Online reading speed check


Online read speed check

Method 1: Advance

The first online service provides services for an increase in the speed of reading and mastering the material. It has a function that allows you to check the current result that we recommend using by following these steps:

Go to Advance online service

  1. Open the appropriate Advance website page by clicking on the link above, and click there "Complete the test."
  2. Running read speed check via online Advance service

  3. Immediately the countdown will begin, and you need to read the text that appears on the screen.
  4. Start checking read speed through an Advance online service

  5. Once reading is completed, click "Stop" to go to the next step.
  6. Completion of read speed checking through the Advance online service

  7. You will be notified about the time that was spent on reading. If you are interested only in this parameter, interaction with Advance can be completed.
  8. Result of reading speed through the Advance online service

  9. For a complete end of testing, you will need to answer thematic questions. Start from the first, noting the marker with the appropriate option, and go further.
  10. Question to check the contents of text via the Advance online service

  11. In the same way answer the rest of the questions.
  12. Passage of test for text understanding via the online Advance service

  13. Upon completion, the calculation of the data will take literally a few seconds.
  14. Loading deployed statistics via an online Advance service

  15. You will be notified of the speed of reading the number of words per minute, as well as get a general summary of the text understanding.
  16. View read speed results through the Advance online service

  17. You can start courses on Advance if you liked to go to the tasks on this site by clicking on "reading with Advance". Start free familiarity, go through the first tasks and then check if the read speed has changed.
  18. Transition to further interaction with the Advance online service

Method 2: Wikium

Online service called Wikium is similar to the previous one, and the passage of testing in it looks like this:

Go to online service Wikium

  1. After switching to the online service, click on the button "Start".
  2. Transition to checking read speed via online Wikium service

  3. Immediately deploy the contents if you want to read the text faster.
  4. Reading text via online service Wikium

  5. Start reading, because the timer already considers seconds, and at the end, click "Further."
  6. Completion of read speed check via online Wikium service

  7. Answer questions by choosing one of the four available options.
  8. Answers to read speed questions in the online service Wikium

  9. Answer thus on 10 questions related to the text to find out the percentage of learning.
  10. Progress Testing through the Wikium Online Service

  11. Immediately you will receive results and you can proceed to re-read, if necessary.
  12. Reading speed test results via online service Wikium

Method 3: Readster

All existing online services for checking read speed are approximately the same as it is difficult to come up with something new in such a region. This also applies to readster - the tool that will be discussed below.

Go to the online service Readster

  1. Click on the link, read the test rules and click "Start".
  2. Go to checking read speed via online readster service

  3. You can start reading the text that appears or click "Show another text" so that it has been changed to the new one.
  4. Replacing text when checking the read speed via the online readster service

  5. The countdown begins immediately after displaying the proposals, and to complete the click "Stop".
  6. Transition to answers to questions via online service Readster

  7. Answer for ten questions, marking suitable items.
  8. Answers to read speed questions via online readster service

  9. Make sure all options are selected, and then click "View Results".
  10. Completion of testing via the online service Readster

  11. Check out the results obtained to find out how quickly you read.
  12. View test results via online readster service

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