How to disable the Internet on android


How to disable the Internet on android

Method 1: "Control Panel"

It's easier and faster to turn off the Internet on a smartphone with Android, both mobile and Wi-Fi, through the control panel (curtain).

  1. Being on any of the Mobile OS screens, make a swipe from the center of the top border down.
  2. Calling Blinds - Control Panels on Smartphone with Android

  3. In order to expand the control panel completely, it may be necessary to pull down the area with icons.

    Deploy control panel on smartphone with android

    Touch the item responsible for the type of Internet you want to disable - Wi-Fi or Mobile.

    Disabling Wi-Fi and Mobile Internet in the Control Panel on the Smartphone with Android

    Note: If some of the icons designated above is missing in the PU, tap the button located in its lower left corner with the image of the pencil, find the desired control and move it to the main area.

    Adding a new control in the control panel on Android

  4. The Internet will be disabled, in which you can make sure not only overlap to be the active button or buttons in the curtain,

    Disable Mobile Internet through Android Control Panel

    But also according to the relevant icons in the status bar or the absence of those.

  5. Disable wireless Internet via Android control panel

    In cases where you want to disable Wi-Fi, and the transfer of cell data, you can simply turn on the "flight mode" as a faster and radical alternative - it is done through the corresponding button in PU.

    Turning on the airline to completely disable the Internet on Android

    To re-connect to a wireless or mobile network, perform similar to the above action, only this time activate the desired buttons.

    Method 2: "Settings"

    Another solution to our task is to appeal to the parameters of the mobile OS android.

    Disable the Internet for individual applications

    It also happens that it is not necessary to disable the Internet for the entire operating system, but for individual applications operating in its environment. In its pure form, the Android allows you to prohibit only the background data transfer, while on the shells of some manufacturers it is possible to more detailed configuration of prohibitions, which allow us to restrict access to the network. However, it is easier and accurate much more efficiently to do with third-party firewall programs available for downloading on Google Play Market. More details on all possible ways to solve this task, we have previously been told in a separate article.

    Read more: How to disable the Internet for Android applications

    Blocking Internet access for application on Xiaomi smartphone with Android OS

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