Error 0x8007232B when you activate Windows 10


Error 0x8007232B when you activate Windows 10

Method 1: Using troubleshooting

As the first method, we advise you to use the troubleshooting device built in Windows 10 by running a network adapter check, since an error with code 0x8007232B may be related to network problems. This option is not the most efficient, but the analysis and the correction is made automatically, and from the user only to start the process.

  1. Open "Start" and go to "Parameters".
  2. Go to parameters to correct the error 0x8007232B when you activate Windows 10

  3. Select the last section "Update and Security".
  4. Opening Update and Security To Fix Error 0x8007232B when Windows 10 Activation

  5. Through the left panel, move to the "Troubleshooting" category.
  6. Transition to the troubleshooting tool to solve the 0x8007232B problem when Windows 10 activation

  7. Running down the list, find the "Network Adapter".
  8. Select trouble correction tool for solving 0x8007232B when you activate Windows 10

  9. Click the LCM by block, and then "Run a troubleshooting tool."
  10. Run troubleshooting tool to solve 0x8007232B when you activate Windows 10

  11. Mark the active network adapter marker to check only it. If you do not know what to specify, leave an active item "All network adapters" and go further.
  12. Selecting a network adapter for checking when solving a 0x8007232B problem when you activate Windows 10

  13. Wait until the scan end and read the notification on the screen. If you need to perform additional steps, follow the instructions that are shown in the same window.
  14. Troubleshooting when correcting the 0x8007232B error when Windows 10 is activated

It remains only to attempt to re-activate if some malfunctions were still found and corrected. Reboot your computer for this is not necessary: ​​changes in the network adapter come into force immediately.

Method 2: DNS Kesha Reset

Another reason for the appearance of an error 0x8007232B is the inability to access the network DNS, which is responsible for checking the license key entered. In most cases, it is possible to solve this failure allows a banal dump of DNS cache, which is carried out like this:

  1. Run the "Command Line" on behalf of the administrator, for example, finding the application through the "Start".
  2. Running the command line to correct the 0x8007232B problem when you activate Windows 10

  3. Type iPconfig / Flushdns and click on ENTER.
  4. DNS Kesha Cleaning Command for Correction 0x8007232B when you activate Windows 10

  5. You will be notified of the successful cleaning of the DNS cache. Now you can close the console and go further.
  6. Successful cleaning of DNS cache when fixing a problem

Restart a computer or network adapter, and after checking if there was a problem with registration of a license key. If not, use the following methods.

Method 3: Using SLUI 3

SLUI is decrypted as Software Licensing User Interface (User Interface Licensing Program). It can be started to further enter the key if the usual version of its check causes an error with the 0x8007232B code, and you can do it through the "command line" by entering SLUI 3 there.

Launch licensing tool to solve 0x8007232B error when you activate Windows 10

After the screen, a familiar form will appear on the screen where you enter the existing activation key and click "Next". Wait a few minutes while automatically reading data will occur, and then information will appear on the screen whether the OS has been activated.

Using licensing tool for solving 0x8007232B when you activate Windows 10

Method 4: Using SLMG.VBS

SLMG.VBS is another system script that is an alternative licensing medium. It can be used in those situations where previous methods do not bring due results.

  1. To do this, run the "Command Line" on behalf of the administrator.
  2. Run a command line for alternative activation when solving a 0x8007232B problem when you activate Windows 10

  3. Enter there SLMG.VBS + activation key and press ENTER.
  4. A command for an alternative licensing tool in an error 0x8007232B when you activate Windows 10

  5. A new input line will appear, meaning that the licensing was completed successfully.
  6. Successful execution of an alternative licensing command when solving 0x8007232B when you activate Windows 10

After performing this operation, the computer is rebooted on the computer. If the license is preserved, respectively, the error is successfully solved and the Windows activation can be considered complete.

Method 5: Computer Check for Viruses

Sometimes viruses that have infected with the computer can interfere with the correct functioning of licensing tools, which is why the error under consideration appears today. We advise you to scan the operating system for threats using one of the available methods, which read more in detail.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Checking a computer for viruses when solving a 0x8007232B problem when you activate Windows 10

Method 6: Checking the integrity of system files

The last method of correcting the error with the code 0x8007232B is to check the integrity of the system operating system system files using the funds built into it. This will detect whether the problem really occurs due to failures or lack of specific objects, as well as automatically correct all the problems found. More detailed information on the use of the corresponding utilities you will find below.

Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

Checking system files when solving a 0x8007232B problem when you activate Windows 10

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