The Internet speed has fallen on Windows 10


The Internet speed has fallen on Windows 10

Method 1: Network Adapter Troubleshooting Tool

First, use the built-in tool built into Windows 10, which will automatically perform diagnostics and, if detects, it will try to eliminate the problems associated with the Internet connection.

  1. Using Windows search, you start the "Control Panel".

    Running Windows 10 Control Panel

    Method 2: Network Driver Update

    Be sure to update the network driver. Load it from the official website of the manufacturer of the motherboard, network card or use special software. If the network card is installed separately, remove it from the main board and insert it into the same or, if possible, in another slot. About the methods of updating the network card drivers is written in detail in a separate article.

    Read more: Search and installation driver for network card

    Network Card Driver Update

    If the update does not help or the last version of the software for the network card failed, it is possible that the current driver works incorrectly. To remove it:

    1. The combination of the Win + R keys call the "Run" window, enter DevmGMT.msc and click "OK".

      Calling the window to execute

      Method 3: Changing the Adapter Settings

      Some users of the Microsoft community argue that they could increase the Internet speed to change the network adapter parameters. At the same time, the actions described below can lead to an increase in the load on the processor.

      1. Call "Control Panel" and open the "Network and Common Access Control Center".
      2. Login to Network and Shared Access Center

      3. We click "Change the parameters of the adapter".
      4. Login to Change Adapter Parameters

      5. Right-click on the Ethernet shortcut and open the "properties".
      6. Login to the properties of the network adapter

      7. In the next window, click "Set up".
      8. Calling a network adapter settings

      9. Property "Interrupt moderation" assign the value "OFF". This option allows you to process data packets in parts, which, with too intense traffic, reduces the load on the CPU.
      10. Turning off the interrupt moderation

      11. Turn off the flow control parameter, which is designed to reduce the threat of overflow of the network device buffer, but it can cause a network delay.
      12. Turn off the network adapter stream control

      13. The "Unloading Unloading V2" property is also aimed at reducing the load on the CPU when fragmentation of large data packets. We put the value - "OFF".
      14. Turn off unloading with big dispatch

      15. For the "Speed ​​and Duplex" parameter, we try to set the values ​​of 1 Gbit / s duplex, 100 Mbps duplex and 100 Mbit / s half duplex. Click "OK" to save the changes.
      16. Changing the speed and duplex parameter

      If this way does not solve the problem, it is better to return the source values ​​of the parameters.

      Method 4: Disable update delivery optimization

      The delivery optimization function from the update center allows you to download updates not only from Microsoft servers, but also from other sources, for example, from devices connected to the server to which they are already loaded. When this channel is open, it uses additional traffic, because of which the Internet can work slower. To disable the function to:

      1. The combination of the Win + I keys call the "parameters" of the system and open the "Update and Security" section.
      2. Login to Update and Security Windows 10

      3. Go to the "Delivery Optimization" tab and in the "Allow download from other computers" block, we turn off the function.
      4. Disable delivery optimization function

      In principle, you can first try to configure this option by changing the download and data transfer parameters. This is written in more detail in a separate article.

      Read more: Setting the "Delivery Optimization" function Windows 10

      Setting the delivery optimization function

      Method 5: Computer Cleaning

      During PC operation, unnecessary files are gradually postponed in the system, which later begin to influence not only the speed of the Internet connection, but also the performance of the entire computer. You can solve the problem with the removal of "garbage" using the tools of the system itself or special software. This is written in more detail in separate articles on our website.

      Read more:

      Cleaning Windows 10 from garbage

      How to clean the computer from garbage using the CCleaner program

      Removing unnecessary files from Windows 10

      Method 6: third-party software

      TCP Optimizer is a free utility for configuring and optimizing Internet connection. Despite the simple interface, the software takes into account a huge number of parameters, you can familiarize yourself with the technical documentation published on the download page. We have a sufficiently brief instruction from developers, thanks to which the problems associated with a low speed of the Internet can be eliminated for several clicks.

      Download TCP Optimizer from the official site

      1. We go to the official download page of the utility and download the latest version.

        Loading the extreme version of TCP Optimizer

        If necessary documentation for software, go to the link located on the same page.

      2. Link to the page with the documentation for TCP Optimizer

      3. TCP Optimizer does not require installation on a computer, so click the executable file with the right mouse button and run it with administrator rights.
      4. Starting TCP Optimizer

      5. In the General Settings tab, we set the connection speed that the provider promised. Select the network adapter through which is connected. Below, choose the optimal settings and click "Apply Changes".
      6. Setting up TCP Optimizer.

      7. In the Change Confirmation window, we put a tick opposite the "Backup" to return the settings to the initial state, if something goes wrong, and click "OK".
      8. Confirmation of changes in TCP Optimizer

      9. Reboot your computer so that all changes entered into force.
      10. Restarting a computer

      If the described methods helped optimize Internet connection, but the speed does not yet correspond to the stated provider, use additional methods that can help achieve a more speed Internet connection. You can get acquainted with them in a separate article on our website.

      Read more: Methods for increasing the speed of the Internet in Windows 10

      Disable auto-tuning windows receiving

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