How to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop on Windows 10


How to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop on Windows 10

Some obsolete adapters may not have the function of organizing general access to the Internet. Because of this, it will not be possible to carry out its distribution.

Method 1: Mobile hot spot

In Windows 10, there is the possibility of distribution of the Internet through the "Mobile Hot Spot", which cannot be found in the "seven". The user just enable it in the settings, when necessary, changing a couple of values.

  1. Open "Start" and go to "Parameters".
  2. Switch to parameters through the Start menu to turn on Mobile hot spot in Windows 10

  3. Here you need a section "Network and Internet".
  4. Switching to the Network and Internet menu to include mobile hot spot in Windows 10 parameters

  5. Through the left panel, switch to "Mobile hot spot".
  6. Transition to Mobile hot spot section in Windows 10 parameters

  7. At first you can configure some values ​​if you need, specifying the type of network, the joint connection method. For convenience, it is allowed to change the network name and password, set the range most supported by both devices. 2.4 GHz - standard and supported by all devices option, the frequency of 5 GHz is responsible for a more stable and high-speed connection, but not supported by many devices.
  8. Setting up mobile hot spot in Windows 10 parameters

  9. Now it remains to click on the switch to run the speed of hot spot.
  10. Turning on mobile hot spot in Windows 10 parameters

  11. Connect the second device with a distributed network by finding your connection to the available ones.
  12. Connecting to the mobile hot-sate created in Windows 10 from another device

  13. The connected device will be displayed in the list in Windows 10. Thus, you can make up to 8 connections.
  14. Displaying a connected device via mobile hot spot in Windows 10

Solving some problems

  • Network Name when changing, specify English letters. The password must be from 8 characters, not less. Otherwise, you will get an error "Can't configure mobile hot spot."
  • If you are using a mobile connection (USB modem), the connected tariff must support mutual Internet access, otherwise an error with the text will be displayed "To provide sharing connection, you must first add this function to the data transfer tariff plan."
  • Check the list of installed network drivers, including disconnected. Some equipment suppliers, such as D-Link, when connected to a laptop, are additionally installed by the type ANOD Network Security Filter Driver (the name will be different, the keyword "Filter"), which is why the distribution of the Internet fails. Remove it from network connections, even if it is disabled, and repeat the internet distribution procedure. You can get into properties according to the instructions from the method 3 (steps 4-6).
  • View the properties of the Internet connection used to disable the filter blocking virtual network

  • Update, install or reinstall the driver for the network adapter. About how to do it, we were told earlier.

    Read more: Search and installation driver for network card

  • Some antiviruses can also block the distribution of the Internet, especially with built-in firewalls. In this case, you need to reconfigure their work or disconnect for a while.

Method 2: third-party applications

If the user has any error when using the previous method, and it cannot be eliminated, you can resort to the use of various programs that allow you to perform the same action. Most of them are with a very simple interface, thanks to which the user does not need to be able to understand the functionality of the application. We have already done a comparative review of such a software in a separate article on our website.

Read more: Wi-Fi distribution programs from laptop and computer

Using the Switch Virtual Router program for distribution of the Internet with a laptop

In addition, we will find the instructions and on the use of one of the most popular programs of this kind - mypublicwiFi. On her example, newcomers will be able to understand how everything is working like this, since almost everything is about the same even externally.

Read more: How to use MyPublicWiFi Program

Using MyPublicWiFi Program for Internet Distribution with Laptop

If suddenly you encountered problems when using mypublicwiFi, we recommend contacting this material.

Read more: why mypublicwifi does not work

Method 3: Command Line

Immediately, we want to notice the following: on relatively modern equipment, this method does not work, because in Microsoft users of the "dozens" try to translate to modern "mobile hot spot", removing the support of the host network from their network drive. In addition, compared to the rest of the way, this is not at all convenient to use, but it can be useful to those who have an old laptop, there are problems with the way 1 and who does not want to use third-party software. That is, for a small part of users, the organization of a common network through the console is still relevant.

  1. Run the "Command Line" or "Windows PowerShell" with administrator rights. The last application is faster than only by clicking on the PCM on "Starting".
  2. Run PowerShell with administrator rights to create a virtual network in Windows 10

  3. Type there Netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode = Allow SSID = "LUMPICS.RU" KEY = "12345678" Key = "12345678" Keyusage = Persistent, where is an arbitrary network name, 12345678 - password from 8 characters.
  4. Virtual network creation command via PowerShell in Windows 10

  5. After creating the network itself, you need to activate its operation. This uses the Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork command.
  6. Turns on the created virtual network via PowerShell in Windows 10

  7. If you have received a notification "Placed Network Run", then your equipment still supports such an opportunity, and you can distribute the Internet in this way. However, at this stage, the configuration is not completed. Right-click on the network icon on the taskbar and select "Open" network and Internet options "."
  8. Opening the parameters to change the properties of the adapter in Windows 10 for distribution of the Internet

  9. Go to "Setting the Adapter Settings" section.
  10. Switch to the properties of the adapter through parameters for distribution of the Internet in Windows 10

  11. Click PCM on the network you use (usually "Ethernet" if you connect via LAN cable) and go to "Properties".
  12. Switch to the properties of the network adapter to enable support for the virtual network in Windows 10

  13. Move to the "Access" tab, where to check the checkbox next to the "Allow other users to use Internet users to use the Internet connection" and select the network from the list that created. Most likely, it will be called "Connecting on a local network *" Digit "." Save the changes to OK. There is no such selection on this screenshot, because the virtual network has not been created.
  14. Providing shared access to the created virtual network via the command line in Windows 10

  15. Now go back to the console and write there the Netsh WLAN Stop HostedNetwork command to stop the current network. And again, run it already familiar with the Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork team.
  16. Disable and enable the created virtual network to apply PowerShell settings in Windows 10

  17. It remains to try to connect to the created network from another device.

Solving some problems

  • If in step 7 you can't choose the created network, try to remove the installed tick, click "OK", then again go to the same tab and put a checkbox there. Often it helps the operating system to detect the network created through the console. An alternative option is not to switch to the properties of the adapter, but turn it off and turn it on, as well by pressing the PCM on it and selecting the appropriate item.
  • Disable and enable a network adapter to select the created virtual network in Windows 10

  • In the absence of the "Access" tab, make sure the virtual network is created. If there is no "connection on a local network" in the list of adapters, it means that it has not been created, respectively, the "Access" tabs will not be installed, since to configure the connection is not for what. Additionally, check other connections (if any) - on the "Access" tab, there should be no check mark next to the item "Allow other users to use the connection to the Internet of this computer". Some connections via USB modems may also not be such a property, and nothing to do with it.
  • If after entering the Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork command you received an error "failed to start the posted network. A group or resource is not in the right state ... "Most likely, the network adapter of your laptop is new, and in its driver there are no support for creating a virtual network in this way.
    1. Nevertheless, you can check its presence through the "Device Manager" by running it through the right mouse button on the Start menu.
    2. Running device manager to search for a virtual adapter from Microsoft in Windows 10

    3. Through the View menu, activate the display of hidden devices.
    4. Displaying hidden devices in Windows 10 Device Manager to turn on the virtual adapter

    5. Find the "Network Adapters" tab and look there "Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter" or "Virtual Adapter Placed Network (Microsoft)". Click on the right mouse button and select "Enable". After that, once again run the network with the Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork command. When the listed names of the adapter are not, and the driver on Wi-Fi is installed, it remains to conclude that it is impossible to use the method with a command line and take advantage of alternative methods proposed in this article.
    6. Section Network Adapters in Windows 10 Device Manager to turn on the virtual adapter

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