How to find the program "Find an iPhone"


How to find the program

Important! With iOS output 13 The name of the application "Find iPhone" has changed to the "Locator". Consider this when it is searching on your device.

Option 1: Main screen

Up to iOS 14 All standard and independently installed on iPhone applications were added as a label to one of the screens. The default occurs in the current version of the mobile OS, however, it can be disabled in the settings. To find "Find iPhone" or "Locator", scroll through all the devices screens and check the folders, especially systemic, it will be in one of the specified locations.

Application Search Find iPhone Locator on iPhone Work Screens

Note: If you have an iOS 14 or a more recent version of the operating system, and there is no "Locator" application on them on one of the main screens or folders on them, it is located in the "Application Library". We will tell about it in the third part of the article.

Option 2: Spotlight

Spotlight is essentially a mixture of a launcher with a search. One of the key functions is a quick launch of applications. So, to solve the task voiced in the article title, swipe from the upper limit of the iPhone screen down and, depending on the version of the OS, start typing "Find iPhone" or "Locator". As soon as the corresponding label appears in the extradition, you can run it.

Search Application Find the iPhone Locator using the Spotlight function on the iPhone

Option 3: Application Library

One of the notable IOS 14 innovations was the "application library" - a separate screen (extreme right), on which all components installed on the iPhone are grouped by folders. In one of them (most likely having the name "utilities") and you can find "Locator".

Search Application Find iPhone Locator via IPhone Application Library

It also has the ability to search, which is analogy with Spotlight, but more narrowed.

Search Application Find iPhone Locator via Search in Application Library on iPhone

If you wish, the program shortcut can be displayed on one of the screens, for which it is enough to push it with your finger, pull in the desired direction, and then confirm the addition.

Move the application shortcut Find iPhone locator from the application library to the iPhone main screen

Option 4: Siri

No less simple and quick way to run the program of interest to us in the framework of this article than those considered above is to appeal to the assistant pre-installed on iPhone. It is enough to call it a voice command or by holding the button ("home" or side, depends on the model), and say "Run the locator application" or "run the application to find an iPhone" (based on the differences in the versions of the OS).

Application Call Find iPhone Locator using Siri Assistant on iPhone

Option 5: "Settings"

Like most of the pre-installed applications on the iPhone, the "locator" has a number of parameters inaccessible in its main interface. To see them and, if necessary, can be changed as follows:

  1. Open the "Settings" of Ayos and go to managing your account with EPL IIDI - this is the first partitions in the list.
  2. Open Apple ID parameters in iOS settings on iPhone

  3. Further, if the device installed 13 or 14 version of the mobile OS, open the "Locator" subsection.

    Open Locator application in iOS settings on iPhone

    If the version of the OS 12 and below, first go to "ICloud", and then open "Find iPhone".

  4. You will appear a list of parameters that can be changed. We recommend to activate them all if this has not been done earlier, as well as configure the application itself. Just about this we will tell further.
  5. Available Locator Function Settings in iOS settings on iPhone

    In IOS settings, there is also a search - the corresponding string is called swipe from top to bottom when you are at the beginning of the list of available options. You need to "find iPhone" request to it, regardless of the version of the operating system. In this way, you can open the application itself, and not its parameters.

    Search Application Find iPhone Locator in iOS settings on iPhone

Use and enable / disable function

The main purpose of the program under consideration is to search for devices tied to one Apple ID account, as well as those for which family access is open and configured. About how it is correct to use it and how to configure for the most convenient work, we have previously been told in separate articles.

Read more:

How to enable the "Find iPhone" feature on the iPhone

How to find the iPhone if he was lost

How to configure family access to iPhone

Enabling the function Find iPhone Locator in iOS settings on iPhone

Sometimes there may be different kinds of problems in operation, leading to one disappointing result - the lost device is not displayed on the map. There can be a few reasons for this, and all of them, as well as solutions, we also have been considered earlier.

Read more: What to do, if you "find the iPhone" does not find iPhone

Check availability of updates for iMessage function on iPhone

In some cases, it may be necessary to disable the "locator", for example, before selling an iPhone or in order to enter it to another account. Make it will help separate instructions.

Read more: How to disable the "Find iPhone" function on the iPhone

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