How to put a reminder on iPhone


How to put a reminder on iPhone

Note: Next, we will look at several applications from the most famous software developers who have proven themselves among users, completely free, deprived advertising and built-in purchases. They have both simpler and more advanced analogs, but the disadvantage of most of the latter is as time as an abundance of advertising and / or distribution on a fee or a subscription.

Method 1: Apple Apple

You can solve the task voiced in the title title and without installing applications from third-party developers - there are necessary funds in the IOS itself.

Option 1: Calendar

Apple's calendar Although not endowed with such wide opportunities, as a similar product from Google, but to create a reminder will not be difficult.

Download Apple Calendar from App Store

  1. Run the standard calendar application. If for some reason it was deleted, use the following link to the installation.
  2. Starting a standard application calendar on iPhone

  3. Highlight the date on which you want to put a reminder, and click on the "+" button located in the upper right corner.
  4. Select the date and add a reminder in the Application Calendar on the iPhone

  5. Enter the reminder text.

    Specifying Event Names in Application Calendar on iPhone

    If necessary, add a place.

    Selecting Event Place in Application Calendar on iPhone

    You can manually enter it, select the current geoposition or one of the recent places.

    Geoposition search in Application Calendar on iPhone

    Next, determine whether the reminder will be actively all day,

    Determine the parameters of the reminder repeat in the application calendar on the iPhone

    or manually indicate the beginning and end of its execution,

    Definition of the beginning and end for reminder in the application calendar on the iPhone

    Setting both the date and time.

    Enter the date and time of reminders in the application Calendar on the iPhone

    Note: The end of the event is not necessary to indicate.

    Select whether the notification will be repeated,

    Reminder repeat parameters in the Application Calendar on the iPhone

    And if so, then to what date.

    Setting up the end of the reminder renovation in the application calendar on the iPhone

    If the entry is tied to the place, you can add "time on the way",

    Set the time on the way to remind the application calendar on the iPhone

    Additionally, noting the "initial geoposition".

    Time settings on the way to remind the application calendar on the iPhone

    You can also choose which the recording will be added to which calendar. This is relevant for both personal and family and / or working cases.

    Calendar selection for reminder in the application Calendar on the iPhone

    The main thing is that you should specify in our case - this is a "reminder", that is, the time you receive a notice.

    Setting the reminder parameters in the Application Calendar on the iPhone

    Available options: "At the time of events" or a certain interval before it. For greater efficiency, it is possible to install a second reminder.

    Advanced Reminder Settings in the Application Calendar on the iPhone

    Among other things, the URL can be added to the record.

    Adding a URL to a reminder in the application calendar on the iPhone

    and notes.

    Adding a note to the reminder in the Application Calendar on the iPhone

    After completing the creation, tap on the inscription "Add",

    Add a reminder in the Application Calendar on the iPhone

    After that, the event will immediately appear in the calendar on the date you specified,

    Display added reminder in the Application Calendar on the iPhone

    where can it be viewed

    View a new reminder in the application calendar on the iPhone


    Edit the reminder in the application calendar on the iPhone

    (opens access to the same parameters as when creating a new event)

    Editing reminders in the application calendar on the iPhone

    Or delete.

  6. Delete Event in Application Calendar on iPhone

    Apple's calendar is largely similar to the one-time solution from Google, which we further consider, and is well suited not only for personal use, but also for the joint.

Option 2: Reminders

If the calendar seems to you not the most appropriate application to create reminders, you can use a more obvious solution, also pre-installed in iOS.

Download Apple Reminders from App Store

  1. If the application was accidentally or specifically deleted from the iPhone, install it by using the link to the download page above and run.
  2. Starting a standard iPhone reminder application

  3. Tap at the above inscription "Add list",

    Add list in iPhone Reminder Application

    Come up with him name

    Come up with a name for a new list in the iPhone Reminder Application

    Choose color decoration

    Selecting the color of the design for the new list in the iPhone Reminder Application

    and logo,

    Logo selection for a new list in iPhone Reminder Application

    Then click "Finish".

  4. Create a new list in iPhone Reminder Application

  5. Select the list you created in the main application window,

    Select a new list of reminders in the iPhone Reminder Application

    Touch the inscription "New Reminder"

    Create a new reminder in iPhone Reminder Application

    And enter it.

    Entering a new reminder in the iPhone Reminder Application

    Using the template options, determine the time

    Time options for a new reminder in the iPhone reminder application

    and place of events.

    Places for a new reminder in the iPhone Reminder Application

    If you need, designate its importance to the flag

    Adding a checkbox for a new reminder in the iPhone Reminder Application

    And add a media file.

  6. Adding a media file for a new reminder in an iPhone reminder application

  7. For a finest reminder setting, tap the button marked in the image below the button that provides the ability to edit.

    Ability to edit reminders in the iPhone reminder application

    Add note as desired

    Adding a note to remind an iPhone reminder application

    and URL.

    Adding a URL to remind an iPhone reminder application

    Specify the date

    The parameter can be reminded per day in the iPhone Reminder Application

    Pre-transferring to the active position the "Remind per day" switch,

    Select date for reminder in iPhone Reminder Application

    And time is "remind over time."

    Parameter Remind time in the iPhone Reminder Application

    If required,

    Repetition frequency in iPhone Reminder Application

    Determine the frequency of repetition of the event.

    Determine the frequency of repetition in the iPhone reminder application

    In the event that the recordable information is attached to the place, activate the corresponding switch

    The parameter is reminded on the place in the iPhone Reminder Application

    and specify geoction,

    Search for the right geoposition in the iPhone Reminder Application

    By providing this required permission.

    Permission to access geoposition in iPhone Reminder Application

    If an event is associated with a specific user, it can be done so that the reminder appears when sending it to the message.

    Remind when sending a message in an iPhone reminder application

    To do this, simply activate the appropriate item, and then select the desired person from the address book.

    Select contact in iPhone Reminder Application

    Also available priority definition

    Definition of the priority of reminders in the iPhone reminder application

    and the list in which it will be saved.

    Select a list for reminder in the iPhone Reminder Application

    In addition to recording, you can add subparagraphs

    Add subparagraphs to a reminder in an iPhone reminder application

    and images -

    Add images to reminder in iPhone Reminder Application

    Photos or scans of documents.

  8. Variants of adding images to a reminder in an iPhone reminder application

  9. The reminder you created will appear in the selected list,

    New reminder in iPhone reminder application

    where it can be changed, view

    Change a new reminder in the iPhone Reminder Application

    and mark as made.

    Mark a reminder as performed in the iPhone Reminder Application

    To delete an entry, it is enough to complete the swipe on it to right left, click "Delete" and confirm your intentions.

  10. Remove reminders in iPhone Reminder Application

    Thanks to a fairly large number of available parameters, the standard reminder application is one of the best solutions of our task, especially since it is, like the calendar, do not even need to be installed on the iPhone.

Option 3: Siri

If you use the Voice Assistant embedded in Apple devices, you probably know that with it you can perform various actions including applications and inside them. Since standard "reminders" integrated into iOS, create a new entry with Siri will not be difficult.

  1. In any convenient way, call Siri and tell her "remind me of ...", and then voiced what you need to remind.

    Voice reminder for Siri on iPhone

    Advice: If during the dictation task to name a specific time or period (for example, "at lunch" or "in the evening"), it will immediately be added to the reminder.

  2. Check out the recorded record. It is immediately added to the standard application, the default list. If everything suits you, just close the dialogue with a voice assistant, otherwise tap the "Change" button.
  3. View reminders created using Siri on iPhone

  4. Write on how you want to correct or add a reminder, or do it manually.
  5. Change reminder created using Siri on iPhone

    Similarly, you can add a new entry to the calendar, only for this will have to say Siri something like a "add an event to the calendar" and further continue communication with it or make the necessary edits yourself.

Method 2: Google Apps

Google is developed by quite a lot of applications and web services, however, not many less with a certain periodicity it is closed. But it is extremely unlikely that such a sad fate is waiting for those products that decide the task voiced in the title title and will be considered by us further.

Option 1: Calendar

The Google calendar is actively used in the corporate segment for the effective organization of the workflow, as it contains an impressive set of useful tools in its arsenal. However, this does not prevent it from using it to solve more modest tasks - reminders.

Download Google Calendar from App Store

  1. Install the application from the store using the link above, run it and log in to your Google Account. Provide access to the standard calendar on the iPhone, tapping "Allow".

    Allow access to the calendar application Google Calendar on the iPhone

    If the Google account already uses on the device, in the calendar's welcome window will be prompted to select it (it will be necessary to simply translate into the active position located opposite the switch profile) and click on the Start button. There is also the ability to "add an account".

    Add a new account in Google Appendix Calendar on iPhone

    Next "Allow" access to contacts

    Allow access to contacts application Google Calendar on iPhone

    and send notifications.

    Allow Send Notifications Application Google Calendar on iPhone

    After reading the basic functions of the application, click "Start" and then "OK".

  2. Start using the Google application calendar on iPhone

  3. Using the menu or drop-down list called by clicking on the name of the month, select the date you want to put a reminder.

    Date selection To add a new entry in the Google application calendar on the iPhone

    Alternatively, you can immediately tap on the button to add a new record and select a "reminder".

    Go to adding a new entry in the Google Appendix Calendar on the iPhone

    We will look at this method, since it implies more parameters.

  4. Add a new reminder in Google Appendix Calendar on iPhone

  5. Write down what you need to remind.

    Creating a reminder in Google Appendix Calendar on iPhone

    Choose whether the reminder will be relevant "all day", moving into an active position located opposite the corresponding point switch.

    Reminder all day in Google Appendix Calendar on iPhone

    Or independently specify specific date

    Select date for reminder in Google Appendix Calendar on iPhone

    and time.

    Time selection for reminder in Google Appendix Calendar on iPhone

    Next, determine whether to repeat the notification (item "Do not repeat" allows you to choose frequency).

    Reminder repeat parameters in Google Appendix Calendar on iPhone

    When finished, click "Save".

    Save a new reminder in Google Appendix Calendar on iPhone

    A new reminder will be created and added to the calendar.

    Reminder Created in Google Application Calendar on iPhone

    If necessary, it can be "changed",

    Change New Reminder in Google Application Calendar on iPhone


    Delete a new reminder in Google Appendix Calendar on iPhone

    And, of course, "note as done."

  6. Mark as a performed reminder in Google Appendix Calendar on iPhone

    In order for reminders always displayed in the calendar, make sure that they are marked in the event list for the account used - this is done in the application menu.

    Option 2: Tasks

    The relatively new Google application is great for creating simple reminders, drawing up and maintaining lists of cases, besides, it is integrated into the Gmail company email client, notes and the above calendar.

    Download Google Tasks from App Store

    1. Install the application using the link presented above, start it, click "Start work",

      Start work with Google Application Objectives on iPhone

      Provide permission to send notifications ("Allow" in the pop-up window)

      Allow sending notifications to Google Tasks on iPhone

      And enter your google account.

    2. Select an account in Google Application for iPhone

    3. Click on the button of adding a new task located in the bottom area,

      Adding a new task in Google Application Objectives on the iPhone

      Select the list to which it will be added. By default, these are "My tasks", but you can "create a list" and ask him your name.

    4. Select a list to create a task in Google Application Objectives on the iPhone

    5. Write down what you need to remind

      Creating a new reminder in the Google Application Tasks on the iPhone

      Select a date, tapping on the calendar image,

      Select date for reminding Google Application Objectives on iPhone

      Specify time

      Time selection for reminder in Google Application Tasks on iPhone

      and determine the frequency of repetitions, if necessary (item "Not to repeat").

      The frequency of the repeat reminder in the Google application tasks on the iPhone

      You can add additional information to the recording being created - in fact, the note.

      Adding additional information to remind Google Application Objectives on the iPhone

      After completing the creation of a reminder, click on the "Save" above the virtual keyboard.

      Save a new reminder in Google Application Objectives on the iPhone

      All tasks you added are displayed in the main application window,

      List of reminders in Google Application Objectives on iPhone

      where they can be sorted by "by date" or "in my order."

      Procedure for sorting reminders in the Google application tasks on the iPhone

      In order to mark the task as performed, it is enough to tap along the above-mentioned checkbox, setting the mark in it.

    6. Mark the reminder as performed in the Google Application Tasks on the iPhone

      The Calendar considered above is well suited for working cases, including reminders, while tasks - the solution is simpler and highly specialized, but at the same time universal, which can be used both in personal and working purposes. The latter, thanks to close integration with other service-developer services.

    Method 3: Microsoft To Do

    To do Microsoft - replacing the popular WunderList planner, the support of which is terminated to date. At the same time, all lists of cases from it can be transferred to the application that we will later consider - for this there is a convenient means of import.

    Download Microsoft to Do from the App Store

    1. Taking advantage of the link presented above, install the application and run it. Log in to your Microsoft account, specifying a login and password from it, or, if so, do not yet, create a new one.
    2. Authorization or registration in Microsoft to Do i on iPhone

    3. Click on the inscription "Create a list" below

      Create a new list in Microsoft to Do i on iPhone

      Specify the name to it

      Enter the name for the new list in the Microsoft to Do application on the iPhone

      And select the color of the design.

    4. Selecting the color for the new list in the Microsoft to Do application on the iPhone

    5. Immediately after that, the ability to "add a task" will appear.

      Add a new task in Microsoft to Do on iPhone

      Write it down, if you wish, place in the "My Day" view to see it in the main application section.

    6. Add a task in the presentation of my day to Microsoft To Do on the iPhone

    7. Tap on the image of the bell tile to specify the time and date of reminders.

      Pressing the bell to create a reminder in Microsoft to Do on iPhone

      Here are available as template values ​​like "tomorrow" and "next week" and the ability to "choose the date and time" yourself,

      Select the time reminder time in the Microsoft to Do application on the iPhone

      Using a calendar

      Setting the Date Reminder Task in Microsoft To Do Application on iPhone

      And virtual hours.

    8. Setting the target reminder time in Microsoft to Do application on iPhone

    9. When specifying the necessary information, click Finish.

      Completing the task in the Microsoft to Do i on iPhone

      A new reminder will be created and added to the list.

      New reminder in the task list in the Microsoft to Do application on the iPhone

      It can be done "important", tapping on an asterisk,

      Make a reminder important in Microsoft to Do on iPhone

      and change

      Change reminder in Microsoft to Do i on iPhone

      Calling the appropriate menu.

      Reminder change parameters in Microsoft to Do i on iPhone

      To reminding you can add a note,

      Adding a note to the reminder in Microsoft to Do on iPhone


      Adding files to reminders in Microsoft to Do on iPhone

      And also specify the frequency of the repeat.

      Reminder repeat parameters in Microsoft to Do on iPhone

      Additionally available creation of subparagraphs (steps).

      Adding sub-clause to reminders in Microsoft to Do i on iPhone

      In addition to the initially selected list, depending on the parameters specified at the stage of creation and / or editing, the created reminder can be added to the "My Day" view,

      Reminder Added to Presentation My Day in Microsoft to Do i on iPhone


      Reminder marked as important in Microsoft to Do application on iPhone


      Reminder Added to List scheduled in Microsoft to Do i on iPhone

      Each list may contain an unlimited number of records. If you wish them (lists), you can edit and arrange (for example, adding the background image, icon), put in the group,

      Create a group with tasks in Microsoft to Do on iPhone

      The creation of which is carried out using the appropriate icon on the bottom panel.

    10. The creation icon of the new task group in the Microsoft to Do application on the iPhone

      Microsoft To Do is an excellent application for creating simple reminders and task lists and a comfortable organization of a full-fledged workflow - both personal and joint.

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