How to reboot android without a button


how to reboot android without a button

Method 1: Dedicated reset button

On some devices (in particular, Sony 2015-2016 smartphones) there is a dedicated reset button. It is possible to use it as follows:
  1. Look a hole on the device housing, next to which "Reset" should be. If there is no one, but at the same time the rear cover is removable, gently decline it and look for the desired item there - usually it is located next to the battery compartment.
  2. Take a thin subject (stationery clip, key to open a SIM tray or sewing needle) and carefully press the button recessed into the hole.
  3. A telephone reboot should occur.
  4. This method cannot be called universal, but it is the most convenient and effective of all presented.

Method 2: third-party

If the target phone is either the tablet does not depend on and works, the best method will be involved in one of the third-party programs for rebooting, which can be installed from Google Play Market.

Reboot utility (root)

Rotated devices allow you to do without system tools for restarting - suitable and the corresponding third-party decision. For example, we use the reboot application.

Download Reboot from Google Play Market

  1. Run the program and issue root rights.
  2. Suppose superuser rights to restart Android without a button using third-party

  3. Tap "Restart".
  4. Select a restart to restart Android without a button using third-party

  5. Click "Yes, reboot now."
  6. Confirm restart to restart Android without a button using third-party

    The device will be restarted.

Power button reassignment

For devices with a non-working lock button, you can set a program that will allow you to "hang" the functions of this item to any other - for example, the volume control. To this end, the application under the name "Power Button to Volume Button" will cope.

Download Power Button to Volume Button from Google Play Market

  1. Open the utility and first mark the option "BOOT".
  2. Turn on auto start to restart Android without a button using the power button reassign

  3. Next, tap on the ENABLE / DISAME POWER element.
  4. Activate the function to restart Android without a button with the reassignment of the power button

  5. When the icon next to this point is highlighted with violet, it means that the tool works - now the "Volume Up" button replaces the power button. To restart the device, it is enough to press and hold the newly appointed element - a menu will appear with a restart point.
  6. Reboot Android without a button by reassigning the power button

    Sample software is not as effective, but it is capable of helping in situations where other methods do not work.

Method 3: Restarting the dependent device

The task is significantly complicated if the target device is dependent and does not respond to the user actions. In such a situation, try to perform the following:

  1. Wait until the smartphone is spent the battery charge and independently disconnect or disconnect the battery if it is provided by the design.
  2. Connect the device off to the power supply. After the charging indication appears, press the "Up" volume button if it does not help - "down".
  3. The recovery menu should appear. In case of a duke, select the volume keys item "Reboot System Now", confirm this and wait about 30 seconds.

    Option of rebooting Android without a button with the help of stock recovery

    In third partner, the TWRP recovery is enough to tap on the "Reboot" button and confirm your actions.

  4. Options for rebooting Android without buttons using the recovery TWRP

  5. Wait until the device boots.

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