Not downloaded applications from the store on Windows 10


Not downloaded applications from the store on Windows 10

Speech in this article will go about the problems that arise directly during an attempt to download the application from the Microsoft Store in Windows 10, provided that the store itself functions correctly. If it does not start with you or is not at all, check out other thematic materials on the links further.

Read more:

Troubleshooting problems with launching Microsoft Store

Installing Microsoft Store in Windows 10

Method 1: Using troubleshooting

Let's start with the simplest method, gradually moving to less efficient and complex. Using the automatic troubleshooting tool does not always bring due results, but with its launch any user will cope, so it is necessary to make it first.

  1. Open the Start menu and go to "Parameters" by clicking on the icon in the form of a gear.
  2. Go to parameters to run troubleshooting tools for downloading applications from Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  3. Run down the list and select the latest "Update and Security" tile.
  4. Go to the section To start troubleshooting troubles with the Microsoft Store operation in Windows 10

  5. In the Left menu, find the "Troubleshooting" category.
  6. Opening a list of troubleshooting tools to search for Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  7. Through it, run the device troubleshooting tool.
  8. Running troubleshooting tools for Microsoft Store applications in Windows 10

  9. Confirm the launch by clicking on the corresponding button.
  10. Confirmation of troubleshooting tools for the work of Microsoft Store applications in Windows 10

  11. Scanning does not take much time, and according to its results, a notification of actions that need to be implemented to solve the problem will appear on the screen. For example, it can be turned on UAC, which can be done immediately through the wizard window.
  12. Correction of problems associated with the operation of Microsoft Store applications in Windows 10

Method 2: Disable limit connections

Sometimes the operating system automatically sets limit connections, for example, if the tariff plan of the Internet is limited. If Windows considers that the limit is about to end, the downloading of applications will be prohibited. In the case when you are confident that this option can be disabled or do not need it at all, follow these steps:

  1. In the same menu "Parameters" go to the "Network and Internet" section.
  2. Go to network settings to disable limit connections to correct Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  3. Through the left panel, move to "Using Data".
  4. Opening a list of connections to correct errors with downloads applications from Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  5. Select the network for which the parameters should be displayed, and then click "Set the Limit".
  6. Transition to the disabling of limit connections for the troubleshooting fixes with Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  7. Check the marker "without restrictions" and save the changes.
  8. Disabling limit connections to correct troubleshooting with Microsoft Store in Windows 10

Unable to restart Windows, and then proceed to re-attempts to download applications.

Method 3: Microsoft Store Reset

Sometimes the Windows Store WINTOVS works incorrectly, which will only be able to understand the full reset through the built-in functionality of the operating system. This method is not always effective, but easy to implement, therefore it is in third place.

  1. In "Parameters", find the "Applications" section.
  2. Go to the Microsoft Store application settings in Windows 10

  3. Through the category "Applications and Features", go down the list to find a Microsoft Store there.
  4. Search Microsoft Store app in Windows 10 through the list with programs

  5. Select the app of the left mouse button and click on the optional options clickable.
  6. Go to the Microsoft Store application management in Windows 10 through parameters

  7. Run down the menu where click on the "Reset" button.
  8. Button to reset the Microsoft Store application settings in Windows 10

  9. Confirm the operation by re-clicking on the new button that appears.
  10. Microsoft Store Application Reset Confirmation in Windows 10

Reset settings will not take much time, but after it is highly recommended to send OS to a reboot to update the parameters. Then try to reload the applications, and if it cannot be done again, read the following methods.

Method 4: Checking the download queue

Sometimes even after reset, some applications remain in the download queue, but for some reason they are not loaded or this operation does not start automatically. Then the download of other programs will be blocked, so you should check the list itself.

  1. In the search through the "Start" menu, write "Microsoft Store" and launch the application.
  2. Launch Microsoft Store in Windows 10 to check the download queue

  3. Click the three horizontal point button and select "Download and Updates".
  4. Go to the list of downloads Microsoft Store in Windows 10 to view the download queue

  5. Go to the category of download.
  6. Viewing the download queue in Microsoft Store in Windows 10

Now you can get acquainted with the list of downloads that are in the queue. If there is some kind of software, completely clear the list by clicking on a specially designated button, and then start the new download of the required application.

Method 5: Re-authorization

Re-authorization in MS Store will help solve problems with downloading applications if they have arisen due to improper account functioning. This operation will take a few seconds, and it is done like this:

  1. After entering the store, click on the personal profile avatar icon.
  2. Opening the Profile Management Menu in Microsoft Store in Windows 10 to exit the account

  3. Specify your account there and click on it.
  4. Go to the Microsoft Store account in Windows 10 to exit it

  5. Click on the "Get out".
  6. Button to exit the Microsoft Store account in Windows 10

  7. After successful exit, click the icon again, but you can already select "Log in".
  8. Re-authorization in Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  9. Use your standard login authorization data.
  10. Select an account for re-authorization in Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  11. Confirm the identity by entering the PIN, if necessary.
  12. Confirmation of re-registration in Microsoft Store in Windows 10

Method 6: Setting the latest Windows updates

At times, loading applications from Microsoft Store is not available, because in the download queue is a system update for Windows 10. In the other situations, the store refuses to work just due to the lack of last updates, so the problem will have to correct, establishing the latest files.

  1. To do this again through the "Start" menu, go to "Parameters".
  2. Go to parameters to update OS when fixing a Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  3. Lay out the "Update and Security" section.
  4. Go to updates to correct troubleshooting with Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  5. Run the search for updates or immediately download them if they have already been found.
  6. Downloading updates to solve problems with Microsoft Store in Windows 10

Sometimes, with this task, it is impossible to cope with the user, which may be associated with the general misunderstanding of the principle of installation of updates or problems that arise at this stage. Then we advise you to read certain thematic guidelines on our website by clicking on the links below.

Read more:

Update Windows 10 to the latest version

Install updates for Windows 10 manually

Solving problems with the performance of the Windows 10 update center

Method 7: Changing application installation location

Another malfunction, due to which applications from the MS Store may not be loaded, are malfunctions with the default installation site by. To check this assumption, the download location can be changed, re-after running the downloading of applications.

  1. In the "Parameters" menu, you are interested in the first section "System".
  2. Go to the settings of the download location of applications from Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  3. There, through the left menu, find the "memory".
  4. Opening a memory management menu to solve problems with Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  5. Run down and click on the click "Change the location of the new content".
  6. Go to the selection of space for downloading applications from Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  7. In the first item "New applications will be saved here". Change the logical volume.
  8. Choosing a place to download applications from Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  9. After do not forget to click on "Apply", and you can return to re-downloading programs.
  10. Confirmation of location changes to download applications from Microsoft Store in Windows 10

Method 8: Re-registration of the store in Windows

Re-registration of the application store in Windows is a radical step to which it is worth going only if the above options did not bring due results.

  1. Right-click on the "Start" and select the "Windows PowerShell" string that appears.
  2. Transition to PowerShell to eliminate problems with the work of Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  3. Enter the command "& {$ Manifest = (Get-AppXPackage Microsoft.Windowsstore) .installLocation + 'AppXManifest.xml'; Add-AppXPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $ Manifest}" and click the Enter key.
  4. Command for recording Microsoft Store in Windows 10

  5. After a few seconds, a new input line should be displayed without errors, which means that registration has passed successfully. Restart the computer and try downloading applications.
  6. Successful execution of the command for re-registration of Microsoft Store in Windows 10

Finally, there are two more advice related to the integrity of system files and the full restoration of the operating system, since these actions need to be passed only in extreme situations. If nothing of the above has helped, you can try these recommendations, familiarizing yourself with the instructions on the following links.

Read more:

Use and restore the integrity of system files in Windows 10

We restore Windows 10 to source

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