How to delete files with google disk


How to delete files with google disk

Method 1: PC-version Google Disc

Cloudy warehouse Google disk allows you to easily save, synchronize, share and edit files from various devices. To delete one object or a whole folder, such a browser will be needed only a few minutes.

Important! When you delete a file from the cloud, it will also automatically be deleted on all gadgets that are synchronized with each other. You can restore accidentally erased documents through the "Basket" section. In this case, objects displaced in it are removed automatically after 30 days.

  1. Open Google Disc and go to the folder from which you want to delete files.
  2. Open the folder to complete the file deletion in the Google Disk PC

  3. If the desired document is not located in the folder, you can immediately click on the string with its name left mouse button. To mark multiple items at a time (range), hold the "SHIFT" button on the keyboard while selecting, or "Ctrl" to specify individual files.
  4. Click on the name of the file to completely delete the file in the PC version of Google Disc

  5. A string with additional options will appear at the top of the top. Select the "Basket" icon.
  6. Click on the basket icon to complete the file delete in the PC version of Google Disk

  7. Within a few seconds, it is possible to note the action and restore remote materials. To do this, simply click on "Mark" in the lower left corner.
  8. After the file deletion of the file, a few seconds can be noted in the PC version of Google Disc

Deleting files from "Basket"

You can finally erase the file with Google disk only by removing it from the "Basket". Note that after completing the following instructions, the files are not subject to recovery.

  1. Open your google disk and go to the "Basket" section.
  2. Click on the basket for the final deletion of files from the PC version of Google Disk

  3. To highlight one file, it is enough to click on it with the left mouse button. If you want to mark a few, then by holding the "SHIFT" button (Range) or "Ctrl" (not running in a row) on the keyboard, select them.
  4. Select files to finally delete files from PC version of Google Disc

  5. A string with additional functions appears at the top of the top. Click on the "Basket" icon to finally delete an object with a google disk.
  6. Click the basket icon for final deleting files from the PC version of Google Disk

  7. For instant removal of all materials, click on an inverted triangle, and then to "Clean the basket".
  8. Click Clear Basket for Final Delete All Files from PC Version Google Disc

Method 2: Mobile Applications

Google's branded mobile applications for smartphones on iOS and Android work otherwise than the computer version, but also allow you to perform all the necessary actions. The order to delete files in iOS and Android is slightly different due to the difference in the interface, so we consider instructions for each case separately.

Option 1: iOS

  1. Open the Google Disc application and log in to your account.
  2. Open Google Disc application to delete files via Mobile Application Google Disc for iOS

  3. Go to the folder in which the files are located to delete.
  4. Open the folder to delete files via Mobile Application Google Disc for iOS

  5. To highlight the object, it is enough to hold the finger on it within a few seconds before the additional options appear. If you want to immediately erase several, then after the first element mark alternately tap them. At the same time, you can allocate up to 50 points.
  6. Select files to remove via Google Mobile Application for iOS

  7. Next Touch the "Basket" button located on the panel that appears.
  8. Mark your finger you need to delete files via Mobile Application Google Disc for iOS

  9. Click "Delete".
  10. Tap Delete To delete files via Mobile Application Google Disc for iOS

Deleting files from "Basket"

Consider how to completely erase the object with the Google disk by removing it from the "Basket". It is important to note that in iOS 13 and newer versions to highlight multiple files here will not work. You must or delete one by one, or immediately clear the entire folder.

  1. Run the Google Disc application and tap three horizontal strips on the left side of the screen.
  2. Press three horizontal strips to finally delete all files from Google IOS disk

  3. Go to the "Basket" section.
  4. Select a shopping cart for the final deletion of all files from Google IOS disk

  5. Opposite the file you want to completely delete, press three points to go to the options section.
  6. Select a file to delete for the final deletion of all files with Google IOS disk

  7. Touch the Delete Forever button.
  8. Click Delete Forever To finally delete all files from Google IOS disk

  9. For instant cleaning of the entire basket, tap three horizontal points in the upper right corner.
  10. Press three points to finally delete all files with Google IOS disk

  11. Select "Clear Cart".
  12. Click Clear Basket For Final Delete All Files with Google IOS disk

Option 2: Android

  1. Open the Google Disc application and pass authorization.
  2. Open the Google Disc application to delete files through the Google Mobile Application Disk for Android

  3. Select the folder or files you want to remove from the disk.
  4. Go to the folder to delete files via Mobile Application Google Disc for Android

  5. Press and hold the object for a few seconds to mark it. You can also delete several files at once, highlighting them.
  6. Hold your finger to delete files via Mobile Application Google Disc for Android

  7. Next, tap the "Basket" button with your finger at the top of the screen. Note that the deletion will occur immediately without additional confirmation.
  8. Click on the basket icon to delete files via Mobile Application Google Disc for Android

Deleting files from "Basket"

Deleting files from the "Basket" Google disk will make it possible to release a place in the cloud storage. On some Android smartphones, the problem has arisen with the latest update: it is impossible to immediately clear the entire basket. We recommend using a computer for this purpose.

  1. Run the Google Disc application and on the left side are taping three horizontal strips.
  2. Tap three horizontal strips to finally delete all files with Google Android disk

  3. Go to the "Basket" section.
  4. Go to Cart section for final removal of all files with Google Android disk

  5. Hold a couple of seconds on the first object. To highlight the following enough just touch them.
  6. Hold your fingers files for the final removal of all files with Google Android disk

  7. Note all files for final deletion, press three vertical points.
  8. Press three points to finally delete all files with Google Android disk

  9. Tap "Delete Forever".
  10. Tap Delete Forever To finally delete all files with Google Android disk

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