Hang games on Windows 10: what to do


Hang games on windows 10 what to do

General recommendations

There are a number of general recommendations for correcting games for freeing games in the Windows 10 operating system, which should be checked first. In most cases, they help to cope with the problem and start a comfortable passage of games. These include such tasks:

  • Comparison of system requirements. Be sure to check immediately, because some modern games simply may not start on the current assembly of the computer, since weakly optimized or not intended to be launched on such a PC.
  • Graphic settings. This item is indirectly associated with the previous one, since even if the system is not able to cope with the maximum settings, nothing prevents them down to lower them. In each game, you can check the graphics settings and decide which of them to reduce to reduce the load on the video card and the processor.
  • Overheating of components. It is known that when you start the game, all components of the computer begin to be loaded almost 100%, and not always built-in cooling copes with such a stream of heat released. As a result, the video card and the processor overheat, the frequencies are automatically reduced, which entails the appearance of the brakes.
  • Action of viruses. Sometimes malicious files that accidentally hit the system affect the overall performance, functioning by the background. With incomprehensible rolling, it is always recommended to check windows for viruses.
  • Outdated drivers. This applies mostly to the video card, because here the software plays a big role. Some games are optimized only under certain versions of drivers due to the use of new technologies.
  • Bad optimization. Not all games are produced fully optimized, which leads to hangs on the computers of target users. Always read reviews and reviews on applications on specialized sites or forums to understand whether she has problems with optimization.

Verification of features to solve problems with free game in Windows 10

It was only a brief summary of the basic actions that should be performed first. You can read more detailed about all these recommendations in a separate article on our website dedicated to their role. There you will find useful instructions and tips that will help implement each of the above items.

Read more: The reasons for which games may freeze

Method 1: Windows 10 Optimization for Game

There are other tips that are associated with the optimization of the operating system for the game. There enters the enable game mode, disabling some system settings and other actions that allow you to unload components or send all their power exclusively to the game. The analysis of this topic in a step-by-step presentation can be found in a separate material on our website by clicking on the link below.

Read more: How to optimize Windows 10 to play

Enabling the game mode to solve problems with free downloads in Windows 10

Method 2: Checking the load of components

Usually, during the game, the processor, the video card and the RAM are loaded at the maximum, and with the usual use of the OS used only a few percent of the entire power. However, anomaly occur when some incomprehensible process without visible causes the causes begins to load the computer components. Then you have to manually deal with this process or other problems, unloading the video card, processor and RAM. Next, read how there are ways to implement the task.

Read more:

How to see the video card workload

View processor load

System Monitoring Programs in Games

Checking the workload of components to solve problems with free game in Windows 10

If it really turned out that some of the components are loaded even at the moment when the game is disabled, you will have to correct this problem available methods, which read below.

Read more:

Optimization of RAM in Windows 10

Ways to combat full processor load in Windows 10

What if the hard drive is constantly loaded at 100%

There is also the reverse side of the medal when the processor or video card does not work at full capacity in games, which causes brakes. Other methods are responsible for correcting such problems, with which we offer to understand separate instructions from our authors.

Read more:

The processor does not work at full capacity

What to do if the video card does not work at full power

Method 3: Creating a paging file

The paging file is a dedicated amount of virtual memory, which discloses certain information to reduce the load on RAM. The method associated with the inclusion and configuration of this tool will suit to those users who have a small amount of RAM in the computer, because of which it lacks for the normal launch of games. At first, you need to determine the optimal size of the paging file, following some rules, and then enable it and configure it. All read about this in the instructions on our site below.

Read more:

Determine the appropriate size of the paging file in Windows 10

Enabling paging file on a computer with Windows 10

Enabling the paging file to solve problems with freeing games in Windows 10

Method 4: Check components for performance

Video card, processor, RAM or any other component has the properties to outdress. The user may not even recognize the signals about the emergence of the device in the form of various failures, including brakes in games. If none of the previous methods helped, we strongly recommend checking all the completion components and the presence of errors. If problems are found, they are better to solve as soon as possible.

Read more:

Check RAM / Processor / Video Card / Power Supply / Hard Drive

Checking the performance of components to solve problems with free game in Windows 10

Method 5: Updating components

The last option of solving the current situation is replacing components or assembly of a gaming computer from scratch. This is the most radical method, switch to which should only be in cases where you want to regularly undergo all the newest games at high settings with an acceptable frame rate per second. You may need to be replaced only by a video card or processor, and in other cases it is not necessary to do without fully updating components, which read more in detail below.

Read more: How to collect a gaming computer

Assembling the game computer to solve problems hanging games in Windows 10

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