How to change the wallpaper on a laptop with Windows 10


How to change the wallpaper on a laptop with Windows 10

Method 1: Personalization menu

Changing the external design of Windows 10 occurs through the embedded application "Parameters", namely through the "Personalization" section. Here you can not only set the image from the proposed system, but also choose any picture stored on the computer, as well as create a slide show or include a solid color from OS blanks. For non-standard file size, a change change is available (stretch, wind, etc.) - it will help to adjust the picture below the screen size.

Read more: Changing the background through "Personalization" in Windows 10

Go to Personalization section through the context menu in Windows 10

It should be borne in mind that the "Personalization" section is available only to owners of activated windows. If this is not your case, use the recommendations below.

Method 2: Context Menu

When the computer already has the desired image in the desired size that does not need additional settings, it is even easier to make it background. Through the "Explorer", go to the place where the picture is stored, and click on the file with the right mouse button. A context menu is displayed, where among the additional functions, select "Make the desktop background image". After clicking on it, the picture on the desktop will immediately change.

Installing the image in the desktop background through the context menu of the file in Windows 10

Method 3: Internet Explorer

Through the Windows Browser, Windows can also be installed a picture as a background, without even downloading it.

  1. To do this, find a suitable image on any site with wallpaper, making sure that its resolution coincides with the resolution of your screen. It may be higher, but not lower, otherwise the picture will look unclear, because it stretches over its original size.
  2. View Image Size To install the desktop background in Internet Explorer browser

  3. Right-click on the image and select "Make a background pattern".
  4. Context menu item Internet Explorer browser to install the image of the desktop background without downloading

  5. Confirm your action by the "Yes" button.
  6. Confirmation of installation of the image in the desktop background via the Internet Explorer browser

Method 4: program for changing the desktop background

Users wishing not to spend time looking for pictures, can install a program that will do this for them. There are not so many such applications, and the most modern options can be found in the company Microsoft Store. Outdated, although the well-known software type Desktopmania we will not consider, since the set of pictures is of dubious quality. Instead, we will analyze one of the applications available in the store for Windows 10.

Download Desktop Dynamic Wallpapers

  1. Install the application and run it.
  2. Installing Desktop Dynamic Wallpapers via Microsoft Store

  3. On the Home tab, the default is immediately displayed by the latest added wallpapers. List pages with the "Next" and "Prev" buttons, select the image you want to see the background.
  4. Application Interface Desktop Dynamic Wallpapers for Installing Desktop Background

  5. Click on the tile with it and after opening, click "Set As Wallpaper".
  6. Setting the image with desktop background via Desktop Dynamic Wallpapers

  7. Confirm your solution and check whether the background was installed.
  8. Notification on the installation of the desktop background via Desktop Dynamic Wallpapers

  9. For the first time, the application will notify that the dynamic switching of images is now included, and will offer to turn this feature. If you do not want the picture to change the time after time, click "YES", and if it is satisfied with the option of automatic shift, select "NO" - in the second case, the selected background will not be installed.
  10. Notification Disabling Automatic Replace Desktop Backgrounds in Desktop Dynamic Wallpapers

  11. You can also refer to the thematic sections by clicking on "Categories".
  12. Section with categories of desktop backgrounds in Desktop Dynamic Wallpapers

  13. It is selected and installed a picture from categories in exactly the same way.
  14. Category With Desktop Backgrounds in Desktop Dynamic Wallpapers

  15. If you want to configure the automatic image shift, go to "Parameters" and activate the corresponding function there. Additionally, you can set the time through which the background will be replaced by another.
  16. Changing the parameters of dynamic replacement of the desktop background in the Desktop Dynamic Wallpapers application

The remaining functions of the application are paid, but cost inexpensively. You can buy them in the "Add ONS" section.

Analogues of Desktop Dynamic Wallpapers are the following applications from Microsoft Store:

9ZEN Wallpaper Changer

Application Interface 9ZEN Wallpaper Changer for Replacement Desktop Background

Dinamic Wallpaper

Dinamic Wallpaper Application Interface for Desktop Background Shift

Dynamic Theme.

Dynamic Theme Application Interface for Replacement Desktop Background

Backiee - Wallpaper Studio 10

Application Interface Backiee - Wallpaper Studio 10 for changing desktop background

Splash! - Unsplash Wallpaper

Application Interface Splash - Unsplash Wallpaper for replacement desktop background

All these applications are made in the style of Windows 10, as you can notice, so you will not need to understand them - the instruction is almost completely applicable to them. In our opinion, the most interesting thing seems backiee - Wallpaper Studio 10 and Splash! - UNSPLASH WALLPAPER, but you have the right to choose any, because the set of images is different everywhere.

Method 5: Install an animated image

All previous methods allow us to use only static graphics as a background. For video options will have to take advantage of special applications through which their choice and installation will occur. You will find a list of such programs in another our article on the link below.

Read more: Programs for installing live wallpapers in Windows 10

And in a separate material, we looked at work in 3 popular programs that provide animated images. If you wish to familiarize yourself with it and see the principle of operation of such software, go to the following link.

Read more: Installing live wallpapers on Windows 10

Wallpaper installation principle through Wallpaper Engine

We also offer reading the other our leaders who tell about different options for customization of the appearance of the "dozens".

See also:

Changing the color of the taskbar in Windows 10

How to make a beautiful desktop in windows 10

Changing the welcome window in Windows 10

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