How to download songs on a flash drive from the internet


how to download songs on a flash drive from the internet

Swing music on a flash drive

  1. Connect the USB flash drive to the PC and make sure that it is recognized in the "Computer" tool and opens.
  2. Check the performance of the media for downloading music on a USB flash drive

  3. Open your main browser and use the search engine to access sites with music, or immediately go to such if you add it to favorites in advance.
  4. Find music through a browser to download music on a USB flash drive

  5. Actions to download files depend on a particular site, as an example, we will demonstrate work with one fairly popular service. Use the search string: enter the name of the song you want to download, and click "Find".

    Search for tracks on the site to download music to the USB flash drive

    Select the result of interest and click on it.

    Select the tracks found on the site to download music to the USB flash drive

    On the song page, use the "Download" button.

    Load the tracks found on the site to download music to the USB flash drive

    If you need to get tracks from social networks (for example, VKontakte or classmates), refer to the following instructions.

    Read more: How to download music from VKontakte and Odnoklassniki

  6. By default, most web browser downloads files to the "Download" folder, which is in My Documents, so the songs will be needed to move to the USB flash drive. Open the downloads folder and select the files you want to send to the outer medium - for example, by means of a mouse. Next, click on it right-click and select the "Cut" option.
  7. Start moving track to download music on a USB flash drive

  8. Go to the flash drive using the "Explorer", click PCM again and use the "Paste" option.
  9. Finish moving track to download music on a flash drive

    Finish - files will be on the flash drive, and it can be connected, for example, to a car radio or music center.

Solving some problems

Consider also failures that may occur when downloading music on the USB flash drive.

Computer does not recognize the drive

The most common problem, the reasons for which there is a huge amount. We have already considered the methods of eliminating, so refer to the instructions in the article Next.

Read more: What to do if the computer does not see a flash drive

Music downloaded, but the radio (music center, telephone) does not recognize it

Another crash, which concerns not so much flash drive as many music. The fact is that there are quite a lot of music file formats. The most popular and compatible - mp3, in which most tracks are distributed on the Internet. However, on some resources you can find other formats - for example, FLAC, OGG, ALAC, M4A, WMV, and so on. Songs encoded in such formats may not be recognized as audio systems, which is most often the cause of the problem under consideration. The solution is simple - either download the necessary tracks immediately into mp3, or to convert into it already downloaded.

Read more: Conversion in MP3 formats APE, FLAC, M4B, AAC, M4A

The problem may also be in the tags of the composition - some sound-reproducing devices do not support Cyrillic, so it will be necessary to edit the meta-information for any of the appropriate ways.

Read more: How to edit mp3 file tags

Edit Tags to download music on a USB flash drive

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