How to mount ISO image in Windows 10


How to mount ISO image in Windows 10

Method 1: System Tools

In Windows 10, you can mount ISO images without additional software, one of two ways.


  1. With a combination of Win + E keys, we open the "Explorer" of Windows, we find the desired file, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Connect" in the context menu. This command is assigned by default, so you can also mount the ISO file by double clicking the left mouse button.

    Mounting an ISO image in Windows 10 explorer

    A virtual optical disk will be created on which you can familiarize yourself with the files included in the ISO image.

    View files on a virtual disk

    Windows PowerShell.

    1. Using the system search, open the PowerShell application.
    2. Run PowerShell.

    3. In the Console field we enter the command:


      And click "ENTER".

    4. Execution of a command for mounting an ISO image in PowerShell

    5. Specify the path to the file. At the end, there must be an extension .iso.
    6. Specifying the way to ISO-image

    7. We are only interested in one ISO file, so leave the following line with empty and press "ENTER". But if necessary, you can add other paths to mount several ISO images at once.
    8. Mounting an ISO image in PowerShell

    9. The value "True" in the "attached" column indicates that the optical disk is created.
    10. ISO image mount result in PowerShell

    11. To unmount it, enter the code:


      Command executing an ISO image in PowerShell

      Repeat the path to the location of the file and click "ENTER".

    12. ISO image unmounting result in PowerShell

    Method 2: Daemon Tools Lite

    Demon Tuls Light 10 - Free software by which you can not only mount popular image formats and emulate up to four virtual drives, but also create your own images from files and disks.

    1. We install the program, find the ISO file, click on it with the right mouse button, click "Open with" and select Daemon Tools Lite.
    2. Mounting an ISO image using Daemon Tools Lite

    3. Check that the image is mounted.
    4. Creating a virtual optical disk with DTL 10

    To create a virtual optical disc via DTL 10 interface:

    1. Run the program and at the bottom of the window we click the "Fast Monting" icon.
    2. Mounting an ISO image in the DTL 10 interface

    3. We find and open an ISO file.
    4. ISO image search

    5. To unmount it, press the "Extract" icon next to the virtual disk icon.
    6. Creating a virtual optical disk in the DTL 10 interface

    Method 3: Virtual CloneDrive

    Virtual CloneDrive is a free program that does not create ISO images, but supports simultaneously up to 15 virtual optical drives, mounted images from any media and works with all popular formats.

    1. Run the program. To change the language of the interface, go to the "Language" tab, choose "Russian" and click "OK".
    2. Changing language in Virtual CloneDrive

    3. VCD will be minimized in the notification area. Open it, click the right mouse button on the virtual clone and select the "settings" icon.
    4. Log in to the settings of Virtual CloneDrive

    5. In the settings window, specify the desired number of virtual disks that can create software, if necessary, change other parameters and click "OK".
    6. Setting up Virtual CloneDrive

    7. To mount the ISO file, click on it with the right mouse button and open using Virtual CloneDrive.
    8. Mounting an ISO image using Virtual CloneDrive

    9. There is another way. Click right-click on the program icon in the notification area, open the "Disc" tab and click "Mount".

      Mounting an ISO image using VCD from the notification area

      Select the desired file and click "Open".

      ISO image search

      To unmount it, select the corresponding item in the context menu of the disk.

    10. Unmounting ISO image using Virtual CloneDrive

    Select a standard application for ISO files

    File Association is a mechanism by which the system specifies match between file types and programs that can open them. If it is necessary that the files with the extension .iso by default opened by some specific software, for example, third-party software, you must do the following:

    1. The Win + I key combination calls Windows 10 parameters and open the "Applications" section.
    2. Login to applications on Windows 10

    3. In the Default Application tab, you scroll down the page down and click "Select Standard Applications for File Types".
    4. Calling a list of file types

    5. In this case, the ISO files by default opens the "Explorer".

      Search extension .iso

      To change the launch method, click on it and select another program from the pop-up list, for example, Daemon Tools Lite.

    6. Select ISO File Mounting Application

    7. Now next to ISO files will be the icon of the software that you are assigned by default.
    8. Changing an application for mounting ISO files

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