How to change the folder icon in Windows 10


How to change the folder icon in Windows 10

Method 1: System Tools

In Windows 10, it is possible to change the view of any folder. To do this, you can use either a system icon or an icon downloaded from third-party resources.

  1. We choose the folder you want to change the icon, and open it "properties".
  2. Login to the folder properties

  3. Go to the "Setup" tab and in the folder icons block, click "Change icon".
  4. Log in to the icon shift section

  5. From the list, select a suitable icon and click "OK".

    Selecting a system icon for folder

    To save the changes, click "Apply".

  6. Confirmation of changing icons for folder

  7. There are other sets of icons in Windows 10. To access them, in turn in the address bar We introduce:

    C: \ Windows \ System32 \ imageres.dll

    C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Moricons.dll

    C: \ Windows \ Explorer.exe

    After each address, click "ENTER".

  8. Access to additional sets of icons

  9. If you need to install the icon created by yourself or downloaded from the Internet, click "Review".
  10. Uploading third-party icon for folder

  11. We find the desired icon and click "Open".

    Search for a third-party icon on the disk

    In the next window, click "OK".

    Select a third-party icon for folder

    The folder icon will change immediately.

  12. Folder with changed icon

  13. To return the directory standard icon, click "Restore Default Values".
  14. Restore the standard folder icon

You can make all the folders on the computer of one species by creating an appropriate parameter in the Windows 10 registry editor.

  1. The combination of the Win + R buttons call the "Run" window, enter the REGEDIT code and click "OK".

    Windows 10 registry call

    As a result of the actions described, the folder type will change, but when they are displayed in the mode of huge, large or conventional folder icons with nested files, there will be a standard view.

    Display folders in Windows 10 Explorer

    Change the icon in this case prevents the preview feature, which displays sketches (thumbnails) of video files and images, as well as icons of programs stored on the disk. If necessary, this option can be disabled.

    1. We run "Explorer", open the "File" tab and click "Change Folder and Search Settings".

      Login to Folder Properties

      Method 2: Special Software

      In addition to system tools, change the folder icons, files, local drives and other Windows 10 elements using third-party software. For these purposes, many special utilities have been developed, there are simply packages with all the necessary files, which do not require additional software. This is written in detail in a separate article.

      Read more: How to install icons on Windows 10

      Changing folder icons using iconpackager

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