How to remove advertising from google on android


How to remove advertising from google on android

Option 1: System Settings

Google quite actively advertises and promotes various products. With the constant appearance of advertising calls on the smartphone, many people appear to disable them. Fully get rid of the proposals, unfortunately, it will not work, but using the following instructions, you can maximally reduce their number.

  1. Run Google app on your smartphone. Do not confuse with Google Chrome browser.
  2. Open Google app to remove Google advertising on Android smartphones through the system

  3. Tap to your avatar in the upper right corner of the screen. If there is no one, then you should enter an account.
  4. Tap your avatar in the upper right corner to remove Google advertising on Android smartphones through the system

  5. Go to "Settings".
  6. Go to Settings to remove Google Advertising on Android smartphones through the system

  7. First, you must select the "General" category to disable pop-up recommendations.
  8. Open the Common Google advertising section on Android smartphones through the system

  9. Opposite the string of the same name, move the slider to "off" mode. This will help to hide offers on various applications, programs, sites, etc.
  10. Disable the Recommendations section to remove Google advertising on Android smartphones through the system

  11. To fully get rid of Google advertising, go back to the "Settings" section and select Notifications.
  12. Go to Recommendations to remove Google Advertising on Android smartphones through the system

  13. Opposite the first string of "notifications", turn off the slider. After that, all popups from Google will be hidden.
  14. Disable all notifications near the first line to remove Google advertising on Android smartphones through the system

  15. If necessary, at any time you can enable notifications, returning the slider to "Enabled" mode.
  16. If you wish, you can enable the option re

Option 2: Browser Settings

The pop-up advertising from Google most often analyzes the user's search queries and offers products that may interest. To disable various unwanted banners with advertising calls, it is enough to remove the possibility of pop-up windows.

  1. Run the Google Chrome browser.
  2. Open Google Chrome browser to remove Google advertising on Android smartphones via Google Chrome browser

  3. Tap three points in the upper right corner.
  4. Tap three points in the upper right corner to remove Google advertising on Android smartphones through Google Chrome browser

  5. Go to the "Settings" section.
  6. Go to Settings to remove advertising Google on Android smartphones through Google Chrome browser

  7. Select the Site Settings category.
  8. Select Setup sites to remove Google Advertising on Android smartphones via Google Chrome browser

  9. Click on "pop-up windows and redirection".
  10. Tap pop-ups and redirection to remove Google advertising on Android smartphones through Google Chrome browser

  11. Turn the slider to "Off" mode.
  12. Disable Google Advertising Option on Android smartphones through Google Chrome browser

  13. If you want to turn on the option in the same way.
  14. If necessary, turn on back to remove Google advertising on Android smartphones via Google Chrome browser

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