Why long browser opens


Why long browser opens

Reason 1: Browser Update

When the brakes are observed only periodically, the occasion may not be - modern browsers are updated constantly, and sometimes it takes a long time. Find out if it is easy through its settings. Open them and look for the "Update browser, even if it is not running" or "Use the background service to install updates." In the absence of there, the checkboxes are easy to conclude that it really has to be updated only at startup, which is why delays arise. Install this tick if you want to download updates imperceptibly for you.

Background installation of updates in browsers on Chromium

Please note that such an opportunity is not everywhere, but in the most famous browsers last versions it is present.

Background installation in Mozilla Firefox

Cause 2: Lack of free RAM

Frequently, users are trying to start the browser, after opening another or more other programs. Not everyone is aware of how much the megabytes of RAM occupies the used software, which is why this resource deficiency may well arise. In trying to free a free space for the launch of the web browser, the operating system will unload unnecessary processes, try to use the paging file (if it is enabled in Windows settings), for which it is spent a decent time.

Checking Tools through the Task Manager to free up RAM

It is important to note that not too advanced users often suffer from their own inattention, establishing programs advertising installing affiliate software in the OS. Because of this, there are many unnecessary applications in Windows, in addition to those prescribed in the startup and opening together with the inclusion of the computer in the background. If you refer yourself to the category of not very confident users, be sure to read the following material for cleaning the operating system from unnecessary files, paying special attention to how already said, autoload and the list established in principle.

Read more:

Clean the "Startup" folder in Windows 10 / Windows 7

Cleaning from the garbage of Windows 10 / Windows 7

If you see that almost all available memory consumes the browser, read the article on the link below - there are told the reasons for which it happens and ways to eliminate them.

Read more: Why does the browser use a lot of RAM

View the number of RAM used by tabs and browser extensions

Be sure to check the availability of an available number of RAM. Not actual, namely accessible, because sometimes these indicators differ due to certain features of your PC.

Find out if the volume of the installed RAM is activated for direct purpose, you can, opening the "Explorer" and clicking the right mouse button on this computer (or "My Computer" if Windows 7).

Switch to Windows system properties via conductor to view the number of RAM

In the line "Installed memory (RAM)" should be displayed only in the figure, and if you see, for example, the inscription "4 GB (2.91 GB is available)", it means that the computer actually uses only a part of all gigabytes. To understand why it happened, our separate material will help you.

Read more: Error solving "Windows uses not all RAM"

Number of available RAM in Windows System Properties

Cause 3: Installed Extensions

Browser expansion markets are replete with different proposals, making the functionality of those richer. In trying to increase their productivity, simplify this or that task in one click, users do not notice how many additions add easily. But each such extension is a mini-application. Accordingly, when you need to start a web browser, and different additions will be started with them, braking the overall operation. The exit here is simple as possible: go to the section with the add-ons installed and disconnect, and even better remove what you do not use or what is not particularly necessary. Leave only proven options that really decide the task important to you. If possible, do not use dubious extensions, since miners or other malicious objects may well be disguised in them.

Read more: Deleting extensions from Google Chrome / Opera / Yandex.Bauser / Mozilla Firefox

Disable or delete expansion from the browser to speed up its startup

Cause 4: Temporary Files

Each visited site "remains" in the browser's memory not only in the form of history - cache and cookies, intended to simplify the further user interaction with the web page, are stored on the hard disk in the browser folder. When those accumulate too much, they are becoming more complicated to handle them, and the web browser is invariably starting to slow down. You just just remove them, thereby increasing the speed of the program and freeing the place on the drive.

Removing a cookie, you will find yourself forced to anenately logged on all sites where the entrance was previously made! If the browser stores a login and password, this data will automatically submit to the fields, after which it will only be necessary to click "Log in". Nevertheless, be careful before their cleaning. The deletion of Kesha will not affect the work of personal profiles, but some sites can be loaded a little longer for the first time than usually, but after that the speed will become the same.

Read more:

Cleaning Kesha in Google Chrome / Opera / Yandex.Browser / Mozilla Firefox

Cleaning Cookie in Google Chrome / Opera / Yandex.Browser / Mozilla Firefox

Cleaning the browser history to accelerate its launch

Cause 5: Changed Experimental Settings

Some users decide more subtly configure the browser, moving to the section with experimental parameters. However, thoughtless or simply the wrong choice of at least one value can lead at best to errors and brakes, and at worst - to the inability to even open the program. If you did not go to the section with the experimental settings and changed something there, reset them to the default state.

  1. In Google Chrome and Opera to go to the address bar, write Chrome: // Flags, in Yandex.Browser - Browser: // flags and press ENTER.
  2. At the top of the right, click on the "Reset All to Default" button.
  3. Reset experimental settings in the browser

  4. Restart the browser with the "Relaunch" button.
  5. Restart browser after resetting experimental settings

  1. In Mozilla Firefox, type About: Config, confirm that you are taking the entire risk.
  2. Transition to Experimental Settings in Mozilla Firefox

  3. Click "Show all".
  4. Displaying all experimental settings in Mozilla Firefox

  5. Changed parameters are highlighted in bold and to the right of them there is an arrow that allows you to reset the parameter. You will have to do it manually with each or to reset the web browser settings completely.

    Cause 6: Unsuccessful Update

    Sometimes the reason for slow work becomes an incorrect update of the web browser, especially if its Beta version is installed. In such a situation, the user can either wait for the next update, or try reinstalling the browser independently. On the example of Yandex.Bauser, we offer to use the recovery instructions - there is also told and how to reset the web browser to the factory settings, and how to reinstall it, saving all user data (bookmarks, tabs, passwords, etc.).

    Read more: How to restore the browser

    Reset all browser settings to speed up its launch

    Worders of Mozilla Firefox need to do some other actions. In the article on the link below, pay attention to method 2 - it is written there how to reinstall the browser without losing personal data.

    Read more: Restoration Mozilla Firefox

    And if you do not care whether the data will be saved, simply delete the web browser and reinstall it.

    Read more: Delete Google Chrome / Opera / Yandex.Bauser / Mozilla Firefox from a computer

    First stage of removal of Yandex.Bauser

    Cause 7: Problems in Windows

    Not always in slow work, the browser is to blame for himself - sometimes the error lies in the operating system, reflecting on the launch of different software. You can start their search from running the troubleshooting tools built into operational windows. In the following link you will find all the necessary information about this. The basis of Windows 10 is taken as the basis, but the instructions are suitable for older OS families.

    Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

    Running the SFC ScanNow utility on the Windows 10 command prompt

    Drivers, mostly video cards, can also affect the web browser. Check and update all drivers available for PCs - it is likely that with the release of the browser update, it begins to require the latest version of this software.

    Read more:

    How to update drivers on your computer

    Programs for updating drivers on PC

    Update NVIDIA / AMD / Intel video card driver (on the example of a specific model)

    User actions can also provoke long launch. If you make it possible that with your manipulations could affect the performance of the operating system and / or programs, perform the restoration of Windows using the built-in tool.

    Read more: Rollback to recovery point in Windows 10 / Windows 7

    The beginning of the Windows 10 operating system recovery procedure

    Reason 8: Virus / Anti-Virus Work

    Everything that is associated with viral theme seems to be a banal recommendation, which does not make it less significant at all. Viruses can really affect the system in different ways, causing difficulties in one way or another with it. Therefore, it will not be superfluous, whether Windows is clean, with a protective software.

    Read more: Fighting computer viruses

    Anti-virus utility for the treatment of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

    Advertising applications that not only load it are often embedded in the browsers, but also forced to demonstrate banners. To search for such malicious applications, it is better to resort to a more thematic solution.

    Read more: Fighting advertising viruses

    Changing the browser label parameters in Windows

    Antiviruses and themselves can force the web browser to slow down, constantly checking his files at the moment when it starts. Since to open it you need to simultaneously contact a large number of files, protective software spends some time on their scanning, blocking before this is the possibility of using. Try to turn off the antivirus and check whether the launch is accelerated without its activity. If so, boldly add a folder with a web browser to eliminate the protective software (for this you need to know the installation path, which can be done with the right mouse button on the browser label and select the file "Location").

    Read more:

    Disable antivirus

    Adding a program to exclude antivirus

    Reason 9: Weak Computer Configuration

    Most modern browsers have long ceased to be just a conductor on the Internet, and in parallel provides the user with different additional functions. Their set leads to the increased requirements of the hardware component of the PC: the load occurs on the RAM and the hard disk, and the processor.


    This reason is partially intertwined for the reason for the following factor: now 4 GB RAM may already be missed by users working with a browser and complex programs at the same time. Owners of the closed OS, Virtual Machine (VirtualBox, VMware, etc.), launched demanding programs will not be easy to open the web browser quickly even in the operating system with 8 GB of RAM. Especially if there are tabs with a heavy content of video, spreadsheets, text editors. This situation is solved in different ways:

    • Separation of work with a browser and other programs, cleaning the startup (read the reason 1).
    • In the computer, exactly the same level of RAM, as the installed, or is replaced completely to the new one (if it is not possible to find the same or the total volume is already broken into two strips and free slots). The hardware upgrade is preferable because it allows you to simultaneously run more programs. Note that some laptops also support the installation of additional planks for RAM, but this information must be specified in the specifications of the device, and the installation process will depend solely from the Laptop model. Without knowledge of his analysis, the procedure is better to entrust professionals. Read all the information on the possibility of buying and installing RAM slats, read the links below - they are located in order from the definition of the desired model before its physical installation.

      Read more:

      We learn the amount of RAM in PC

      Defining the name of the RAM model on Windows

      Check the compatibility of RAM and motherboard

      How to select RAM for Computer

      Install RAM modules

    • Enabling the paging file (several gigabytes are reserved on the hard disk, which will be used by the system as RAM). This option, in contrast to the previous, will not require cash investments, however, has a number of minuses: not everyone has from 2 GB of free space, especially since the hard disk speed is many times lower than the speed of RAM. Because of this, as well as because of the likely errors, when distributing the priority of processes to drop into the paging file, the starting speed of the browser may not increase at all, but in general to fall. It turns out this with the inclusion of this function for testing. Alternatively, it is allowed to use a flash drive, but it is necessary to understand that on average they are not such long-livers as HDD, so faster will be out of order after constant load.

      Read more:

      Determine the appropriate size of the paging file in Windows

      Enabling the paging file on your computer with Windows 10 / Windows 7

      Using a flash drive as RAM on PC


    Many also depends on the reading speed of files from the hard disk, and if he has a low speed (which is very often found on budget laptops or cheap ready-made PC assemblies), the browser will open not much quickly even immediately after installation. Already a week of active use, collecting a lot of temporary cooking type cookies, cache, stored on the drive, the start speed of the browser will fall even stronger. The owners of SSD drives can also face a similar problem if the device itself starts to die. The fact is that this type of disk devices usually does not fail in order instantly, having developed its resource, - the symptom is a gradual decrease in the speed of execution of all operations, and on the launch of any programs it is the strongest.

    Read more:

    Hard Drive Speed ​​Check

    All about hard disk reading speed

    How to speed up the hard disk

    SSD speed checks

    In addition, if earlier the browser always worked fine, and now began to slow down, it is impossible to exclude damage to the drive. Over time, there may be broken sectors or file system errors there, which is why the speed of processing of various information can significantly decrease or that will cease to be available. Check your HDD for such problems.

    Read more: Check hard disk for performance

    The main window of the HDD Health program

    With SSD you can do the same, but it will not be able to restore it - the poor condition of the drive is associated, as a rule, with its irreversible wear.

    Read more: SSD performance check

    Disc condition in ssdlife

    Processor + RAM

    This fact concerns a small number of users - yet now many use more or less modern computers and laptops, whose capacities are enough to start even demanding browsers. Nevertheless, users with weak cars (old PCs, netbooks, superb budget segment) will naturally experience tangible difficulties when trying to open a web browser. If you update the configuration is not an option, you should find the easiest browser, and not the one that is heard from everyone. It is not necessary to think that browsers for weak computers are very worse than their promoted competitors: many of them are endowed with a set of all necessary functions, but everything is unnecessary and necessary for everyone, on the contrary, cut out.

    Read more:

    What to choose a browser for a weak computer

    We learn your processor

    Select a processor for a computer

    Processor performance characteristics

    Installing the processor on the motherboard

    The article described only the overall reasons and it is necessary to understand that specifically in your case the fault can always be a specific problem, solved only after full-fledged diagnosis. It is often helped by an analysis of previous events that could contribute to the emergence of problems, such as a major system update, replacing component PCs without reinstalling the OS, remote virus, a serious update of the browser itself, etc. from the intended source of problems and should be repeated when searching for solutions.

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