Applications from the App Store are not loaded


Applications from the App Store are not loaded

Before you get acquainted with the instructions outlined below and apply, do the following:

  • Make sure that the latest IOS version is installed on the iPhone. If an update is available for the system, download and installed it.

    Read more: How to update iOS

  • Check availability of updates for iMessage function on iPhone

  • Check the Internet operation, first of the Wi-Fi. In case of problems, use our manual to eliminate them.

    Read more: What to do if Wi-Fi does not work on the iPhone

  • Check Internet Connection For iMessage function on iPhone

  • Restart Mobile Device.

    Read more: How to restart the iPhone

  • Check the state of Apple servers. Perhaps it is now in the work of the App Store or related services a failure is observed, due to which the problem under consideration occurs. To do this, simply go to the link below and appreciate the status - if it is available (the circle near the title is green), it means there are no problems.

    Page check of the state of the EPL system

  • Checking the state of the Apple system and the performance of the company's services

    Important! All further actions must be carried out strictly in the manner presented by us, the method behind the way, after each checking the presence of the problem until it is eliminated.

Method 1: Repeated to the Internet

By default, IOS has a ban on the installation and update of the program on a cellular network if the data size exceeds 200 MB. In the 13 version of the operating system, this restriction can be easily disabled, but it is better to use stable Wi-Fi. Moreover, if the problem under consideration occurs when connecting to a particular wireless network, it is possible that it is precisely in it, and therefore it is worth trying to connect to another at least if such an opportunity is available. It will also be easily turned off, and then re-enable the Internet on the device.

Read more: How to enable the Internet on the iPhone

Re-connection to Wi-Fi in the iPhone settings

If you cannot connect to another Wi-Fi, it is not possible to try to set an update on a mobile network, which is fairly easy to do in iOS 13 and newer versions, but accessible in earlier, however, it is noticeable. How exactly, tells in a separate article on our website.

Read more: Installing "heavy" programs and games in iOS on cellular network

Select options for installing applications and cellular games on iPhone

Method 2: Stop and Restore Loading

Next, which is worth performing to eliminate the problem of downloading the application, it is to put this process to pause, and then restore it again. To do this, go to the iOS main screen, find the label of the downloaded or updated application (it will be depicted with a circular indicator), tap it once and then the second. There is a considerable share of the likelihood that the re-initiated procedure will be completed successfully.

Pause and restore download problem application on iPhone

Method 4: Turn on and off the aircraft

The air crash, fully deactivating all network modules of the mobile device, can be used as a kind of shake, which can be enough to solve the task item voiced in the title title.

  1. Call the control location by running the swipe from the bottom up (on the iPhone with the "Home" button) or from top to bottom (without a button) across the screen.
  2. Call control to restore the download of the problem application on the iPhone

  3. Touch the button responsible for switching on the airline.
  4. Turning on the airline to restore the download of the problem application on the iPhone

  5. Wait at least 15 seconds, after which you turn off the flight mode.
  6. Disconnect the aircraft to restore the download of the problem application on the iPhone

Method 5: Verification of autoloading settings

By default, the automatic download update feature is enabled in the mobile OS from Apple, however, for one reason or another, it could be disabled or, it is less likely to fail. Therefore, it will be useless to check its condition and, even if everything is in order, forcibly turn off, restart the smartphone, and then turn on again.

Read more: How to activate automatic application downloads on iPhone

Next, if you have more than one device with iOS / iPados and they use the same Apple ID on them, do the following:

  1. Take the device at which there are currently no problems with downloading and / or updating programs from the App Store. Install the "problem" application on it, necessarily making sure the completion of the procedure.
  2. Installing a problem application to another iPhone

  3. On the same device, open the "Settings", tap the section with your Apple ID account, select the ITunes Store and App Store item, followed by the switch in front of the program item located in the Automatic Loading Block.

    Enabling automatic application downloads on another iPhone

    Additionally, activate the "Update software" item if it was not done earlier.

  4. Additional activation of automatic software update on another iPhone

  5. Install some other application or game.
  6. Set another application to another iPhone

  7. Now take the first device - the one that the application from the APP Stor could not boot. It is likely that the problem will be eliminated, but if this does not happen, re-follow the recommendations from the second method and go to the next one.

Method 6: Starting parallel loading

Another possible "stimulation" method of download is to start parallel to the process - install another application or game. Such an approach to some extent can be called an alternative to the previous solution for those users who have no second I-devices. Just go to the App Store and try to install any arbitrary program - it is possible that after the end of this procedure, the problem load will be restored and completed.

Parallel Download Application Application for iPhone

Method 7: Setting up the date and time

For the work of many IOS components, especially those associated with the network and data exchange, it is extremely important that on the Apple device the date and time, which, with ideal circumstances, should be determined automatically. Check if it is, if necessary, correct the problem, will help the reference below the article below - you need to perform recommendations from its part "Method 1: Automatic Definition".

Read more: How to configure the date and time on the iPhone

Check the date and time settings for the iMessage function on the iPhone

Method 8: reinstalling the application

If at this stage the problem is still not eliminated, the application that is not loaded from the App Store, first need to be deleted (if it was updated) or cancel its installation (if it was downloaded for the first time) - the easiest way to do it, through the context menu, Called for a long press on the label on the main screen - and then re-install.

Read more: How to Delete / Install the program on the iPhone

Cancel and pause download, deleting a problem application on the iPhone

Method 9: Re-authorization in Apple ID

The latter is not a radical measure that should be applied to the control of the problem under consideration is the output and re-log in to the Apple ID account in the App Store. For this:

  1. Run the application store and, while in any of the three of its first tabs, tap on your own avatar.
  2. Go to managing your Apple ID in the App Store on the iPhone

  3. Scroll through the open menu to the bottom and select "Exit", and then confirm your intentions.
  4. Exit from your Apple ID account in the App Store on the iPhone

  5. Restart your smartphone, run the APP steps again and log in to your Eppl Iidi account - To do this, click on the profile icon and enter the username and password.
  6. Re-log in to your Apple ID account in the App Store on the iPhone

    Try re-install / update the problem application or game. If this time the procedure is not completed by success, you will have to resort to the last possible and far from the most pleasant decision.

Method 10: Reset Settings

It is extremely rare, but still it happens that none of the methods discussed above does not allow you to restore the normal efficiency of the App Store and "to force" applications again. The only solution in this case will be resetting the settings - first only networks, and then, if the problem is not eliminated, and the entire operating system. On how to do this, we previously told in individual articles.

Read more:

How to reset network settings on the iPhone

How to reset all iPhone settings

Switch to network settings on the iPhone

Important! Before proceeding with such a radical procedure as resetting settings, be sure to create a backup of the data. Do this will help the following instruction.

Read more: Creating a backup of data in iOS

Go to creating a backup data in the iPhone settings

Read more