How to connect wireless headphones to iPhone


How to connect wireless headphones to iPhone

Users of modern mobile devices are increasingly moving to wireless accessories. The most frequently used among these and simply necessary are headphones, and then we will tell you how to connect them to the iPhone.

Bluetooth-headphones third-party manufacturers

Usually, the solution of the task voiced in the title does not cause difficulties, but before proceeding to its consideration, we note the following:

The article will show an algorithm for connecting wireless headphones, which is applicable to products of any manufacturers with the exception of Apple. The topic of creating an iPhone and airpods pair will not be affected - these devices are mounted automatically and without any problems and nuances, and the process itself is accompanied by step-by-step prompts on the screen.

Creating a pair

In order to tie a couple of iphone and bluetooth headphones, follow the next algorithm:

  1. Make sure the Bluetooth is on the iPhone. If necessary, activate it from the "control point" (swipe from the bottom up the screen to call) or through the "Settings".
  2. Bluetooth function checking on iPhone

  3. Move the wireless access to detection mode. If you do not know how to do this, refer to the attached instructions or find it on the Internet by entering a request to a search string one of the following templates:
    • Manufacturer and Headphone Model + User Guide
    • Manufacturer and headphone model + Enable detection mode

    Search for a user manual for inclusion of headphones detection mode

  4. Open the "Settings" of the iPhone and go to the "Bluetooth" section.
  5. Go to the Bluetooth Settings section on the iPhone

  6. Make sure that the function is enabled, and wait until the headphone name appears in the "Other Devices" block that you connect to a mobile device.

    Wireless Accessory Search Bluetooth Settings on iPhone

    Note: If you do not know how the accessory used is called, look for this information on its case, packing or in the instructions.

  7. When headphones are discovered, tap by their name to create a pair from iPhone, after which the rotating connection indicator will appear on the right.

    Creating a pair with wireless headphones in the Bluetooth settings on the iPhone

    Note: Some wireless accessories for mapping them with mobile devices require an input of a PIN code or access key. Usually the necessary combination is specified on the package or in the user manual. It happens that it appears right on the screen.

    As soon as you see that in front of the Bluetooth headphones, "connected" will appear, and they themselves moved to the "My Devices" list, the procedure for connecting to the iPhone can be considered completed. In parallel with this, the headphone icon appears in the status bar and the charge level indicator of their battery. Now you can use an accessory to listen to audio and view video in any of the iOS applications available in the IOS environment where this feature is implemented.

  8. Successful connection of wireless headphones to the iPhone

    Breaking a pair

    In order to temporarily disable bluetooth headphones from the iPhone, it is enough to tap on their name in the list of conjugate devices or just turn them off. If a pair must be broken forever or for a long time, do the following:

    1. Go to "Bluetooth" in the "Settings" of Mobile Device.

      Open Bluetooth settings to turn off wireless headphones on the iPhone

      Advice: You can control the connection of wireless accessories directly from the control point (called swipe from the bottom limit of the upload screen), from there you can go to the wireless settings.

      Managing Wireless Accessories in PU on iPhone

    2. Press the blue button made in the form of a circle with the letter "i" entered into it and the right to the name of the accessory.
    3. Jump to Wireless Accessory Management in iPhone Settings

    4. Tap "Forget this device" and confirm your intention to touch the same item in the window that appears in the bottom area.
    5. Forget the connected wireless accessory in the iPhone settings

      From this point on, the wireless accessory will be disconnected from the iPhone. By the way, it may be required not only to break the pair, but also to eliminate possible problems with the connection, which we will describe in more detail below.

    Solving possible problems

    In some cases, the iPhone may not see the Bluetooth-headphones on the detection mode or sees them, but does not connect. To solve these problems, alternately follow the steps below, and after each step, try to re-link the devices.

    1. Restart the iPhone, turn on and turn off the wireless accessory. On the first re-activate bluetooth, and the second is transferred to detection mode.

      Restart iPhone to eliminate Bluetooth problems

      READ ALSO: How to restart the iPhone

    2. Make sure the headphones are charged, and the power saving mode is not turned on on mobile device.

      Activation of power saving mode in iPhone management item

      See also: How to turn off the energy-saving mode on the iPhone

    3. If earlier the accessory was already connected to an iPhone and problems with their connection did not arise, rupture a pair using the recommendations from the article of the same name, and then follow the steps necessary for its creation.
    4. If at the moment the headphones are conjugate with another mobile device (the connection can be both active and no), tear this connection and try to connect them to the iPhone, pre-translating into detection mode.
    5. If a branded application is used with the accessory, check whether access to Bluetooth is allowed. To do this, go along the "Settings" path - "confidentiality" - "BUETOOTH" and make sure that this parameter is active for the desired program.
    6. Check Privacy Police and Bluetooth for iPhone

      If the recommendations proposed above did not help get rid of the problem, and it, among other things, is accompanied by one of the symptoms designated below, contact Apple Support for this link.

  • The iPhone cannot activate Bluetooth or this option is inactive;
  • Not only used headphones are not connected to the iPhone, but other wireless accessories.

In general, problems with connecting bluetooth headphones to the iPhone arise quite rarely, and if they do not take into account particular cases (for example, physical damage to the device or communication module), they are all easily solved.

Airpods 1st, 2nd Generation and Airpods Pro

Connecting Apple's branded headphones to the iPhone - the task is significantly more simple than in the case of third-party manufacturers. The process itself proceeds in automatic mode, it requires literally a pair of clicks on the screen and takes no more than a minute. However, the configuration of the wireless accessory is still worth paying attention, since its correct execution will allow you to fully use the declared functionality, whether to play playback, selection of noise cancellation mode or synchronization with other devices. More detailed of all the nuances of this procedure can be found in the article below below.

Read more: How to connect Airpods to iPhone

Airpods Wireless Headphone Connection Process to iPhone


In connecting wireless headphones to the iPhone there is nothing complicated, and familiarized with the article, you could make sure of it.

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