How to upload contacts from Google in android


How to upload contacts from Google in android

Option 1: Enable synchronization

In order to download contacts from Google account on Android, it is better and easier to use the standard system tool, automatically synchronizing data. Of course, it is relevant only if you are used by the application "Google Contacts", and not some other software with similar capabilities.

Please note that in the second case, synchronization can take longer than when you turn on in the settings alone contacts. Therefore, as an optimal alternative, you can simply turn off and on the synchronization for the software under consideration, thereby updating the information, but leaving other data intact.

Option 2: Export Contact File

If you have a target to download contacts from Google as a separate file containing the necessary information and intended for imports in the future, you can use the corresponding tools of the service under consideration. To do this, the web version and the official client will equally appropriate.


  1. Open the Customer "Contacts" from Google, tap the Main menu icon in the upper left corner and select the "Settings" section.
  2. Go to Settings in Appendix Contacts on Android

  3. Scroll through the represented page and in the Contact Management block, use the "Export Contacts" button. As a result, the File Save tool in VCF format will appear on the screen.

    Contact Export Process in Application Contacts on Android

    Specify any convenient space to save in the device's memory, assign a name without changing the specified format, and click "Save". The destination file can be found in the selected directory and use in applications that support this resolution.

Online service

  1. For exports on the site according to the link below, open the main menu in the upper left corner of the screen and select Export.

    Go to Main Page Google Contacts

  2. Opening of the main menu on Google's website Contacts on Android

  3. Unlike the application, the site allows you to download contacts separately. To do this, tap and hold the desired string in the general list, check the checkbox on the left side for the selection and click on the "..." icon on the top panel to open the menu, again containing the "Export" item.
  4. Ability to export individual contacts on Google's website Contacts on Android

  5. Whatever option you choose, subsequently, the "Export Contacts" popup will appear on the screen. To proceed to save the file, select one of the presented formats depending on your goals and click "Export".
  6. Process of exporting contacts on Google's website Contacts on Android

The site definitely provides much greater variability in terms of formats, however, if you plan to use contacts only in the respective mobile applications, it is worth staying on the choice of "VCARD".

Option 3: Import Contact File

Saved previously or received, for example, from another device, Google contact files can be integrated into the appropriate application. We will consider only one option by, while other similar programs require almost similar actions.

Note: The online service of Google Contacts will be skipped, because it does not provide tools for downloading data on android, except for downloading files.

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