Manage android with PC via USB


Manage Android devices from a computer via USB

Preparatory stage

Solutions of the task in question assume to connect the device to a computer, which, in turn, requires the execution of several preparatory steps.
  1. The first thing to do is to install on the target PC or the driver laptop for your phone or tablet. The features of this procedure are considered in the article on the link below.

    Read more: Installing drivers for Android devices

  2. The second required step is to enable USB debugging, since it is it used to control the device. One of our authors considered in detail all the features of the procedure, therefore, so as not to repeat, simply give a reference to the corresponding material.

    Read more: Enable USB debugging in Android

  3. Some of the following proposed programs needed Android Debug Bridge. Loading the latest version of this software and the nuances of its installation are described in the Guide further.

  4. Now you can go directly to the review of the control methods of the connected device.


The first software that provides the ability to solve the problem under consideration is called APOWER MIRROR.

Download APOWER MIRROR from the official site

  1. Download and install the application client to the target computer.
  2. Connect the smartphone and PC USB cable, then run the program. In the first information window, click "Continue Trial".
  3. Free option for managing Android from a computer using the APOWER MIRROR program

  4. When a message about actions with a mobile device appears in Aquer Mirror, go to it - a companion program will be opened there, click on "Continue" in it and issue all required permissions.
  5. Setting up a mobile client to control Android from a computer using the APOWER MIRROR program

  6. After a few seconds, the gadget display will be available in the desktop client, the touch control in it is implemented by means of a mouse. With this interface, you can perform almost all the basic operations: corresponding in messengers, view files, use the Internet and even play games.
  7. Installing the Connection To control Android from a computer using the APOWER MIRROR program

  8. On the panel to the right of the frame there are buttons of additional features, for example, you can turn on a full-screen display, activate the keyboard mode for games and even run the access point. Alas, but all functions, except the last, become accessible only after purchasing a subscription.
  9. General settings for Android control from a computer using the APOWER MIRROR program

    APOWER MIRROR is a simple and convenient solution, but multiple trial restrictions can push some users.

Method 2: VYSOR

A good alternative to the previous solution will be an application called VYSOR, which offers simple in the development of the Android device management tools.

Download VYSOR from the official site

  1. Download and install a desktop client.
  2. Connect the PC or laptop with the phone, then run the visor. Wait a few seconds until the device decreases in the program, then use the "View" button opposite it.
  3. Open Android control from a computer using the VYSOR program

  4. A window will open in which the screen of your phone will be duplicated. As in the case of APOWER MIRROR, management is implemented via a mouse.
  5. View Android control from a computer using the VYSOR program

  6. From additional options available display in full screen mode (requires payment), as well as the quality setting of the transmitted image. No advanced interaction features with a VYSOR computer does not provide in a paid, nor in the free embodiment.

Software settings for Android management from a computer using the VYSOR program

The free version of this program restrictions is less than that of APOWER MIRROR, so it is better suited for everyday use in simple tasks.

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