How to make in Windows 8.1 immediately loaded the desktop


Loading the desktop in Windows 8.1
One of the most useful innovations personally in Windows 8.1 - automatic loading immediately to the desktop, implemented in the system. Those. Now, in order not to make extra actions (and I work only with desktop applications) I do not need any additional programs and tricks.

UPD 17.10: Windows 8.1 came out, the final version - how to upgrade, download, what's new?

Loading the desktop after switching on or restarting the computer in Windows 8.1

So, in order for the computer to load immediately to the desktop, in the desktop mode, right-click on the free place of taskbar and select the properties context menu item, then:

  • Open the Navigation tab
  • Put the box in the "Initial Screen" section opposite "when you enter the desktop instead of the initial screen."
  • OK

Turning on the desktop boot by passing the initial screen

Turning on the desktop boot by passing the initial screen

That's all, now, when you turn on or restart the computer or laptop next time, you will immediately see the Windows 8.1 Blue Desktop.

My desktop Windows 8.1 Blue

My desktop Windows 8.1 Blue

P.S. Previously, when writing an article about Windows 8, did not know how to name the right panel in them, which is in the English version of Charms Bar, and in Russian usually - the Charms panel. Now I know - in Windows 8.1, it is called a miracle buttons, which is written in the navigation settings window.

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