How to track your baby phone on android


how to track your baby phone on android

The most convenient option for solving the task is the proprietary application from Google called Family Link, through which parental control is carried out.

Download Family Link for parents from Google Play Market

Download Family Link For Google Play Market Baby

  1. For the full functioning of Family Link, you will need to configure, as well as make a special children's account. Both procedures have already considered one of our authors, so use the reference manuals below.

    Read more:

    Creating Google Account for Child

    Enable parental control on the Android platform

  2. After making all the changes, open the parent version of the application, scroll through the parameters available in the menu to the "Location" point and tap it to "configure".
  3. Start setting for tracking location for a child on Android using Google Family Link

  4. Here, click "Enable", then "OK".
  5. Complete the setting for tracking a location for a child on Android using Google Family Link

  6. Now the "Location Update" will appear in the card - wait until the geodatabs from the device will be transferred to yours.
  7. Location update for baby on Android using Google Family Link

  8. After connecting, the current location of the associated device will be displayed in the block.

    Location display for baby on Android using Google Family Link

    You can update information by pressing the corresponding button.

  9. Update data to determine the location for the Android child using Google Family Link

    Both applications are completely free, however, to use the service and parent, and children's devices should work running Android 7.1 or newer.

Method 2: Norton Family

A third alternative to the above-mentioned solution is the Norton Family program from the developers of popular desktop and mobile antiviruses.

Download Norton Family from Google Play Market

  1. Install the application on both devices. For work Norton Family requires to start a record - do it and immediately log in.
  2. Creating an account for tracking location for a child on Android with Norton Family

  3. It will take to create a children's device profile: enter its name and set the level of restrictions according to age.

    Profile name and restrictions for tracking location for a child on Android with Norton Family

    Here, specify the type of device that is used by the child, in our case it will be a "smartphone Il Tablet based on Android", then click "Next".

  4. Profile Device for location tracking for a child on Android with Norton Family

  5. To continue and go to the children's device. Tap the "Child's Device" item, then the account that created in step 3, set the name of the smartphone or tablet and click Finish.
  6. Create a profile to track a location for a child on Android with Norton Family

  7. Give out the program all the permissions that it will require, and tap "Continue".
  8. Establish permissions to track location for a child on Android using Norton Family

  9. Now you can use the tracking function on the parent gadget. By default, it is disabled - in order to activate it, tap on the profile created earlier.

    Choose a device child to track location for a child on Android using Norton Family

    Click the "Rules" tab, where use the option "Track location".

    Open Location Tracking Terms for Android Boy With Norton Family

    Refer to the drop-down menu in which install "ON", after which you confirm the desire by pressing OK.

  10. Enable location tracking for a baby on Android using Norton Family

  11. Now go to the Actions tab, where the "Location" option is tap.

    Transition to location tracking options for a child on Android with Norton Family

    Wait until the program contacts the children's device and will show the required information.

The location tracking process for a child on Android with Norton Family

Other parental control applications are functioning according to a similar principle.

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