How to add a photo in Google photo


How to add a photo in Google photo

Option 1: PC version

To download images on Google, a photo from a computer can be used at once in several means optimal in different situations. It does not matter that you will use the website of this service or the browser application.

Method 1: Download from Computer

To load the image in Google photos from the computer's memory is quite easy regardless of the number of media files, including a one-time addition. At the same time, the service is strictly limited to supporting JPG, PNG, RAW and WEBP formats, as well as resolution up to 4920 × 3264 pixels.

Official site Google photo

  1. Use the link presented above to open the service site, and in the upper right corner, click "Download". Previously need authorization.

    Opening Menu Download on Google Photos

    Note: If you want to add a file to a specific album, you should use the button "Add photo" in the desired directory.

    When you appear the Upload photo menu, select the "From Computer" option by clicking on the appropriate line.

  2. Go to boot from a computer on the Google Photos website

  3. Once in the Opening window, find the folder with images on the PC and select the necessary files. To go to download, click Open.

    Selecting images to download Google Photo Photos

    Immediately after that, a notification of the download with information on the number of photos and the status of the procedure will appear in the lower corner of the website.

    The process of loading images from a computer on the Google photo photo

    Upon completion, another alert will be presented in the same screen area, which can be used to quickly transfer photos to some of the albums. Uploaded pictures are usually grouped not by the date of addition, but by the date of creation.

  4. Successful image download from a computer on the Google Photos website

  5. Alternatively, you can easily select suitable files on the PC and simply drag to any place on the Google Photo website. This will allow you to immediately start loading with the same results.
  6. Loading images to the Google site photos through dragging

  7. If you first upload photos to the cloud, in addition to the specified notifications, you will also be asked to select the quality of the pictures after adding. To find these parameters and in any other situations, open the main menu and select "Settings".

    Go to the Settings section on the Google Photos website

    Here there are two options with a fairly accurate description, each of which will eventually be automatically applied to all new files. What exactly choose, depends only on your requirements.

  8. Choosing the quality of downloadable images on the Google Photos website

With sufficiently frequent download of photos with the original quality parameters, as a result, the dedicated place can end up on the disk. To this not happen, follow the status of the repository or connect paid rates.

Method 2: Adding from Google Disc

Another way to download photos to the site under consideration is to import files from another cloud storage - Google disk. On the images added in this way, completely similar limitations are distributed, as in the previous case.

  1. On the top of the online service panel, click the left mouse button on the "Download" button.

    Go to the download menu on the Google Photos website

    From this menu, select the option "Google Disc".

  2. Go to boot from Google Disc on Google Photos

  3. When the pop-up window appears that displays all the files suitable and parameters, find the desired images.
  4. View files on Google Drive through Google Photo

  5. To start copying to Google photos, select the pictures by pressing the LKM and use the Upload link on the bottom panel.

    Getting started images from Google Disc on Google Photos

    As a result, an instantaneous transfer will be made and a corresponding notification will appear. The pictures themselves can be found on the main page, in the "Today" section.

  6. Successful loading of images from Google Disc on Google Photos

Photos added from the Google disk, in any case will be loaded into a common album, requiring a separate sorting if necessary. In addition, during imports, the quality assigned to the "settings" of this service is automatically installed and without the possibility of change.

Method 3: Autoload and Synchronization

The last option of downloading images in Google Photos from a computer is reduced to using a special program that produces automatic search for suitable files in specific folders and loading to the cloud storage. Unlike the cases discussed above, it requires minimal interference on your part, not counting the preparation of software.

Download App Running and Synchronization from the Official Site

Step 1: Installation

  1. Using the above link or the main menu of the web service, go to the program page. To start the download, click "Download".
  2. Go to download Applications on Google Photos

  3. In a new window "Saving", select any convenient place on your computer and click "Save".
  4. Saving the application Autoload and synchronization on a computer

  5. Open the selected folder and double-click on the installation file. After that, download and automatically install the program will begin.
  6. Installing the application Autodeload and Synchronization on PC

Step 2: Setup

  1. After waiting for the download, you will find yourself on the welcome page of the application with the requirement to click "Start". If the start by some reasons did not occur, you can open the program through the "Start" menu.
  2. First launch application startup and synchronization on PC

  3. At the first stage, you need to authorize in the Google account. The procedure does not differ from the filling of the usual form on the site of this company.
  4. Adding an account to the autoload and synchronization on the PC

  5. Once at the second stage "Setup", select "Save Copies Photos and Video". You can also install a marker next to another option if you want to synchronize files not only with Google Photo, but also with a disc.
  6. Selection of quality settings in the app

  7. After pressing "Next", the "My Device" page opens. Use the main block with the folder structure to select the directory from which the images will be automatically loaded.

    Be careful! If you choose the option "On the computer" It will be synchronized not only photos, but also videos stored on the system disk.

  8. Folder selection in Application Startup and Synchronization on PC

  9. Additionally, open "Advanced Options" and remove the checkbox on the Google Disc page. This will allow you to synchronize the data only from Google photo.
  10. Advanced settings in the Application Startup and PC Synchronization

  11. Return to the "My Device" tab, select the appropriate option in the "Size of the Uploaded Photo and Video" and click "Start". You should not neglect the quality setting, since the autoload and synchronization will ignore the parameters of the online service.

    Completion of settings in Application Startup and Synchronization on PC

    When synchronization notification appears in the lower corner, wait some time until full file updates.

  12. Synchronization Notification in Application Startup and Synchronization on PC

Step 3: Download photo

  1. To duplicate the file in the Google Photo Storage, it will be enough to add a supported image to the folder installed in the settings of the program under consideration.
  2. Automatic image load on Google photo

  3. Loading in this case will be made immediately and the snapshot will appear on the service website.
  4. Example of an automatically loaded file on Google photo

Deleting already synchronized files from the directory will not affect the material status in the cloud. As you can see, add files to Google's website photo is quite easy.

Option 2: Mobile application

On mobile devices running Android and iOS, the Google photo is also available, but already as a separate application. And although the interface remains virtually unchanged, the loading procedure in this case differs significantly from the previous version.

Method 1: Adding from the device

After downloading and installing software from the official store, the application immediately checks the device's memory for compatible files, and in the future it does it constantly even when the synchronization function is turned off. Because of this feature, the program will somehow be used as a viewing tool, while providing the download tool for individual pictures.

Download Google Photo from Google Play Market

Download Google Photos from App Store

Single loading

  1. To add some particular photo to the cloud, expand the main menu in the upper left corner and in the list below, select the "on the device" section.
  2. Go to the section on the device in Google Appendix Photo

  3. When the directory list appears, go to the location and tap the file you need. As a result, the image opens in full-screen viewing mode.
  4. Image selection for download in Google Photo

  5. Click the icon with three vertical points in the right corner or simply swipe the upscreen to open the control panel. Here, under the area with the image, you need to use the "Create Backup" icon.

    Saving an image from the phone in the Google application photo

    In case of successful completion of the procedure, the button under the card will change and a new field "Add a description" will appear. As it is easy to guess, from this point in the photo will be stored in the cloud and can be removed from the device.

  6. Successful image download from phone in Google photo

Mass loading

  1. If necessary, the application can be used to copy a large number of files into the cloud storage. To do this, open the "On Device" section through the Main Menu and select the desired directory.
  2. Go to the selection of a photo folder in the Google application photo

  3. Touch one of the downloaded photos and hold for a few seconds before the panel appears at the top of the screen. After that, you can highlight the rest of the pictures with a single touch, unfortunately, only manually.
  4. Selecting images to download in Google Photo

  5. After completing the file selection, in the upper right corner, click on three points and select "Start Download".

    Go to download image in Google Appendix Photo

    Each selected snapshot without an identical backup will be downloaded, which you will learn from the appropriate notification.

  6. Successful image download in Google Appendix Photo

Method 2: Automatic Download

Unlike the computer, the Mobile Google application photo provides the default tools for automatic searching and downloading compatible media files from the phone. This can be used to simplify the addition procedure.

  1. Being in the application, tap the menu icon in the left corner of the screen and select "Settings".
  2. Go to the Settings section in Google Appendix Photo

  3. Through the submitted list, open the "Auto-loading and Synchronization" page and tap the Identical Signature switch.
  4. Enabling Options Startup and Synchronization in Google Appendix Photo

  5. When auxiliary parameters appear, to start open the "Photo Size" settings and select the appropriate option to be applied to all new downloads.
  6. Changing image quality in Google Appendix Photo

  7. To start sync in the "Use Mob. Internet for download »Use the" Photo "switcher.

    Adding a photo to autoload in Google Appendix Photo

    After some time on the same page, open the "folders on the device" section and turn on the directories, the files of which you want to copy to the cloud.

The presented method can be used on a temporary basis, including and disconnecting the described options. In addition, it is done literally in a couple of minutes.

Method 3: File Manager

Snapshots stored in the memory can be added to Google Photo using almost any file manager. As an example, we will be involved quite well-known ES conductor.

  1. By running the File Manager and opening the directory with the images, tap the desired card and hold a few seconds before the tick appears. At this stage, you can also highlight other pictures in the folder.
  2. Switch to the folder with images in the file manager

  3. On the bottom panel of the application, use the "still" button and select "Send" through the menu. Please note, you need the point marked in the screenshot, and not the one at the beginning of the list.
  4. Go to sending images in the file manager

  5. In the pop-up window with sources options, select "Download in Google Photo" to go to add. Here you need to select an account if there are several of them, and click "Download" at the bottom of the screen.

    Go to Google Photo Manager

    Until complete completion, the procedure should not close the application so as not to interrupt the data transfer. After that, do not forget to check the Google photo for the appearance of new files.

  6. Successful image loading in Google photo through file manager

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