How to print the grid in the Word


How to print the grid in the Word

The ability to print on a standard grid printer with guides to the Word is missing - it is displayed only in the electronic version of the document. You can only get it on paper only if you create an analogue in the form of a table or background image.

Method 1: Creating a Table

You can make the standard grid, if you create a copy of it in the form of a table. Such a method is suitable solely for those cases when it is necessary to print an empty document with a cell, because it will not work out on top of it.

Method 2: Changing the Background Page

A somewhat more complex, but a number of additional opportunities, the solution to our task is to convert the grid of the required type into the image and the subsequent installation of it as a page background.

  1. Go to the "View" tab, activate the display of the grid and adjust its dimensions. Make it will help separate instructions on our website. But, as in "Method 1", the cell size should be set 1 * 1 cm or 0.5 * 0.5 cm.

    Adding a standard grid to Microsoft Word Document

    Read more: How to turn on the grid to the Word

  2. Expand the program window to the entire screen, if this has not been done earlier, set the scale of the page 100% and make it a screenshot.

    Changing the scale of the page 100% in Microsoft Word

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