How to disable the developer mode on android


how to disable android developer mode

Temporary disconnection

It is usually not necessary to fully remove the developer mode, it is enough just to turn off all the options for this type of OS operation. On the tenth Android, the operation is as follows:

  1. Open the "Settings" and go to the "System" section.
  2. Open system settings to disable the developer mode on Android

  3. Click "Advanced" and go to the "For Developers".
  4. Start the desired mode to disable the developer mode on Android

  5. At the very top of the list of parameters, the switch "Included" must be switched on it.
  6. Switch to disable the developer mode on Android

  7. The switch will become gray, the name will be changed to "disabled", and the entire list of options will be hidden - this means that you turned off the developer mode.
  8. This method, in fact, allows only to disable all the corresponding settings, whereas directly the mode item itself remains available.

Full removal

If you need to remove the mode from system settings, the algorithm is as follows:

  1. Open the "Settings" - "Applications and Notifications" - "Show all applications".
  2. Application settings for full disabling developer mode on Android

  3. Find the "Settings" position in the list (it may also be called "Settings", "Parameters" and similar in meaning) and go to it.
  4. Go to the settings to complete the developer mode on Android

  5. On the component page, tap on the "Storage and Cash" item.
  6. Open storage and cache settings for full disabling developer mode on Android

  7. Select the "Clear Storage" option.

    Clearing Storage Settings for Full Development Mode on Android

    Confirm the operation.

  8. Confirm the cleaning of the storage of the settings for the full disabling the developer mode on Android

  9. After deleting data, the settings application will restart - re-open it and check the performance - the position "for developers" should be the abyss from the list.

Checking the full trip of the developer mode on Android

Solving some problems

Sometimes the manipulation described above is either not obtained, or they lead to additional failures. Consider the most common of them.

Unavailable Data Reset Data Settings

Some firmware (in particular, Samsung) do not allow you to delete the "settings" data. The only solution to such a situation will be resetting the system to factory settings with pre-backup of all important files.

Read more:

How to make backup android devices before firmware

How to reset samsung to factory settings

The mode is removed from the "settings", but its options still work

Pretty rare, but one of the most unpleasant failures. You can cope with it as follows:

  1. We will have to re-activate Developer Mode - if you forgot how this is done, you have an article further.

    Read more: Enable Developer Mode in Android

  2. Sequentially go to the items leading to the "For Developers" option and activate the required mode.
  3. Reactivate the mode to solve problems with disabling the developer mode on Android

  4. Scroll the list of parameters and disconnect all that differ from the factory values. In some vendor modifications, the option of resetting all time may be present.
  5. Perform actions on the full disabling of the developer's mode - this time everything should work out.

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