How to install live wallpapers on iPhone


How to install live wallpapers on iPhone

Note! Installation of live wallpapers is available on the iPhone SE first and second generation, 6S, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, XR, XS, XS MAX, 11 and 11 Pro, as well as on newer models released after Publications of this article. The older devices considered the function is not supported.

Method 1: "Settings" iOS

The simplest method of installing live wallpapers on the iPhone is to access the corresponding section of the system parameters.

  1. Open the "Settings" of iOS and scroll them a bit down to the second block of options.
  2. Open and scroll down iOS settings on iPhone

  3. Go to the "Wallpaper" section.
  4. Open partition wallpapers in iOS settings on iPhone

  5. Tap on "Select new wallpapers".
  6. Select new wallpapers in iOS settings on iPhone

  7. Next, click "Dynamics".
  8. Selecting the dynamics section to set live wallpapers in iOS settings on the iPhone

  9. Select the appropriate image and tap it.
  10. Selecting a suitable image to install live wallpapers in iOS settings on the iPhone

  11. Check out the preview, then use the Set button.
  12. Install live wallpapers in iOS settings on iPhone

  13. In the pop-up window, determine where the image will be installed:
    • Lock screen;
    • Screen "Home";
    • Both screens.
  14. Selection of options for installing live wallpapers in iOS settings on the iPhone

    You can get acquainted with the result by coming out of the IOS settings and / or blocking the phone screen, depending on which options you choose.

    The result of installing live wallpapers in iOS settings on the iPhone

    This approach to the installation of dynamic wallpapers on the iPhone is extremely simple in its implementation, but not devoid of flaws - a set of animated images offered by the system is very limited, depends on the specific model of the device and version of the iOS, and cannot be expanded with standard means.

    Method 2: Appendix "Photo"

    An alternative to the previous method is the use of a standard "Photo" application for iPhone, in which not only pictures and video taken on camera are stored, but also other images, including animated.

    Note! Graphic file that will be installed as living wallpaper should have a format MOV. (It has live-photos created on the basic iPhone chamber if this option has not been turned off manually).

    1. Open the "Photo" program. Find the image in it that you plan to install on the screen and tap it to view.
    2. Click the "Share" button below.
    3. Share the image from the photo gallery on the iPhone

    4. Scroll down the menu and select "Make Wallpapers".
    5. Make wallpaper Image from the photo gallery on the iPhone

    6. Perform the steps from the last step of the previous instruction, that is, specify the screen or screens to which the image will be added.
    7. Install alive wallpaper Image from the photo gallery on the iPhone

    8. You can get acquainted with the result by closing the photo application.
    9. The result of installing live wallpaper from the photo application on the iPhone

      Obviously, this method provides more customization capabilities than the "settings" of iOS discussed above. The only difficulty lies in the need to search for graphic files in a suitable format.

    It is easy to guess that this way can be installed as wallpaper absolutely any compatible image, for example, downloaded from the Internet. If such files are stored in you in iCloud, to move them to the iPhone memory, do the following:

    1. Open the "Files" application and double click on the Overview tab.
    2. Go to the Overview tab in the application files on the iPhone

    3. In the side menu, select "ICLOUD DRIVE".
    4. Go to the ICloud Drive repository in the application files on the iPhone

    5. Lay the folder in which the suitable images are stored, and open it.
    6. Open the folder in the iCloud Drive storage in the application files on the iPhone

    7. Next, tap the picture.

      Image selection in the ICloud Drive storage in the application files on the iPhone

      Please note that if it is in the cloud, the download procedure will first be initiated.

    8. Downloading an image from the ICloud Drive repository in the application files on the iPhone

    9. After the image is open, click the "Share" button located on the bottom panel.
    10. Share the image from the ICloud Drive repository in the application files on the iPhone

    11. In the menu that appears, select "Save Image".
    12. Save the image from the ICloud Drive storage in the application files on the iPhone

    13. Repeat steps No. 1-5 from the previous instruction.
    14. Install alive wallpaper Image from ICLUD DRIVE repository on iPhone

      Note that the files application allows you to work not only with the data in the cloud, but also with those that are stored on the domestic drive of the phone. Plus, other cloud storage facilities can be connected to it, not only icloud. To do this, you need to either set the appropriate settings in its menu, or set the service application on the iPhone, run it and configure, after which it will automatically appear in the file manager.

    Method 3: third-party applications

    In the App Store you can find quite a few applications that provide the ability to install static and dynamic wallpapers, and many of them specialize only on the latter. All of them have not so much differences, and unfortunately, endowed with the same shortcomings - advertising and paid distribution (often, with the presence of a trial version, after which it will have to refuse to use or arrange not the cheapest subscription). But, since almost every similar solution allows you to save animated pictures in the device's memory, we will consider how to use two of them.

    Option 1: Live Wallpaper on iPhone 11

    A popular application for installing wallpapers, first of all, alive, highly appreciated by iPhone users.

    Download Live Wallpaper on iPhone 11 from App Store

    1. Use the link presented above in order to install the application to your iPhone.
    2. Run it and scroll out welcome screens with informational information.

      Scroll welcome screens Live wallpaper on iPhone 11 for iPhone

      Provide the necessary permissions.

      Provide the necessary permissions application live wallpapers for iPhone 11 for iPhone

      Next, or refuse to design a Premium subscription, closing the window, or use the proposed trial version.

    3. Provide the necessary permissions application live wallpapers for iPhone 11 for iPhone

    4. Once on the main screen of the mobile program, call its menu, touching the three horizontal bands located in the lower left corner.
    5. Calling the application menu live wallpaper on iPhone 11 for iPhone

    6. Scroll through the list of available sections and open "Live Wallpapers".
    7. Select the desired section in the application Live Wallpaper on iPhone 11 for iPhone

    8. If you still have not issued a premium, the offer will appear again. We recommend using a trial version, to disable which you can at any time. This will open access to all the features provided by the application, and at the same time will allow you to download the desired number of live images from it.

      Try Premium in Application Live Wallpaper on iPhone 11 for iPhone

      Option 2: Live Wallpaper 4k

      Another highly appreciated by users app for the installation of live wallpaper, which, like the absolute majority of representatives of this segment, is not much different from the above and has characteristic pros and cons.

      Download Live Wallpaper 4K from App Store

      1. Follow the link above and install the program to your iPhone.
      2. Run it and scroll through the introductory screens by clicking "Next".

        First Screen Application Live Wallpaper 4K on iPhone

        Pay attention instructions - besides how to install a dynamic image, a list of models that support this feature is specified. These are all iPhone, starting with the model 6S, but not previous versions - they also designated at the beginning of the article. For some reason, the application does not specify the SE model of the first and second generation, but this function also works on them.

      3. Instructions for using application Live wallpaper 4K on iPhone

      4. Once on the main screen of the application, select the live picture you like, sutting their list in the lower area.
      5. Select Animated Pictures in Application Live Wallpaper 4K on iPhone

      6. Deciding with the choice, tap the download button on the screenshot below.

        Download Animated Pictures in Application Live Wallpaper 4K on iPhone

        In order for this action to be completed, you will need to watch short advertising.

        View Advertising to download Animated Pictures in Application Live Wallpaper 4K on iPhone

        Then provide permission to access photos.

        Allow access to the photo in the application Live Wallpaper 4K on the iPhone

        Once again, read the instructions and list of supported devices, then tap on the "Clear" button.

      7. Re-instructions for using application Live wallpaper 4K on iPhone

      8. To set the live wallpaper on the screen of your iPhone, follow the instructions from the "Method 2:" photo application "of this article.
      9. Make Wallpaper Image from Live Wallpaper 4K on iPhone

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