How to put emoticons in vkontakte status


How to put emoticons in vkontakte status

Method 1: Smiley Panel on the VK website

The first of the method considered by us voiced in the title articles of the task is very obvious and simple, its implementation is possible after the entry into the social network on its website (versions for PC).

  1. Go to the VKontakte website with any web browser installed on the PC. Log in to the social network and then go to the "My Page" section, for example, from the menu located on the left page of the menu.

    Vkontakte Authorization on the social network site, go to the My Page section

    Method 2: Smiley Code

    The second algorithm for installing smiles into the status of VKontakte is more time-consuming, but it is universal, that is, it can be involved in any access in social network - through the desktop and mobile version of the site, as well as in applications for Android and iOS.

    1. The first thing to do is to add the emoticon to the text status text in question is to find and remember (or copy) the image code of this type. For the social network, these codes exist and distributed in such a format:

      (Digit) _Sifters_;

      VKontakte download emoticon codes to insert into status on social network

      Searching for a suitable emoticon and its code can be done using any online search engine or downloading a DOCX file to the following link containing previews and encoding almost all Emodi available for use in the social network.

      Download emoticon codes for VKontakte

    2. Open Vkontakte by any preferred way, log in and go to your page.
    3. Vkontakte Social Network section My Page

    4. Translate your status to formation mode (edit),

      Vkontakte Transition to the commissioning or editing of your status on social network

      Write text in the input field.

    5. Vkontakte Enter the text of your status before inserting emoticon codes

    6. Set the cursor in the place of the text of the status where the smile should appear, enter from the keyboard or insert from the exchange buffer obtained when the first point of this instruction code is executed.
    7. Vkontakte Insert the emoticon code into the status in the social network

    8. Add a few more smile codes if necessary, click on the "Save" button under the field input field of your status in the social network.
    9. Vkontakte Saving status with emoticons, which are added using codes

    10. In order for the status added graphics objects to be displayed as needed, restart the VK web page.

      Read more: How to update the page VKontakte

    11. VKontakte Restart of the social network web page for displaying emoticons inserted into status code

    12. On this all - now you can estimate the result.
    13. VKontakte the result of adding emoticons to the text of the status of social network

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