Setting the search engine in chrome


Setting the search engine in chrome

Option 1: Computer

Setting up the search engine in Google Chrome implies the installation of one of the default services available or adding new, but there are some other parameters.

Change search engine

  1. Call the web browser menu and open it "Settings".
  2. Calling the settings menu in Google Chrome browser on PC

  3. Scroll through this page down to the "Search Engine" block.
  4. Spreading down Google Chrome browser settings on PC

  5. From the drop-down list, located opposite the Search Engine item used in the address bar, select a preferred search engine.
  6. Selecting a search engine in Google Chrome browser on PC

    The changes will immediately enter into force, the saving is not required, the "Settings" tab can be closed.

    Changing the search engine and closing settings in the Google Chrome browser on PC

    Adding a search engine

    By default, five search engines are available in Google Chrome - this is Google, Yandex, Mail.Ru, Bing and Yahoo! If you want to use as a major other than the designated service, you will first add it to add or select from previously visited and saved by the browser.

    Option 2: Smartphone

    In the Google Chrome application for mobile platforms, the search engine configuration is performed even easily than on the PC, however, with some limitations.

    Note: In the browser interface for iOS and Android, there are small differences, however, they do not concern the solution of the task item voiced in the header - the necessary elements of the settings have identical names and location. Further instructions will be shown on the example of the iPhone, but we clarify important moments separately.

    Change search engine

    1. Call the Google Chrome menu, touching three points to the right of the address bar (they are horizontal to the iOS and is at the bottom, on Android - vertical, at the top).
    2. Calling a Google Chrome browser menu on iPhone

    3. Open the "Settings".
    4. Go to the Google Chrome browser settings on the iPhone

    5. Tap on the "Search Engine".
    6. Opening the search engine settings in Google Chrome browser on the iPhone

    7. Choose a preferred service, checking it with a check mark (iPhone)

      Changing the search engine in Google Chrome browser on iPhone

      Or installing the marker opposite it (Android).

    8. Changing the search engine in Google Chrome browser on Android

    9. Exit "Settings" by clicking "Back" twice (Android) or once, additionally tapping "ready" or by performing a swipe down from the upper window of the window (IOS).
    10. Exit the search engine settings in Google Chrome browser on the iPhone

      The default search engine will be changed.

    Adding a search engine

    In the mobile version of Google Chrome, it is not provided for the possibility of adding a third-party search engine through the settings, as is done on the PC. However, this action can be performed on the home page of most popular search services. Consider the overall algorithm on the example of a well-known DuckDuckGo.

    DUCKDUSCKGO home page

    1. In the Google Chrome browser on the smartphone, go to the above link.
    2. Check out the features of the service, clicking on the "Learn more" link, and then click "Install DuckduckGo"

      Description of features and installation of duckduckgo in the Google Chrome browser on the iPhone

      Or immediately use the "Add DuckduckGo to Chrome" button.

    3. Add search service Duckduckgo in Google Chrome browser on iPhone

    4. In both cases, a small instruction will appear, in fact, duplicating what we have been considered in the previous part of the article,

      DUCKDUCKGO service installation instructions in Google Chrome browser on iPhone

      Therefore, just repeat steps No. 1-4.

    5. Installing the DuckDuckGo search service by default on the iPhone

    Delete search engine

    In the future, if the need to delete the search service from the list, depending on the mobile OS used, do the following:

    Important! You can only delete alone added search engines, but not affordable by default.


    1. In the search engine settings, tap on the "Change" inscription, located in the upper right corner.
    2. Change the search engine settings in the Google Chrome browser on the iPhone

    3. Mark more unnecessary service.
    4. Selecting a search engine for deleting in the Google Chrome browser on the iPhone

    5. Select Delete.
    6. Removing an unnecessary search engine in Google Chrome browser on iPhone

      An even easiest way is to be on the right to left on the name and selection of the relevant item.

      The second option to delete the search engine in the Google Chrome browser on the iPhone


    For some incomprehensible reasons, a third-party search engine, added to Google Chrome for Android, cannot be deleted. The only thing that is available is cleaning and resetting it.

    1. Open a list of accessible search engines in a mobile browser and tap the name of which you want to delete.
    2. Selecting a search engine for cleaning data in Google Chrome on Android

    3. Tap the "Clear and Reset" button.
    4. Clear and reset search engine data in Google Chrome browser on Android

    5. Confirm your intentions in the pop-up window by clicking on the appropriate inscription.
    6. Confirm cleaning and reset search engine data in Google Chrome browser on Android

      The search engine will remain in the overall list, but the data collected by it will be removed. If necessary, select any other service.

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