How to connect DualShock 4 to Android


How to connect DualShock 4 to Android

Method 1: Bluetooth

Bluetooth technology is in all modern devices with Android, so the wireless method of connecting the gamepad is considered the most common.

  1. We enter the Bluetooth settings on the smartphone. To do this, swipes on the top of the screen open the shortcut panel.

    Opening of the Quick Access Panel on Android

    We find the appropriate icon, hold it until the screen opens with the parameters, and turn on the function if it is disabled.

  2. Enabling Bluetooth technology on Android

  3. Now you need to link the mobile device and the controller from PS4. To do this, on the smartphone tapass "Search".

    Search for Bluetooth devices on Android

    And on DualShock 4, you clap the "Share" and "PS" button simultaneously.

  4. Activation of the pairing function on DualShock 4

  5. When the gamepad appears in the "Available Devices" block, tadam on it and confirm the conjugation.

    Confirmation of DualShock 4 Conjugation with Android

    The controller must appear in the "Connected Devices" block. Now it can be used.

  6. Connect DualShock 4 to Android

After connecting the wireless gamepad, it can work with a strong delay. More often, it happens on devices with earlier versions of Android. Users on profile forums offer to solve this problem using the Bluetooth Auto Connect application program.

Download Bluetooth Auto Connect from Google Play Market

  1. Download the application and launch it. Open the section "Profiles" and select "Media Audio (A2DP)".
  2. Profile selection in Bluetooth Auto Connect

  3. We go into the section "Devices", we find a wireless controller and taping on it.

    Selecting a device in Bluetooth Auto Connect

    In the list, choose the same profile - "Media Audio (A2DP)".

  4. Selecting the device profile in Bluetooth Auto Connect

  5. Returning to the main menu, scroll down the screen down to the "Advanced" block and select "Advanced Settings".
  6. Login to Advanced Settings Bluetooth Auto Connect

  7. On the next screen, the "Continuous Connection" clause is taped, set the parameter "2" and save changes. Now we completely close the application, turn off the Bluetooth on your smartphone and gamepad. Then I start the application again, turn on the bluetooth on the Android device and the controller. Sometimes it helps to reduce the response time when you press the keys.
  8. Changing the parameter in Bluetooth Auto Connect

It happens that Sony PlayStation 4 cannot detect the controller after wirelessly connect it to the android device. On the official website of the company in this case, it is recommended to first connect the gamepad to the console using the cable, and then press the PS button on it. When the pairing is established, the cable can be turned off.

See also: Connect DualShock 4 to computer on Windows 10

Method 2: OTG

ON-THE-GO technology is designed to connect to mobile devices of peripheral equipment and other gadgets. To the wired controller of the tutor 4 worked, you will need an OTG cable (adapter) and a smartphone or a tablet that supports this technology. As a rule, it is enough to simply connect the cable and the smartphone will automatically determine the manipulator.

Connect DualShock 4 to Android using OTG technology

OTG technology can be obtained from the technical characteristics of a mobile device or using a special software. This is written in more detail in a separate article.

Read more: OTG Support Check on Android

Support Support Device with Android Technology OTG

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