The windows are open in a new window: what to do


Windows open in a new window what to do

Method 1: Change the "Explorer" settings

Often, only the operating system settings are to blame for the situation, namely the built-in "conductor".

  1. To go to the desired settings, open any folder through the "Explorer", click on the View tab and run "Parameters" through it.
  2. Opening Windows Explorer Settings through parameters

  3. In the first block, install the marker opposite the "Open folders in the same window" item and save the action by the "OK" button.
  4. Enabling folders opening in the same window through Windows Settings

Method 2: Registration DLL

The previous way does not always help: some settings are simply not used, and someone has "flies" when the computer is rebooted. Perhaps the fault of this problem with the registration of a DLL file, which is responsible for the operation of this function. You can re-log in as follows:

  1. Open the root disk folder to which the operating system is installed. You can switch through the "Computer" folder ("My Computer" folder) or the side menu.
  2. Go to the local disk with via conductor to search for IEPROXY.DLL file

  3. In the search bar, write "IeProxy" and click on the arrow to the right of the input field. There will be a search throughout the "local disk (C :)", where, from the list of results, select any "IeProxy.dll" In addition, which is stored in "System32" (it should not be kept there, but just in case they warn it).
  4. File search To copy IeProxy.dll to the System32 folder to restore the conductor

  5. Copy it by highlighting and pressing the Ctrl + C key, or call the context menu by the right mouse button and select the "Copy" item.
  6. Selecting a file for copying IeProxy.dll to the System32 folder to restore the conductor

  7. Go along the path C: \ Windows \ System32 and insert the Copied file to the CTRL + V keys either through the context menu.
  8. Copy IeProxy.dll file in the System32 folder to restore the conductor

  9. If you need to receive rights to perform an action, click "Continue".
  10. Confirmation of the iEProxy.dll file copy to the System32 folder to restore the conductor

  11. Now register a copied file. To do this, open the "Command Line", better with administrator rights, finding this application through the "Start".
  12. Run a command line with administrator rights to register an ieproxy.dll file

  13. Dial the REGSVR32 IEPROXY.DLL command and press ENTER.
  14. Register the IEProxy.dll file via the command line to restore the conductor

  15. A window should be displayed with the "Successful DillRegisterver Execution in IEProxy.dll" notification.
  16. Successful registration of IEPROXY.DLL file via the command line to restore the conductor

  17. Restart the computer and check how the folder opening works now. If necessary, once again fulfill the method 1.

If you did not find IeProxy.dll on your computer, refer to the method 4 or ask your friends with the same version and the discharge of Windows that you have to give you this file.

Method 3: Internet Explorer Restore

The problem under consideration for some occurs along with the Internet Explorer browser. Since this web browser is closely integrated with Windows, after it is uninstallation or damage, problems with the efficiency of some system components are completely possible.

If you downloaded the Windows assembly with remote Internet Explorer, the instruction will further be useless. It is recommended to choose an assembly without such interventions in the OS.

You can return the normal performance of the "Explorer" by restoring the remote Internet Explorer. Probably, you can help the method 1 or method 2 from the article on the link below.

Read more: Reinstalling Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer Restores in Windows to troubleshoot

Restore it can help the methods described in the following way.

Method 4: Windows Recovery

Perhaps the problems with the operating system do not allow you to restore the performance of the folder opening function. If you can not restore IE or it was not deleted at all, try to roll back Windows to the day when everything worked without problems. About how it can be done, we told in other articles.

Read more: Rollback to Windows 10 / Windows recovery point 7

Using Windows rollback to recovery point to restore the conductor

It will not be superfluous and scan the system for the presence of internal errors using a special command (or commands).

Read more: Using and restoring the integrity of system files in Windows

Startup command tools for restoring the integrity of system files in the command prompt

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