How to disable Audience Network Facebook


How to disable Audience Network Facebook

Method 1: Advertising Settings

First, to disconnect the Audience Network on Facebook while creating or editing your own advertising in ADS Manager, which allows you to limit the declaration of ads alone with the social network and the associated application. The desired parameters are equally available in the desktop version of the business manager and in ADS Manager for mobile devices.

Option 1: Website

On the website, you can disconnect the Audience Network via ADS Manager for any ads. Of course, it is desirable to have fully customized advertising to work more comfortably with filters if necessary.

In addition to the foregoing, you can also create user blocking lists based on application addresses and web pages from the Internet. To save changes, it will be enough to use the "Publish" button.

Option 2: Ads Manager

The Audience Network Disconnection Procedure via ADS Manager for the phone is not very different from the desktop version and is to edit advertisement options.

Download Ads Manager from Google Play Market

Download Ads Manager from App Store

  1. Find the descriptive and in the "ad groups" block, select Prepared Advertising.
  2. Go to the ad group in Facebook ADS Manager

  3. Touch the link "Show details" in the section "Group of Ads" and tap on the pencil icon opposite the "placement location".
  4. Transition to change locations in Facebook Ads Manager

  5. By setting the "manual" value on the "Edit Placements" page, locate the "platform" block and select Audience Network.
  6. Go to the Audience Network settings in Facebook ADS Manager

  7. Remove the checkboxes next to you unnecessary advertising options or use the "Clear All" button to quickly shut down. To apply new settings with a disabled Audience Network, you must use the check mark in the upper right corner on the "Edit Placements" screen.
  8. Changing the Audience Network settings in Facebook Ads Manager

It is worth noting that the Audience Network will not work without an advertisement or account, which allows you to simply delete. However, for already paid ads, this option is not suitable.

Method 2: Disable advertising

To demonstrate the most suitable Facebook advertising, it constantly collects user data using Audience Network and subsequently uses them to display ads on sites and in applications that are not associated with social network. Limit data use with standard means.

Option 1: Website

In the desktop version of the Facebook website, you will need to go to the advertising settings available only by a special link or after certain actions.

Go to the parameters of advertising on Facebook

  1. Click on the link presented above to go to the settings of advertising preferences on a separate page. Alternatively, it can be done if you try to close any ad in the social network and choose "why I see this advertisement."
  2. Transition to promotional preferences on Facebook

  3. Once in the "Your Advertising Preferences" section, click the left mouse button on the "Advertising Settings" row.
  4. Transition to advertising settings on Facebook

  5. Alternately, open the settings of each option and set the "Forbidden" value.

    The process of disconnecting advertising on Facebook

    The only exception is the item "Advertising, including your social actions", where you need to set the value "no one." As a result, you can limit the announcement demonstration based on the collected information.

    Example of proper disconnection on Facebook

    Do not forget about additional blocks from the same page that allows you to hide advertising intended for a certain age, or see the data about you.

  6. Additional advertising settings on Facebook

After the proceeds made, the collected data will be cut off by the social network and will not affect ads from third-party resources. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely prohibit the collection of information.

Option 2: Mobile application

The official mobile Facebook client also allows you to manage advertising preferences through a similar section, but available directly from settings. At the same time, in terms of efficiency, options are completely identical.

  1. Click the Main menu tab using the top or bottom of the application panel and expand the "Settings and Privacy" section. Here you need to open the "Settings".
  2. Go to Settings in Facebook Application

  3. On the Parameters page, find the "Advertising" block and tap "Advertising Preferences".
  4. Go to settings for advertising preferences in Facebook

  5. Once in the specified section, tap on the "Advertising Settings" line and select "Advertising, based on data received from partners".
  6. Go to Advertising Settings in Facebook Application

  7. After that you can familiarize yourself with the consequences of changing settings. To limit the data collection, in the "Select an advertisement based on data from our partners" block, slide the slider to the left before the signature is "prohibited" and on the bottom panel, click "Save".
  8. The process of disconnecting advertising in the Facebook application

  9. Similar actions must be made in the section "Advertising outside Facebook products, selected based on your actions in these products," by choosing the option "No". This is important, since it is precisely the ban that will allow to limit the demonstration of individual ads on third-party resources.
  10. Disconnection process Audience Network in Facebook

  11. As with the website, you can pay attention to the other items of the "promotional preferences" settings. However, note that for the most part it applies only to the social network.
  12. Additional advertising settings in Facebook

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