried out.
    14. Select the format of the tournament in the online service Tournament Lab

    15. Start adding participants. There may be their names, country names, teams, cities, or just names, depending on the type of event. In further particulars or enter the number of the participant, for example, the number of his victories.
    16. The addition of the tournament for the online service Tournament Lab

    17. Edit the table to save the mesh, you do not accidentally add extra participant.
    18. Create a list of participants in the tournament in the online service Tournament Lab

    19. After the tournament, save for further editing or go to the formation of the table.
    20. Preservation or formation of the grid in the online service Tournament Lab

    21. ready to open a new tab in the grid. Participants will be assigned randomly.
    22. Accessing a tournament grid online service Tournament Lab

    23. Click on one of the pairs to edit the match. Specify an account and select a winner. Fill the string with additional information, if required.
    24. Editing matches of the tournament grid online service Tournament Lab

    25. The result immediately appears in the grid, and the winner goes to the next round.
    26. View the results of the tournament in the online service Tournament Lab

    Share the link to the grid on social networks or send to a specific user if you wish that others, too, followed the progress of the event (no one except you can not edit state matches).

    Method 3: GoodGame

    GoodGame platform gamers can not only run and monitor the stream is already reaching for the tournaments: all registered users are allowed to create their own net for amateur competition.

    Go to the online service GoodGame

    1. Create a grid as possible and without pre-registration GoodGame, but then you do not get all the features of its management, so log in to an existing profile or create a new one.
    2. Transition to GoodGame in registration to create a tournament grid

    3. Next, fill the line with the name of the tournament, select the mesh type, number of prizes, and set BestOf (best of) for the match for the third place.
    4. Filling the basic information for the tournament online service GoodGame

    5. It's time sgenirirovat list of participants. The developers gave a detailed description of what parameters are specified in brackets, to set a flag, or a fraction of a race. Use the "random seed" if you get randomly a bunch of opponents.
    6. Filling out the list of participants in the tournament online service GoodGame

    7. Upon completion of all settings, click on "Save and continue."
    8. Saving the tournament for the formation of the table in the online service GoodGame

    9. You have formed a grid with a link to it. Edit BestOf before the matches themselves will be launched.
    10. View tournament grid online service GoodGame

    11. Move the cursor to one of the pairs, where click the "Edit match" for the election results.
    12. The transition to the editing matches of the tournament in the online service GoodGame

    13. Enter the account and the time when it was played a couple, and then save the changes.
    14. Editing matches of the tournament in the online service GoodGame

    15. Moving players and the subsequent formation of the grid after the outcome will be made automatically.
    16. The transition to the next stage of the tournament in the online service GoodGame

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