How to insert a picture in the Paint


How to insert a picture in the Paint

Method 1: Copy the image from the Internet

One of the most convenient ways to use the built-in OS functionality - copy images directly from the Internet without downloading a further insert in Paint. This is done just in a few clicks.

  1. Find a web browser needed a picture, and then open it for viewing.
  2. Search for images on the Internet for further insertion into Paint

  3. Click on the image, right-click and select "Copy Image".
  4. Copy images on the Internet for further insertion into Paint

  5. Open the Paint, for example, by finding the application by searching the "Start" menu.
  6. Paint Running to insert pictures from the Internet

  7. Click there "Insert" or use the default keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V.
  8. Button to insert the image from the Internet in Paint

  9. As you can see, the image has been successfully placed in compliance with the original dimensions and is ready for further editing.
  10. Successful insertion of pictures from the Internet in Paint

Method 2: Open the image through Paint

If the image is already downloaded to your computer, open it through Paint is simpler than copy and paste. Of course, you can go to the menu "View" directly in the program, but much easier to do the following:

  1. Locate in "Explorer" and press the required picture on the right mouse button.
  2. Select image to open through the Paint program

  3. In the context menu, move the cursor to the item "Open With" and choose "the Paint".
  4. Open an image using the Paint program

  5. He starts editing, which will already be in the target image.
  6. The successful opening of the image using the Paint program

Method 3: Image Dragging

Another method of inserting pictures - dragging her into Paint. To do this, you must open the graphics editor and a file directory or else drag it to the desktop. To do this, the file itself is clamped the left mouse button and transferred into the program, then immediately you can go to edit it.

Inserting a picture in Paint by dragging it

Method 4: Using the "Paste from"

The Paint is a tool called "Paste from." He lets you insert one image and superimpose one image to another by a second in a local or removable storage folder. Some options, such as the previous one, does not allow for the imposition of, so you have to resort to this method, if necessary.

  1. First open the first image that will be a major, expanding the menu "Insert" and selecting "Paste from."
  2. Using the Paste from in Paint

  3. When you open the "Explorer", find an image and double-click on it paints. In the same way is opened and the second image.
  4. Select an image to use function Insert from in Paint

  5. It was placed on the first and was made available to the displacement and further editing.
  6. Successful use of the Insert in Paint

Method 5: Using Tool "Select"

In Paint present an interesting feature called "Select". It is suitable in cases where you want to insert a part of an image to another in the same graphical editor.

  1. To start any of the previous methods, open the target image and use the "Select", defining necessary.
  2. Using Select to insert the picture into Paint

  3. RMB click on it and select "Copy." Instead, you can use the shortcut key Ctrl + C.
  4. Copying images in Paint to insert it through the Highlight

  5. Click to edit the second image and use "Paste" or Ctrl + V, to put it before the selection.
  6. Inserting a picture by using Paint with Select function

Method 6: Using hotkeys

The latter method can help in different situations, such as when using a text editor. Often there are arranged different pictures, which I would like to move in Paint. To do this, the picture itself can simply highlight and press Ctrl + C.

Copying images using the text editor to paste into Paint

Open Paint and press Ctrl + V, to paste the copied image and just go to interact with them.

Inserting a picture into Paint using the text editor

The same is carried out and after any photo viewer, even a standard that is set by default in the operating system. There will also be enough to press Ctrl + C, to copy the preview image.

Copying images while watching for its insertion in the Paint

Then paste it in Paint by the familiar combination.

Inserting a picture in Paint through the photo viewer

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