How to reset IDU code on android


how to reset IDU code on android

PIN Lock Screen

From the point of view of the system, the graphic password, digital-screen and digital codes do not differ, so several universal methods are suitable for their discharge, which one of our authors has already considered in detail in a separate material.

Read more: What to do if I forgot the password to Android

Reset PIN SIM Card

If you are interested in resetting Pin SIM cards, then only one option is available - unlocking by means of the so-called PUK code (decoded as Personal Unblocking Key). The procedure is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to find the desired sequence. It is usually written on a plastic card (Cardholder), where your sim card was.

    Be find out the PUK code to reset the PIN code on Android

    If this element is lost, check the documents that came with the card. If you have concluded a contract with the operator, the required code must be in its text.

  2. If it is absent in the papers, there are two options, the first is the entrance to your personal account on the website of the service provider of the cellular network, where the code is specified in mandatory.

    Be find out the PUK code from the personal account of the operator to reset the PIN code on Android

    The second is to appeal to the operator directly. Call a hot support line and report a problem - the representative must help you. You can also use operator applications.

  3. After determining Puk, you need to enter it in the phone. In order for the corresponding field to become available, write the wrong PIN, 3 times - the blocking message will appear, press it "OK".
  4. SIM card lock message to reset the PIN code on Android via PUK code

  5. After the display appears "to continue to enter PUK" or similar in meaning, enter the required numbers.

    Attention! Be extremely attentive and careful - if you enter the wrong code 10 times, the SIM card will be blocked finally!

    Check the information, then click on the confirmation button.

  6. Enter PUK code to reset the PIN code on Android

  7. Ready - your SIM card is unlocked. Enter and confirm the new protective IDU.

Entering a new PIN after reset using PUK on Android

Turning off PIN code

To avoid the emergence of such a situation with a forgotten PIN code, a request for its input can be disabled.

  1. Open the smartphone settings.
  2. Open the phone settings for turning off the PIN code in Android

  3. Go to "Security" - "SIM-Card Lock" (in other firmware based on Android 10 items names may differ).
  4. Go to security settings to disable PIN code in Android

  5. Move the SIM Card Lock switch to the left position - it will be necessary to enter the current PIN.

Remove the SIM card lock to disconnect the PIN code in Android

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