How to close tabs on iPhone


How to close tabs on iPhone

If you actively use the Internet on your iPhone using a standard or any third-party browser, sooner or later it will accumulate quite a few open tabs, most of which will stop being necessary. Next, we'll tell you how to close them.

Google Chrome.

If you are the user of the most popular web browser in the world, you will need to perform the following steps to close unnecessary tabs:

  1. By running the application and opening any of the sites or homepage, click on the button located on the bottom panel displaying the number of open tabs.
  2. Go to view tabs in the Google Chrome browser on the iPhone

  3. Lay, and then tap the one that you want to close, after which they are tapped on the icon in the form of a cross, or simply wrap the "tile" site to the side. Repeat the action with other pages if necessary.

    Closing one or more tabs in the Google Chrome browser on the iPhone

    If you need to "close all" tabs, click on the appropriate inscription on the bottom panel. If necessary, this action can be canceled.

  4. Close All tabs in the Google Chrome browser on the iPhone

  5. In each browser, there is incognito mode, and if you also need to close the web resources previously viewed in it, first go to this section by clicking on the corresponding icon in the top area of ​​the application, and then repeat the steps similar to what is described in the previous step of the instruction .
  6. Closing tabs in incognito mode in Google Chrome browser on iPhone

    Getting rid of unnecessary tabs, you can return to the usual viewing of web pages in Google Chrome.

    Return to viewing pages in Google Chrome browser on iPhone

Mozilla Firefox.

If your browser is Mozilla's default browser, to close the tabs, the acts should be used by the similar one with the algorithm discussed above.

  1. Open the application and click on the button on which the number of open tabs is displayed.
  2. Go to view tabs in the Mozilla Firefox browser on the iPhone

  3. Find the one that you want to close, and wipe it away or touch the cross, located in the upper right corner of the miniature of the site. Similarly, close the remaining unnecessary elements. In order to close all pages, tap the button performed in the form of a trash basket.
  4. Closing one or more tabs in the Mozilla Firefox browser on the iPhone

  5. If open, but there are more unnecessary tabs in the incognito mode, go to it using the corresponding button on the bottom panel, and then do the same actions as in the previous step - wake up or close the "tile" of the site or delete them all.
  6. Closing tabs in incognito mode in the Mozilla Firefox browser on the iPhone

    Closing unnecessary web pages, go back to the usual Mozilla Firefox interface.

    Return to view pages in the Mozilla Firefox browser on the iPhone

Yandex browser

In order to get rid of unnecessary tabs previously open in Yandex.Browser, follow the following instructions:

  1. As in the cases discussed above, press the button with the number of running tabs located to the right of the address string.
  2. Go to view tabs in Yandex.Browser browser on iPhone

  3. Touch the cross-bacuspik located in its upper left corner or wake up an unnecessary page up - any of these actions will achieve the desired result. If necessary, repeat it with the rest of the elements.

    Closing one or more tabs in Yandex.Browser browser on iPhone

    If you want to close all sites at once, first close any of them, and then tap on the button "Close All" button and confirm your intention to "close all tabs".

    Close All tabs in Yandex.Braser browser on iPhone

    Note! Random closure of one or immediately all pages can always be "Cancel".

  4. If you have open tabs in incognito mode, go to it from the page viewing window, after which you are already familiar to the previous point of action - click on the cross or wove the thumbnail up.
  5. Transition to incognito mode in Yandex.Browser on iPhone

    As soon as you get rid of one site, it will be possible to "close all tabs", after which it will be possible to "exit" from the incognito regime and continue surfing.

    Close all tabs in incognito mode in Yandex.Braser browser on iPhone


The closing procedure of the tabs in the once leading opera mobile browser, especially if we talk about at once all elements, somewhat different from those in the decisions considered above.

  1. To start, click on the open page view button (the number of it is not displayed on it) marked in the image below.
  2. Go to view tabs in Opera browser on iPhone

  3. Then find and make an unnecessary miniature of the site to the left or right, use the cross or a similar button on the tab that appeared after the start of this "move", in its upper right corner. Repeat the action if necessary.

    Closing one or more tabs in Opera browser on iPhone

    You can close all web pages as using the appropriate button on the bottom panel and in the application menu, called by pressing three points located in the upper right corner of the window. This action will need to confirm.

  4. Close All tabs in Opera browser on iPhone

  5. The transition to the incognito mode in this web browser is carried out through its menu (in the tab window) - the item "Private Mode". Next, everything is done exactly the same way as in the previous step.

    Closing tabs in incognito mode in Opera browser on iPhone

    Closing all pages can be performed in three ways - the button to the same button on the bottom panel, through the Opera menu, where you want to select "Close All Private tabs", or with the direct attempt to "exit the private mode", which can be simply left, and you can get rid and from the traces of anonymous surfing by selecting the appropriate point in the window with a request.

  6. Closing all tabs in incognito mode in Opera browser on iPhone

    Opera's competitive solutions differ not only to its interface, but also provided by the variability of actions - the task of interest to us can be solved in two ways.


In completion, we consider how to close the tab on the iPhone in the Safari brand browser, since it is with it that most Apple users go online.

  1. Running the web browser, tap the extreme right of the button located on its bottom panel.
  2. Go to view tabs in the Safari browser on the iPhone

  3. Make a more unnecessary page, after reading it in the open list, or click on the button made in the form of a cross, located in the upper left corner.
  4. Closing one or more tabs in the Safari browser on the iPhone

  5. In order to get rid of pages open in incognito mode, tap "Private access" on the bottom panel and follow the same steps as in the previous step.
  6. Closing tabs in incognito mode in Safari browser on iPhone

    As soon as you close all unnecessary tabs, it will be possible to return to the familiar surfing, touching the miniatures of the open site or by clicking "close", which will lead you to the web browser's homepage.

    Return to view pages in Safari browser on iPhone

    Close All tabs in the safari even easily - clamp the button located in the lower right corner opening access to view the open tabs. In the menu that appears, select "Close All tabs".

    Close All tabs in the Safari browser on the iPhone

    Closing tabs in most popular browsers on the iPhone is performed according to a similar algorithm, the difference is only in the appearance and the name of the controls that decide this task.

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